Kirishima Eijirou- Proposal

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     Kirishima's favorite part about the morning was waking up next to (f/n). He loved how peaceful she looked if she was still asleep; how cute she was when she was waking up. Today was one of those days where she was stirring by the time he woke up.

     Kirishima started to move to get out of bed, but was stopped by (f/n) lightly hugging his arm. "Don't go..." She mumbled,"... You're so warm..." Her eyes were still closed and her cheek was pressed up against Kirishima's forearm. Sighing in "defeat" he laid back down with her, absentmindedly fiddling with her hair. Gently giving her a kiss on the forehead, he brushed a strand of hair out of (f/n)'s face with his thumb,"Your bed head is really cute."
"You're cute," she responded sleepily, burrowing herself into Kirishima's side.
     "Do you want me to make breakfast?" He asked.
     "In a little bit. I just want to cuddle." Kirishima's favorite part about the morning was waking up next to (f/n). He closed his eyes. He wanted to do his for the rest of his life. Kirishima's eyes shot back open. He wanted to do this for the rest of his life.

     (F/n) had gone to work, leaving Kirishima alone with his thoughts. The idea of proposing to (f/n)  excited him so much, he was pacing. Back and forth. Back and forth. He needed to talk to someone about this. Taking his phone out of his pocket, he dialed his best friend's number. After a couple rings, the person on the other line picked up. "Katsuki. I need to talk to you right now. Please, I'm freaking out," Kirishima immediately started rambling to Bakugou.
     "Slow down Shitty-hair, what's the deal?"
     "I haven't eaten breakfast yet can we just grab something to eat and talk about it person?" Kirishima asked.
"Sure, why the fuck not. Just so you know this is pretty fucking dramatic for you," Bakugou commented.
"Yeah, I know, but this a big deal Katsuki."
"Fine dumbass but you're paying."
Kirishima smiled,"Deal."

At the cafe while they ate, Kirishima was hyping himself up to tell Bakugou what he was thinking. He set his elbows on the table, fiddling with his fingers, and looked up at Bakugou, "I want to propose to (f/n)." His heart picked up. He said it out loud. He wanted to marry (f/n).
     "Well it's about goddamn time," Bakugou responded. That was true, the two had been dating for a little over five years. "Has she brought it up at all?" Bakugou asked.
     "A little...I mean--when we first started our relationship we agreed that we wanted to get steady jobs before we got married or anything, and we have those, and when we were shopping a few months ago she mentioned the kind of ring style she likes and her size--,"
"She mentioned her ring size?" Bakugou repeated. Kirishima nodded. "Christ Eijirou, I don't fucking think (f/n) can be any more obvious."
Kirishima laughed,"Yeah... You're right."
"Damn right I'm right,"Bakugou leaned back in his chair," I can't remember a time I was goddamn wrong."
"I can think of a few," Kirishima teased, earning a glare from his friend. It's settled, Kirishima thought, I'm gonna propose to (f/n).
A few months passed and Kirishima had gotten the ring. He hoped and prayed that (f/n) would like it; he spent hours trying to find the perfect one. Now the only problem was getting that perfect moment to pop the question.

    Kirishima's master plan was to set aside a whole day for him and (f/n) to spend with each other; a hard task considering their careers. He would make her a lovely breakfast in bed (or maybe they'd go to this new English café that was supposed to be fantastic), watch one of (f/n)'s favorite movies, eventually have a romantic dinner, leading to a scenic stroll through the park. Kirishima especially wanted to make the proposal memorable.

    The day started off all well and good. When the two lovers woke up, they decided to go to the new café. They walked hand in hand, reminiscing on past memories and making new ones until another couple passed them on the street. The woman was pushing a stroller with a small, little infant in be seat and the man was sporting a navy blue baby carrier with another chubby baby grasping onto his father's finger.  "Oh my god Eijirou look at the babies~" (f/n) cooed, waving at the child in the carrier causing it to smile a toothless grin.
     "Yeah, they're pretty dang cute,"he smiled at his girlfriend as they passed by.
     "You know, I think you'd look pretty hot in one of those baby carriers. But like obviously with our own son or daughter," she teased nudging Kirshima's arm. Kirishima's face flushed a bright red. Yeah, there was no doubt in his mind now; (f/n) wanted to get married and today was the best day to ask.

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