Aizawa Shouta- Bad Day

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Requested by Hallo_Kattay
     Only a couple more periods to go Aizawa thought to himself. Today had literally been the worst day for him in a while. He had hot coffee poured on his lap, he forgot his lunch, but was too swamped with other things to go out and get something, Bakugou had gotten into a fight while Aizawa was walking down the hall so he had to handle it. Just to name a few. But his final cracking point was when he was trying to put grades in and the entire grading website shut down and didn't save anything he did. So when the next class came in and Aizawa made sure everyone who was supposed to be in class was present he thought fuck this and suddenly announced they were going to the mall.

Now, when Aizawa told his students this, he didn't care about what they were doing. All he cared about was seeing you, his beautiful wife, so he could look into your gorgeous eyes and vent to you about how shitty his day was.

You owned a cute, little coffee shop inside the mall. Everything about the inside of the shop was warm and inviting, from the color of the walls to the lighting, and of course that fact that you were there was perfect to Aizawa. Sometimes on days he had off, he would come in with a book and just curl up on one of the big, leather chairs and drink a hot latté, brewed just the way you knew he liked it. Other times he would come just to give you company. He loved how gracefully you moved while you were behind the counter. The way you used your quirk to heat up the water and milk to just the right temperature. It was fantastic.

You had just finished serving a rush of customers when the doorbell rang. Glancing up, you saw your husband looking disheveled and pissed. Thanking whatever God was listening for there being no customers to help at the moment, you started making Aizawa's usual. He plopped down on one of the high chairs at the counter and waited for you to finish what you were doing. You made your way over to where he was sitting and in your most soothing voice you asked,"What's wrong?" Aizawa let out a long sigh and began explaining his day.

When he was done, you gave him a sympathetic look. Placing your hand on his cheek and running your thumb against his scar you said,"Aw honey I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"No, not at the moment..."Aizawa trailed off as the bell jingled signaling there were new customers coming in. Realizing these customers were students of his, Aizawa quickly, but not too quickly left the cafe and went to go wander off to the different kiosks of the mall.

After seeing he exhaustion in your husband's eyes, you decided to leave the shop early make a few stops yourself around the mall, and make your way to you and Aizawa's house. You looked at the clock: 5:00. Shouta should be home in about an hour. With that in mind, you ordered his favorite take-out and started making his favorite dessert. This whole process (including clean-up) took about 45 minutes.

Once the food was taken care of, you started a bath for your scruffy husband. Carefully placing his favorites candles (he would never admit he had a favorite but you know these things) around the edge of the bathtub, you looked around the bathroom. Something was missing. You placed your hand on your chin, and then snapped your fingers, what you needed was music and a bath bomb.

Rushing downstairs to get a speaker and then into your bedroom and grabbed a bath bomb. Checking the time again you saw the clock said 5:55. Only a few minutes left. You decided Frank Ocean would be a good choice and put on one of his songs, leaving the still warm bath and walking back downstairs to wait for Aizawa to walk through the door.

The doorknob jiggled and you got up to meet Shouta when you heard Aizawa toe his shoes off and shuffle towards you. Pulling him into a warm embrace rubbing his back in a calming way, you pecked his lips and asked,"Do you want food or your bath first?" Aizawa thought for a moment and told you a bath. You grabbed his arm and pulled him to where his warm bath awaited him. Giving him one last, quick kiss, you said,"If there's anything else you need just let me know."
"Thank you," Aizawa responded.

Not long after, the sound of tired, heavy feet could be heard upstairs. Taking this as a sign Shouta would be downstairs soon, you heated up the take-out so the both of you could just sit down and enjoy your meal.

Shouta saw you sitting at the dinner table and slowly made his way over to you, his eyes heavy with tiredness. But before he took his seat, you headed over to you, bent down and gave you a thankful kiss on the forehead. "I know I already said this, but thank you so much, you have no idea how much this helped me out,"Aizawa said quietly.
"It's no problem Shouta."

The rest of your dinner was in a comfortable silence. When the two of you finished you ushered your black-haired husband into your bedroom so he could get a good night's sleep. Cozying up to one another, you gave Shouta one last kiss, and soon he was snoring like there was no tomorrow. You giggled to yourself, and said in a barely audible whisper,"I love you."
I hope this was okay! I have this really cute idea involving moving in and fixing the house up but I don't know who to write for it. I was thinking Bakugou, Kirishima or maybe Midoriya?? Who knows, maybe even someone else. What are your guys' thoughts?

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