Kirishima Eijirou- Home

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     (F/n) placed her hands on her hips and clicked her tongue. Boxes were strewn all over her new house and Kirishima was bringing in even more of them inside from the moving truck-- it was easy to get overwhelmed, but you still managed to make some progress with unpacking.

   The two of them had gotten married about 6 months ago. Although they had talked about getting a bigger, better place before they wanted to wait until the the wedding was over, since planning an event like that while simultaneously looking for a house didn't seem like the most relaxing endeavor to take on. And it was a good thing the newly wed Kirishimas did wait, because the onslaught of presents took up much more room in their apartment than they expected. So, it was only natural that with the change in lives and love, there was a change in scenery.

     "Phew!"Kirishima exclaimed, wiping the sweat from his forehead, "That's the last box (f/n)!" He shouted, not knowing you were standing fairly close by.
     She shuffled on over to him, careful not to trip over anything of the boxes and high-fived him,"Great! It's only 3:00, I'll keep unpacking if you fix up the kitchen."
     "That shouldn't be a problem." He gave her a thumbs up and a wink and walked away.

      (F/n) decided the next box that she should put away should be the bedroom necessities first. Fortunately for her, the ever so lovely Kirishima Eijirou had already set the mattress down on the bed frame, which meant all you had to do (at that moment) would be to make the bed. After that she started to put clothes away and soon the most important parts of the bedroom were done.

     Going back to the main cluster of boxes, (f/n) noticed one labeled with black Sharpie "SILVERWARE" in Kirishima's messy handwriting. Rubbing her hands together, (f/n) picked up the cardboard box and carried it to where she found Kirishima. With his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth, he struggled to put on new covers for the light switches and outlets because for some reason the previous homeowners took them?? Way to be cheap. Wrapping her arms around him, she placed her chin on his back."Do you need any help?" she asked.
      Kirishima looked back and said,"Yeah actually. I'm too big to reach that awkward corner-area-thing. Do you think your cute butt might be able to get to it?" (F/n) giggled and nodded, and her new husband handed screwdriver to take the old plug cover off. Kirishima felt his face go red, the position (f/n) were in did show off some very nice assets of her's. "Like what you see?" she teased, sticking out her tongue.
      "I'm not gonna lie, babe I like it a lot."

     Several hours later, candles let off a dim, warm light throughout the small house. Something was wrong with the generator; a problem the Kirishimas realtor "forgot" to mention. As (f/n) was still passive-aggressively grumbling about it to herself Kirishima announced he was going to go get some Chinese. After letting him what she wanted, (f/n) stood up on her tip toes, landing a soft peck on his cheek. "I'll probably be showering in the dark when you get back,"she said, stepping away from the man," because apparently our water works but not our freaking electricity."
     Kirishima gave his wife one of his signature grins, "Okay I'll see you when I get back."

     (F/n) watched him leave, took several candles and a flashlight that she luckily managed to unearth from a random box, grumbling on her way into the bathroom to take a shower, still salty about the electricity.

     About 20 minutes later, (f/n) got out of her dark shower, feeling much better and went to get dressed. Since she wasn't planning on doing anything else that night, she threw on one of Kirishima's favorite hoodies (and her favorite much to his dismay) and some sweatpants. A few moments afterword, she heard her favorite red haired man walk inside the house. As if on cue, her stomach growled and she met up him with, eager to eat warm food after a long day's work. While reaching to grab takeout bag from his hand, Kirishima held the bag over his head and went,"Ah-ah-ah, (f/n), not until you pay the price."
     "And what would that be?" She said rolling your eyes.
      All Kirishima did was point to his cheek. "Okay...." She teased, placing a kiss where he pointed. "Was that good enough?"
     Kirishima looked up thoughtfully and then shook his head. He shrugged,"Inflation these days is steep."
     "Okay, one more," (f/n) giggled,"but then I really need to eat."

     As she dug out plastic silverware,Kirishima put on some background music. With a small "oof" (f/n) sat down on the floor, following the unspoken rule of the night the two of them were not gonna move the table and chairs quite yet. The couple chowed down on their Chinese, talking about the little things. (F/n) would make puns, Kirishima would laugh, and all was peaceful.

     Soon, although both of them were done, they stayed put on the hard wood floor, looking at each other as if trying to memorize every single detail about this moment. Until, Kirishima stood up, looking down at (f/n), his eyes soft and warm. He held out one of his calloused hands, "May I have this dance?" Not even noticing what song was playing, (f/n) accepted his hand, and said in a posh voice,"But of course."

      Kirishima placed his hands on (f/n)'s hips and she draped her's around his neck. Now, she recognized the song. It was "The Way You Look Tonight." She grinned, eyes becoming a little wet, and pressed her face into Kirishima's chest, "This was our first dance," she said into his shirt.
     Kirishima placed his chin on top of (f/n)'s head."I know."

     Sure, the setting was a little messy, with boxes scattered around the house, and the lack of light, but as the two twirled and turned, swaying slowly around the bare kitchen lit by the candles' golden glow, as far as the two newlyweds were concerned, they were the only two people in the world. Worries about unpacking, or villains, or the future, melted away as the couple held each other.  (F/n) hummed, living in the warmth coming from Kirishima, not wanting this moment to end.

     But like all good things, Tony Bennett faded out and was replaced with "She take my money! When I'm in need..." (F/n) looked up at Kirishima and burst out laughing. Soon she were half rapping, half laughing Kanye's parts and Kirishima was "singing" Jamie Foxx's parts. It was a night you would never forget.
I was gonna try and finish this and upload it yesterday because it was my boy Kiri's birthday, but then I fell asleep. Oh well, it's the day after so that has to make up for something right? Hope you enjoyed!

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