Bakugou Katsuki-Sick

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Cursing up ahead

     "ACHOO!" (F/n) sneezed violently into a tissue while sitting up in bed. "Dude that's gross, you're gross," she said to herself as she dramatically fell back on her bed. There was no way she could go to school feeling like this, but she'd be damned if she wasn't still was going to try.  (F/n) flung her covers off her warm body and sat on the edge of her bed. Slowly, not wanting to make her headache even worse, she stood up. "Get rekt fucking germs," she yelled in a hoarse voice with triumph," it's gonna take a lot more of you to make me miss scho--" her monologue was cut-off by an urge to throw up. (F/n) sprinted to the bathroom with the best of her current abilities and made it to the toilet just in time. Her chest heaved and she let loose. "(F/n)?" Her mom called from downstairs. Footsteps were heard as (f/n)'s mom walked up the stairs and saw the state her daughter was in. "You're not going to school," she deadpanned. (F/n) responded with a thumbs-up, face still in the toilet.

     Since, (f/n)'s mom couldn't call off work and by the time she threw up her dad was already out the door, (f/n) was left to her own devices. She picked up her phone and sent her boyfriend Bakugou a text. 
To: The Real "Extra"
From: Babe
Hey I feel like actual garbage
can you pick up the homework for
me please?

To: Babe
From: The Real "Extra"
Shit that sucks
Yeah I'll get it for you

To: The Real "Extra"
From: Babe
Wait since I'm sick could
You also bring me a new
hoodie of yours?

To Babe:
From: The Real "Extra"

To: The Real "Extra"
Because i don't want you
getting sick but still
want you close to me

To: Babe
From: The Real "Extra"
     (F/n)'s ears grew hot as she sent that, but little did she know so did Bakugou's.

     Keeping his word, Bakugou brought (f/n) that day's assignment and a hoodie and came over to her house. "Hey (f/n), I brought some soup for you," he yelled upstairs, placing the grocery bags on the counter. In response, he just heard a meek groan coming from (f/n)'s room. Bakugou went upstairs and brought some medicine and his hoodie to his girlfriend's room.

      A soft knock was heard at the door and (f/n) croaked out a "come in." Quietly, Bakugou entered and held up the medicine. "Nooooo," (f/n) complained before being interrupted by a cough. Bakugou raised his eyebrows and clicked his tongue,"You need to take it nerd."
     "Can I do it later?" (F/n) asked with a hopeful note.
     "Fine." Bakugou compromised, shoving his hands  in his pockets,"I'll heat up some soup, but you have to take the medicine while you eat." He walked out the room, not giving (f/n) the chance to argue.
     "Also here's this," he said throwing his hoodie at her.
    "Thank you~" she cooed at she took off her shirt and put on Bakugou's hoodie.
    "Tch, whatever."
     The sound of dishware was heard coming from the kitchen followed by a microwave beeping. Bakugou came into (f/n)'s bedroom once again with soup, water, and medicine on a tray. (F/n) sat up so she could eat and chat with Bakugou. He told her about his day and what the class did and (f/n) nodded along, not saying much except for a funny interjection here and there since it was starting to hurt to talk.

     After (f/n) took the medicine, Bakugou was about to stand up and leave when (f/n) had grabbed his hand"Katsukiiii cuddle with meeeee," she said. He "scoffed" and said,"Scooch," gesturing for her to move over.  "I thought the whole point of the hoodie thing was cause you didn't want to get me sick," Bakugou teased, as he wrapped his arms around
    "Well I mean I still don't want to get you sick, but like I'm not gonna pass up an opportunity to have another sweatshirt."


     "Do you want something to drink?" (F/n) asked trying to get up," I can make you tea or
something." Bakugou gently pushed her back down,"For fuck's sake (f/n), let someone fucking take care of you for once."

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