62 - Night under the stars

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(Elissa's PoV)

Earlier today I was sent a box containing a slinky silver dress, along with a note saying:

My sweet rose,

You will look enchanting in this gown tonight.



The sounds of the front door shutting and gravel crunching underfoot reaches me. Father is off to dinner without me. Sorry Morph, not going to happen.

I feel a bit bad that I feigned illness, although to be fair I do feel sick with guilt about my pending departure. Darish left two days ago and I'm supposed to leave tomorrow night. Rationally I know that I can't stay here, but I'm not sure if I can broach the subject with my father.

With a sigh, I wander over to my wardrobe and without much enthusiasm, pick out some clothes to take with me.  That unattractive brown riding dress gets added to the pile. I smile, thinking of Tabbi's face when I bought it. That was a fun shopping trip. My heart stutters, I really miss her and I am reminded of my final night with Aren. I can't believe I'm leaving again.

I pull out my old rucksack from its hiding place at the back of a drawer and stroke the material. It has seen better days, but it is one of the few things from my old world and it has travelled all around Elysium with me.

Just as I finish packing, there is a knock at my bedroom door. Father said that no one would disturb me unless it was an emergency. Shoving the bag under the bed, I open the door to find one of the royal messengers in the hallway. There is no sign of Alex.

He bows low. "Your Highness, it is imperative that you come immediately."

"Is it my father?"

"Please, you must make haste. He needs you now." The urgency in his voice has me grasping for my cloak.

Outside, the messenger holds up a lantern to light the way and walks briskly, his boots clicking on the stone paving slabs as we weave through the dark grounds. I have to scurry to keep up. We are not headed towards the palace, so a thread of fear runs through me that my father could be seriously ill, possibly in the infirmary.

The messenger stops at the doorway to a squat building with a huge domed roof. I slow my steps and approach with caution, for it does not look like the kind of place my father would be. My instincts scream that something is seriously amiss when I step inside to find a dimly-lit and eerily quiet lobby. Candles flicker from the steps of a wide spiral staircase to my right. 

When I make no attempt to move, the messenger urges me, "Your Highness. He is awaiting you upstairs."

"My father is here?" I still find it hard to believe.

He points to the door at the top of the stairs and pleads, "Please, your Highness. There is little time."

There are beads of sweat on his forehead and he makes it seem like this is a matter of life and death. Despite having serious reservations, I climb the stairs. If father really does need me I would feel awful if I just walked away.

I open the door into pitch darkness and snag a candle from the top step. The room must be massive, for the candlelight does not penetrate its shadowy edges and my footsteps echo.

"Father, are you there?" I strain my ears but only silence answers me.

The door slams shut, making me jump and blowing out the candle. I am assailed by a slightly acrid scent of smoke. Spinning around, I walk back towards the doorway and collide with a solid body.

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