Bakugou Katsuki- An Invitation to Dance

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Requested by The_Bionic_Fangirl
Fuck did she feel good tonight. Dressed to the nines, not only did she look fantastic, but as (f/n) danced in the school gym with Ashido and Uraraka, she was a force to be reckoned with. She swayed her hips, looking down at the floor to watch her feet move as easily as her hands, yelling the lyrics to the song finishing out. Wiping sweat off her brow, (f/n) tapper Ashido's shoulder. "I'm gonna get water. Come get if they play, my song."

     Bouncing out of the gym, (f/n) found her way to way to the water jugs, putting her once nicely done hair into a messy ponytail. "All Might!" She exclaimed, as she filled her paper cup. "How are you doing this lovely evening?"
     He smiled at her, she always was the sunshine of the class, always so approachable and kind, "I'm doing well (l/n) thanks for asking." They chatted a bit before (f/n) saw the her favorite crew of boys walking in. "I gotta go All Might! It was good talking to you!" She said before dashing off to greet them.

    "Kirishima! Kaminari! Sero!" She said happily as she ruffled their hair before turning to her favorite of the bunch pinching his cheeks. "And how could I forget my sweet boy Bakugou!" The others laughed as wheat blond scoffed, the tips of his ears burning.
"How's the DJ (l/n)?" Kaminari asked.
"Not that bad, all things considered. He hasn't played any slow songs yet though," (f/n) explained, twirling with a piece of loose hair, her gaze drifting towards Bakugou. "You guys ready to hit the dance floor?"
     The boys nodded and followed (f/n) back into the gym where the bass was pumping and where they found Ashido and Uraraka.

     The familiar guitar strums to the beginning of "Die Young" by Kesha started to play and (f/n) immediately got excited, making sure to jump and strike a different pose each time the bass drum was hit. "I love this song!" She turned around looking for a particular boy to grab and dance with, but he was no where. (F/n) frowned a little. "Kiri, did Bakugou come in with us?"
     "Uhhh," he looked around, "I thought he did."
     (F/n) pouted, not going unnoticed by Kirishima, who grabbed her arm and started twirling her to the song playing.

     After dancing a few songs with (f/n) and the rest of the squad, Kirishima took upon himself to find his bro and give him a talk. Finally, he saw his friend leaning up against one of the gym walls near the group. "Bakugou, what are you doing out here?" Kirishima asked.
     Bakugou stuffed his hands in his pockets. "You know I'm not a dance person."
     Kirishima crossed his arms and gave his friend a stern look. "Yeah you might not be, but you know who is?" The two of them turned their attention to (f/n) as she dropped it low to the song "Low" before jumping back up to the rhythm of the lyrics, causing both of them to blush. "Shitty-hair she's not into me."
    "Wow you really are clueless huh?"
    "What the fuck did you just say?"
    Kirishima grabbed Bakugou's shoulders. "Listen Bakugou, as your bro, it is my duty to tell you that (f/n) is very into you. I mean just look at how she treats you compared to the rest of us. It wasn't me, or Sero, or Kaminari she looked at when she brought up the slow dance. Plus she missed you during "Die Young" bro, she literally asked me where you were. Get out there and dance with your girl man!"
     "I'm not..." Bakugou mumbled, the sentence slowly getting softer.
     "What'd you say?"
     "I said I'm not good at dancing Shitty-hair!"
     Kirishima looked at his friend dead in the eye. "Bakugou, (f/n) doesn't care if you're good at dancing, she just wants to dance with you. Trust me if she wanted someone who was good at dancing she'd have plenty of other options."
Bakugou sucked his teeth. He moved from the wall and fully processed what Kirishima said. "Wait the fuck'd you say?!" He stomped off into the crowd to find his girl.

The closer Bakugou got to (f/n), the sweatier his hands got. In the background he had the ending of "Bounce Back" playing. But right in front of him (f/n) was laughing, dancing with Ashido. It really was a slight to see. Even in this dark gym, (f/n) looked stunning, her (e/c) eyes met his crimson and Bakugou wiped his hands on his pants for the umpteenth time. "Bakugou!" (F/n) shuffled over to him, wiggling her arms, bringing her chest front and back. Before Bakugou could respond, a slow song came on. He froze, his whole body felt like it was on fire as (f/n) looked at him expectantly. She waited a few moment hoping that he would say something, but to no avail. With a sad smile, (f/n) started to turn around when a hand reached out and grabbed her arm. "Shit... fuck... why is this so hard?" (F/n) looked back at Bakugou, "Dance with me shithead."
(F/n) laughed, "Of course Bakugou." His hands hovered over her hips, not sure if he should place them there or on her shoulders. His brow furrowed. With a soft touch, (f/n) wrapped her fingers around Bakugou's hands, "It's okay," she said guiding his hands towards her hips. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sorry I'm kinda gross right now," she said referring to her sweat.
    A small smile grew on Bakugou's face; at least she wouldn't be able to tell his hands were sweaty.

     They swayed together, Bakugou gradually building confidence in his abilities. He even managed to twirled her. Then just as quick as the song started, it was over and was soon replaced by "Where Them Girls At?"
    "Holy fuck!" (F/n) shouted, immediately jumping to the beat. She grabbed Bakugou before he could run away again. Starting to sing to the best of her ability, she took both his hands and did a weird version of the twist with him. Bakugou grinned as he looked at her beaming smile, happy that he had fallen for his own little dancing spitfire.
Howdy! I'm back with another! I'm hope you enjoyed, I really channeled my high school dances and I want to know, what's your song? Like the song that makes you stop in the middle of a conversation and bust out your best moves. One of mine is Promiscuous

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