Shouji Mezo- Thrifting

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Requested by kuramxchi
Shouji walked into (f/n's) room to find everything in a complete disarray. Piles and piles of clothes were strewn across the floor and he was shocked. Normally (f/n) was a cleaner person. Of course her room was a little messy at times but it was never like this. Shouji tried the best he could to avoid the items on the ground, but currently that was like trying to avoid the mines during the sports festival.

     "(F/n)?" Shouji called, trying to locate the girl. Was she here? He thought as he skimmed the small room, the door was unlocked... "Oh hey hon," (f/n) said as she returned to her room, startling her boyfriend. "What's up?" She asked.
"We were gonna hang out today," Shouji replied.
"Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot, I completely got caught up in cleaning out my dresser," (f/n) explained apologetically scratching the back of her head. She looked around her messy room and the lightbulb went off in her head. Shouji saw how bright it was and didn't know if he should've been scared. "We should go thrifting Shouji!" His girlfriend exclaimed, hands in fists, bouncing on her feet excitedly. Shouji thought for a moment, he could use some new clothes...but he also had a test in a couple days he wanted to study for..."Sure," he agreed, quietly relishing in the way (f/n)'s eyes lit up. "But we have to be back in a few hours, I have to study."
     "No problem-o," (f/n) winked with some added finger guns. Shouji was dating such a nerd.
     Thrift stores always had this strange vibe to them, reality seemed a bit altered, like a Target or a McDonald's you've never been to while on a long road trip. To some people the concept was a bit gross, after all, one would be buying clothes that were already worn in and might have mysterious stains on them. That was okay with (f/n), although she did have boundaries. No shoes, definitely no underwear, maybe pants, for sure shirts. Another rule was to wash her hands right afterword too.

The automatic doors slide open when (f/n) and Shouji moved towards them, accompanied by a small ding telling the workers there was another customer. The florescent lights shone down (at least most of them, some were flickering) on the clothing racks and signs to indicate what sections were what. (F/n) took one of Shouji's hands in hers and smiled up at him. "Where do you want to go first?" She asked.
Shouji shrugged. "Let's go look through the women's sweatshirts first," he suggested. Shouji and (f/n) both knew that she rarely found anything she liked that much in the women's section. All the hoodies were those weird zip-up velvety ones that old women wore around the house, sometimes they were bedazzled, they were odd clothing choices. But hey, (f/n) wasn't going to judge a grandmothers sense of style.

Together, Shouji and (f/n) skimmed through the clothes racks, and much to her surprise, (f/n) found a cute red flannel. She reached up to grab the hanger and the shirt slipped off. "Whoops," she muttered to herself, as she scooped it off the ground. After wiping it off (f/n) held it up to her figure, contemplating if the size was right for her. "Shouji, what do you think?" She asked, shifting her weight and popping her hip, jokingly striking a pose. Shouji nodded,"I like it."
    "Me too," (f/n) agreed. She draped the shirt on her arm and continued searching for shirts.

     After a little while, the two decided to move themselves to the men's section. Hopefully they both would be able to find things. (F/n) know that Shouji needed some more casual clothes. So, they filed through the men's clothing racks and found a few interesting shirts. "Shouji, come look at this one," (f/n) giggled. She grabbed the hanger of the shirt and pulled it out. It was a silly white button up shirt with a bunch of little red crabs on it. "Shouji can you put it on?" (F/n) asked. He responded with an apprehensive look. "Pleaseeee," his girlfriend pleaded,"I just want a couple pictures of you in it, you don't have to buy it." Shouji let out a lighthearted sigh and put the shirt on. Much to his surprise it was actually very comfortable. It wasn't hard to get his arms in and out of, but it still fit well. After Shouji finished buttoning up his shirt, he looked up at (f/n) who was smiling at her phone scrolling through the pictures she had just taken of him. "I think one of these is definitely gonna be my new background," she smiled can chuckling to herself, offering her phone to Shouji so he could take a look. He had to admit, he didn't look that bad in it. "(F/n), I think I'm gonna buy this shirt," he admitted with no shame.
     "Oh my god yes!"she exclaimed.

In the end, (f/n) bought her flannel, a couple t-shirts, and a comfy long-sleeve; Shouji got a hoodie and his crab button-up. As they were walking back to the dorms the sun was setting. "Oh no," (f/n) frowned,"I'm sorry, I dragged you out for so long, I know you had stuff to do..." she trailed off. Shouji took her hand,"It's okay, I had fun." There were a few more moments of comfortable silence before Shouji asked if you wanted to watch a movie at his place. "Of course," said (f/n).

Shouji unlocked his door, making sure to hold it open for his girlfriend. "You go sit down, I'll set everything up," he said. (F/n) nodded and fell down on the futon Shouji had set up in his dorm room. She picked up a blanket that had fallen on the floor and wrapped it around herself, fully becoming immersed in a cocoon while Shouji was turning on the T.V. The futon sank a little as he sat down with (f/n) resting his arms around her shoulders causing the girl to burrow herself more into his side. "What do you want to watch?" Shouji inquired looking down at his (h/c) love.
"Something we haven't seen before," she returned," maybe Don't Breathe. I've heard it's really good."
"Don't Breathe it is then," Shouji confirmed.

The movie was at it's climax, there was tension hanging in the air in the movie and reality. (F/n) was very into it, and when she got nervous or scared she would press more into Shouji's side, where he would wrap his arms protectively around her. Even though she felt Shouji tense up from the thriller, (f/n) ignored it, loving it when all the arms hugging her, got a little tighter. As the movie ended, the two were left staring at the screen with a small high from adrenaline and wonderment from a good movie. "Holy frick, that was--holy heck," (f/n) breathed running her hand through her hair.
"That wasn't what I was expecting, but I'm impressed," Shouji added.
"Can I stay here tonight?" (F/n) asked finally looking away from the screen. Shouji nodded. "Thanks," she said, moving so she could kiss Shouji,"wanna watch another?"
I hope this was okay? What'd you think of the new writing? I really wanted hear your guy's feedback on what you like and some constructive criticism! I only have a couple more requests to finish, which means I may be opening the requests again ;):););). Thanks for reading

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