67 - Sensibility

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(Elissa's PoV)

Outside, when they were half-bathed in shadows, the three Dragonites look intimidating enough, but in the well-lit inn they are positively terrifying. Not that I will give them the satisfaction of knowing how unsettled they make me.

I wouldn't be surprised if their leader, Mr Grumpy, wasn't half giant. Not that his identical twin henchmen are much shorter. If you are into tall, dark and brooding then I guess that you might find them handsome.

Ignoring the sullen warriors, I throw my arms around Darish. Now that it has come to it, I really don't want to leave him. "Thank you, Darish. You have been such a good teacher and friend to me. I-I wish that we did not have to say goodbye."

Darish kisses my forehead. "I wish that I could accompany you. However, I believe that our paths will cross again."

I quickly brush away a few stray tears, not wanting anyone to see me upset and then with my head held high, I walk out into the night, towards the unknown.

Taking care, I climb up onto the huge dragon and Kai makes a discontented sound under his breath. Seriously, what is his problem? If anyone should be upset, it's me!

The power in the behemoth is undeniable as we launch up towards the star-studded sky. I lie against the dragon's warm, scaly neck and sing softly to soothe myself. He vibrates beneath me, just like he is purring.

"Do you have to make that noise?" Kai grumbles.

I push myself up on my elbow and turn my head to look at him. "You do not care for my singing?"

"I prefer silence." His stance is rigid, as if prepared for battle.

"Perhaps you could move further away," I suggest peevishly.

"I want to keep an eye on you."

I throw my arms up in exasperation and in a voice laced with incredulity, ask, "What do you expect me to do? Jump?"

He just glowers in response. Turning my back on him, I try to ignore the brooding hulk of man. Some hero! Thanks a bunch, Cosmos.


I awake with a start. One side of my face is warm, while the other is chilled with a cool breeze. It takes a moment to remember where I am. Oh yes! On a dragon, lucky me. And my companion, or should that be captor, is a massive warrior with an ego to match.

Opening my eyes, I find to my mortification that my pillow is said warrior's thigh. I scrabble away. "I am really sorry... Er ... Did you get any rest?"

"A little, though it is distracting having your face in my lap," he responds with a sneer.

Any further apology dies on my lips. Practically bristling with indignation, I once again turn my back on him and stare steadfastly ahead. My discomfort is added to by a rather insistent bladder, which soon commands all my attention.

It is an enormous relief when the dragon lazily spirals down and lands by a small stream. Mr Grumpy jumps down. However, I make the mistake of standing up and realise just how high up I am. Woah! This dragon is so much bigger than Roth.

"Hurry up!" he calls up, irritation evident in his voice. "We will not stop long, for I want to make it to my homeland before nightfall."

Sitting on the edge of the dragon's shoulder, I start to slither my way down. Admittedly, not my most glorious descent. Mr Grumpy jumps up in the air, surprisingly agile for such a huge figure, grabs one of my ankles and yanks, sliding me down all seven plus feet of his body.

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