Bakugou Katsuki- Black Blood

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Requested by allenwriter1
It was a funny concept to be scared of your own quirk. After all, depending on who you talked to, it was an incredible quirk, even the principal of U.A. thought so. You were accepted into the exclusive high school through recommendation, which was definitely an achievement, but you still couldn't help but feel apprehensive.

Your quirk was a deadly one, one that could even be considered villainous. After all, your quirk could easily kill and was extremely painful not only to others, but also to yourself in some cases. You were the first person to have a "black blood" quirk. Instead of blue veins coursing with a deep crimson, you had dark veins flowing with a red so deep some would consider it black. Blood that was poisonous to those who came in contact with it. In fact, that's how you found out about your quirk.

When you were little, you could tell your quirk was manifesting, but when you tried to use it, nothing happened. All until you fell off the playground monkey bars. Your fall had scraped your knee up pretty badly. When a teacher noticed you on the ground and rushed over to you, they told you they'd be right back as they went inside the school building to get some first-aid. Soon, your teacher was back outside, picking your small body up to place you on a table and cleaning up your wound with some cotton pads. Their hand came in contact with your blood and they collapsed, clutching their hurt hand, later claiming it felt like being stabbed several times in that area. That's when you figured out what your quirk was: "Black Blood."

     Flash forward years later into your high school career. Although you had gotten into U.A. through recommendations, no one has seen your quirk except for your teachers. Not even when the League of Villains invaded the USJ building, as when everyone was separated, you were on your own, fighting your way through the minions sent by villains all the way to where everyone else was. Needless to say, your fellow students were astonished by the fact you took on all those villains by yourself, that was something only Todoroki was able to do. When asked on how you did it, you got all sheepish and said you were just lucky, while in reality, the villains caused you to bleed and once that happened you were in control of the situation.

Now, you were in the final round of the  sports festival. It was a miracle you had gotten this far without using your quirk and you intended to keep it that way if you could. Except, you were going against Bakugou Katsuki-arguably one of the most skilled and ambitious students in your class. He may not look it, but he was also very conscious in his decision making while in combat as well. While you were fighting in the arena, Bakugou paid close attention to your moves, realizing that they all revolved around close combat, yet, just like everyone else, he had not seen your quirk and it infuriated him.

     Both you and Bakugou stepped onto the stage in the middle of the arena, physically and mentally preparing yourselves for what was to come. Sooner than you would've liked, Present Mic made his announcement,"AFTER MANY HARD FOUGHT ROUNDS, THE LAST TWO CONTENDERS IN THE SPORTS FESTIVAL ARE BAKUGOU KATSUKI AND (F/N) (L/N)!!" Present Mic proceeded to give the signal, allowing you and Bakugou to start fighting.

     Bakugou blasted towards you, and you dodged. He was quicker than you expected. In the midst of him gaining his footing, you charged towards him to throw in a right hook. Bakugou blocked and set off an explosion near you. "COME ON (L/N)! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?" Bakugou challenged as he blew up some off the concrete. You jumped over the debris and kicked Bakugou in the stomach. A lucky hit. He grabbed your leg and threw you down to the ground, knocking the wind out of you. "DAMNIT USE YOUR QUIRK ON ME," Bakugou yelled as you were getting up. You tasted the metallic tang of blood in your mouth. No. You gave him a smile. You sprinted towards him again, he was ready for you to face him in the front, but at the last minute, you changed direction and kicked him in the back. Your kick knocked Bakugou off balance and he fell on his knees. Bakugou faked as if he was going to get up, but instead swiftly turned to face you and brought you to the ground with him. Rocks scraped up your hands as you landed. Oh no you thought. "AM I NOT STRONG ENOUGH FOR YOU?" Bakugou spat in your face as he pinned you. You tried to get him off you, but he wasn't budging. "Please don't make me do this,"you whispered to him but mostly to yourself.
"Do what? I don't see you doing anything," Bakugou said trying to provoke you.
"Please. Bakugou I don't want to hurt you," you said barely audible.
"Stop with the pacifist act (l/n)!"Bakugou yelled. You closed your eyes in defeat and said,"I'm sorry." With that you placed your bleeding hand on Bakugou's bare arm. Only a second later he collapsed on the ground in pain,"WHAT THE FUCK." Bakugou tried to get up and fight you with his other hand, but you placed a hand on his leg and he screamed.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry," you cried. You couldn't handle it, you couldn't keep hurting Bakugou like this. You needed to walk out of bounds. Looking back you saw Bakugou get back up again, limping towards you. He seemed to know what you were gonna do. "DON'T YOU DARE WALK TOWARDS THAT LINE (L/N)!" He blasted towards you, accidentally hitting you harder than he anticipated, causing your head to hit the ground, and knocking you out.

You woke up in Recovery Girl's office alone. The light in the room was blinding, your head was throbbing. Looking around the room, you spotted a glass of water the table next to you. As you were sipping on it, Recovery girl walked in,"Ahhh (f/n)... I'm glad your awake. Bakugou was in here earlier and he wanted me to alert him when you were awake. Is it okay if I let him know?" Recovery Girl asked. Really? You thought. Why would Bakugou want to see me? Deciding there was no harm in him visiting, you nodded.

Bakugou arrived after school was over and to your surprise he brought you some food. They were even your favorite cookies. "Oh wow," you said, clearly surprised. Bakugou looked down at his feet. "I'm damn sorry,"he mumbled,"for pushing you too far."
You shrugged, popping a cookie in your mouth,"I accept your apology. I'm sorry too for putting you in that much pain." Looking at the cookies, you held them out implying that Bakugou was allowed to have some. He accepted, sat down and you talked for a while longer. There seemed to be a new air of respect around you both. Bakugou glanced at the clock on the wall, it had been a couple hours since he came to visit. He moved to get up, but right before Bakugou walked out he stopped. "Next time, I'm not gonna let you beat me that easily."
I hope this was okay, I was thinking of making a couple Christmas stories maybe like ice skating or setting up a Christmas tree or something. Let me know who I should do, otherwise that's it!

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