Kirishima Eijirou- Mother's Day

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(D/n)- daughters name
(S/n)- son's name


It was a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun shone through the bedroom drapes, casting a warm glow onto a husband and wife laying peacefully in bed. Quiet giggles could be heard from the couple's children causing the husband to stir awake.  "Psst, Daddy," (d/n) whispered, poking him in the cheek,"we have to go make Mommy breakfast." Eijirou let out a incoherent mumble and got out of the comfy bed, leaving his wife snoozing away.

     A couple weeks ago, Eijirou was thinking of what he and the kids could do for (f/n) for being such a wonderful mother and wife. (Granted, it was more about being a great mom since it was Mother's Day). He was struck with the thought of breakfast in bed. Of course he and the kids still went and bought flowers and cards for (f/n), but everyone does that. Her husband wanted something more meaningful, and this was what he came up with. When he pitched the idea up to
(s/n) and (d/n) they were all for it, jumping up and down and onto Eijirou as they started loudly explaining how excited they were.

     After he walked downstairs and poured himself a cup of coffee, Eijirou asked the kid which one would like to go get the paper for their mom. "I will! I will! I will!" bounced (s/n), raising his hand up in the air as if he was in school. Eijirou ruffled his son's hair and sent him to the mailbox. He watched him cross the street of course and when (s/n) didn't look both ways, after he got back, his father scolded him.

     Next was bringing (f/n) coffee. Eijirou chuckled to himself as their two children watched with fascination as creamer mixed with the dark brown liquid. (D/n) insisted that she be the one to give the coffee to you, and so (s/n) brought the newspaper. They prodded (f/n) awake and when she fully comprehended how many people were standing over her, both kids bellowed "Happy Mother's Day!"

(F/n) sipped on her hot coffee, reading the Sunday comics until she heard the bedroom door creek open. (D/n) entered with a small notepad and a pencil ready to "take Mommy's order." After a couple minutes of thought (f/n) decided to go with some toast, bacon, and eggs. (D/n) scribbled the items down and rushed back out of the room to tell her brother and father what she wanted.

"Okay, (s/n) could you get me the eggs please?" Eijirou asked. (S/n) nodded his head and retrieved the eggs. "Now can you put the bread in the toaster?" (s/n)'s red haired father asked. Again, (s/n) nodded his head, but instead of walking to the bread box, he turned the corner to the dining room instead. Eijirou raised his eyebrows and smiled as his confusion was answered by his black-haired son rounding the corner carrying small step stool so he could reach the counter. (S/n) then placed it at he bread box and proceeded to make the toast.

"What can I do?" Pouted (f/n) and Eijirou's (h/c) daughter.
"Well, I don't want you getting burnt, so no bacon or eggs...."he trailed off, talking more to himself than to his daughter, "You could get the tray for the food, put the utensils on it and pour Mommy's drink," suggested their dad.
"Okay," (d/n) replied.

The kids had finished their jobs and (f/n)'s husband was almost done buttering your toast. With a sigh he put the butter knife down and placed his hands on his hips. "Alright can one of you carry the tray and the other get Mommy's gifts?" Both children nodded, (s/n) carrying the tray and (d/n) carrying the cards and gifts.

     After very, very carefully bringing the food and gifts up to (f/n) who was still in bed, the kids set their items down on the nightstand and her lap. She grinned, (e/c) twinkling with joy and took a bite of the toast. "Mmm, delicious," she hummed while wiping crumbs away with a napkin.

     (F/n) continued to eat and chat with her family, children nuzzled into both her sides as they told her about how fun it was to make breakfast.As she reached for her drink, (f/n) saw the mug was empty of coffee. "Hey Eiji?" she said getting your husband's attention,"can you pour me more coffee please?"
     "Of course," Eijirou smiled a sharp, toothy grin and walked out of the room.


     Eijirou reentered the bedroom, coffee in hand, to see son and daughter asleep in their mother's arms. He grinned a goofy smile, before setting his wife's coffee down on the table. "I guess we'll have to open gifts later huh?" Eijirou joked. (F/n) smiled back at him and looked down at the kids,"I guess we will." Looking back up at him she whispered,"Thank you for everything."
      "Of course, but I should be thanking you for being such a loving wife and mother," Eijirou murmured, kissing (f/n) on the lips. She blushed, even after all these years, Eijirou still knew just what to say to make her flustered.
"I love you, Eijirou."
"I love you too."


Hope you guys enjoyed! I'm currently writing for Shoto and Aizawa, hopefully they'll be out soon enough. Also I'm thinking of redoing the Aquarium story at some point because I feel like it was choppy. Thanks for reading!

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