51 - Sleep, perchance to dream

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(Elissa's PoV)

It is a great relief to escape from dinner at the high table and cross the threshold back into Aldebaran's home.

Darish greets us in the hallway. "How was dinner?"

"I survived," I respond drolly.

Aldebaran ignores my remark. "Queen Celestia has officially recognised Elissa as my daughter. She is safe from Regulus."

Yeah, what about being safe from the rest of the sharks here?  Aloud I'm more contrite. "Aldebaran, I'm sorry if I do not seem grateful. I am, it's just that Alfheimr is so very different from Arcadia."

Aldebaran gives me a fatherly smile, sending a warm tingle through me, and confesses, "I admit that I prefer not to involve myself with elven politics. That is why I have my own private abode away from the main palace. Perhaps tomorrow night we may dine quietly here."

I nod, a lump forming in my throat at the thought of Arcadia and in particular the love that I left behind.

Intuitively, Aldebaran asks, "Were you fond of the young prince?"

Again, I resort to nodding, unable to speak.

He leans forward and takes a deep breath before speaking. "I was unable to be seen openly with the one I loved, so courted her in secret. One way I was able to see her, even though miles lay between us, was by dream-walking."

At my crinkled brow, he goes onto explain how you can travel into another person's dream. Eager to try it, I bid him goodnight and rush upstairs and get ready for bed.

However, those inverted days and nights spent travelling, leave sleep beyond my reach and I lie there, wide awake. Clutching Aren's shirt to me, I whisper over and over again, "Please let this work, please let this work."

I awake with a jolt, standing in a darkened room and having no recollection of getting out of bed. I call for the lights and their soft glow reveal that I'm by the doorway of Aren's bed chamber. I can just make out his bed, although it appears hazy.

Impatient, I start to run, but am forced to slow because the floor undulates beneath my feet like a bouncy castle. Finally, I make it over to his bedside and steady myself, breathing deeply, waiting for the nausea to pass.

Aren is sleeping peacefully. It is painful, yet heartening to see him. I'm not sure that he has shaved since I left. "See me, Aren. Please see me."

His eyelids flutter and brilliant blue eyes stare up at me, widening in shock. "Elissa! I thought you were in Alfheimr. How did you get here?" he asks, sitting bolt upright.

"This is a dream," I respond, wishing with all my heart that I was really with him.

He stretches out his hand and gently touches my face. "It feels real."

The contact feels so good that I lean into his hand.

"Why did you not trust me ... us to protect you?" Aren's voice cracks slightly.

"I am so sorry Aren. I never wanted to hurt you. I was in an impossible situation."

I try to remain strong, however, tears stream unbidden down my cheeks. He pulls me against his chest and holds me tight. Burying his head against my neck, he murmurs against my skin. "I feel complete again."

Those warm lips meet mine, tender then hungry, our connection consuming.

Aren pulls back. His face appears pained. "We need to be together. I want to come to you."

The thought of him running the gauntlet of Lord Nero has me rigid with fear. "No Aren, you can't! It's too dangerous."

"Can not!" Aren growls out angrily. "It is alright for you to travel unprotected and yet not for me."

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