Aizawa Shouta- Stressed

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This has student Aizawa. Requested by BossySass101
Your (f/n) eyes were prickling with exhaustion, seeming to think the dark circles under your eyes were the night sky. You hadn't slept well in days. It seemed your body was against you. It was either too hot or too cold or your mind would be racing or you would have bad dreams. Not to mention you had skipped a meal or two as well.

School was stressing you out, midterms were coming up, you wanted to study but you also wanted to be with your friends and family as well. It was tough juggling these things and you were starting to feel yourself cracking under the pressure. Still, everyday you put on a false bravado, hoping your friends and teachers wouldn't see through your mask.

     Unfortunately, that didn't work. Soon it got to the point were you were so tired you started to doze off in class. Something that you never did, certainly not if you could help it. That's when your friend Aizawa noticed something was wrong.

He had the sneaking suspicion for the last couple days that something was wrong. You didn't seem like your bubbly self when you were hanging out with him, Toshinori, and Hizashi. When you were talking, your tone seemed a little more flat; inflections being lost. When you were sparring, your movements weren't as swift as they normally were; close combat judgements a little more hesitant, hands a little more shaky. He made the decision to try and see if he could help you in any sort of way in class made a mental list of how to approach it.

     Aizawa decided he didn't want to ask something personal in front of your other friends, knowing Hizashi and Toshinori, they'd get all in your face about how you were feeling which would just prove to get you even more overwhelmed. Aizawa chose that the best course of action would be to ask you alone in your dorm room. So later in the evening he did just that.

Aizawa stuffed his hands in his pockets, the chill in the dark blue air being absorbed by his bones. His breath was barely noticeable, only brought to life by the street and the star lights. Aizawa arrived at your dorm building and stopped in the main floor to relish in the warmth that the building gave off. Quietly, Aizawa made his way to your room, trying to be aware of the other students studying or maybe trying to sleep. Finally, he stopped and tapped lightly on your door.

     Your head was in your hands when you heard the knock on the door and froze. If you opened it whoever was on the opposite side would know something was wrong. As quiet as a mouse, you tiptoed your way to the peephole and saw Aizawa. "Shit," you whispered to yourself.
     "I know something's wrong (f/n), open up," the black haired man said through the door, with a twinge of concern. You reached for the door handle and stopped, you didn't have to let him in... There was a moment of contemplation, but you ended up taking in a deep, soothing, breath, wiping your eyes, and opened the door.

     There Aizawa stood, hands still cozy in his pockets and his arms close to his sides. It was obvious he wasn't planning on coming in unless you genuinely wanted him to. You decided Aizawa's company would be nice and stepped aside, signaling he could enter your room. Leaving Aizawa to his own devices, you fell down on your bed unceremoniously and wrapped yourself in a blanket cocoon. Aizawa sat on the edge of your bed, trying to intrude your space. The clock on the wall ticked and tocked, seeming to be very loud in the silence. Aizawa seemed to be almost fidgety, twiddling his thumbs as if he wanted to say something. Right as he opened his mouth, you started to speak,"I've been so stressed Shouta,"you sat up so you could look in his warm eyes,"I haven't been eating as much or sleeping as I would like, and-and when I do sleep I get nightmares,"you were tearing up now,"and I-I-I just want to relax but I can't because I have so much to do," now your head was buried in your knees,"I have so much to do."

     Now Aizawa Shouta was not the most tactful person when it came to soothing others, but he knew that this was important not to mess up. He scooted closer to you and wrapped and arm around your shoulder protectively. He tilted your chin up so you could look directly at him. His dark eyes were soft, and his lips were forming a very faint, comforting smile. "Do you want me to get you some dinner or breakfast or quite frankly anything?" Aizawa asked.
You started tearing up again, but this time at your friends kindness, (the lack of sleep was really making you emotional.) "Honestly, that'd be so nice Aizawa."
"Okay," he said softly, patting your knee as he stood up,"I'll be right back with some food." He walked out, taking one of your room keys with him, so you wouldn't have to get up to answer the door when got back.
Aizawa ended up getting a very eclectic variety of foods like some cereal, a pint of milk, some apples, and candy. Not the healthiest choices, but they'd work for the time being. It was getting late, but Aizawa made a promise that he intended to keep. He quietly walked into your room, and whispered," Hey, (f/n), I'm ba-," he cut himself off upon realizing you were sleeping soundlessly. Aizawa set the bag of food down gently and was ready to turn around and go to his room. "Wait," you muttered, grabbing his wrist, making Aizawa stop in his tracks. "Stay with with me," you mumbled, almost sounding like a whine. Thank god you had your eyes closed, because Aizawa's face started to burn up with a pink tint. "Come onnnn," you dragged out. Aizawa let out an "annoyed" huff and sat down on your bed.
"All the way sir," you complained nuzzling into his side. He leaned back into your pillows and draped an arm around you' almost like it was second nature. Only a couple minutes later, you were snoring with your head resting on Aizawa's shoulder. Aizawa chuckled to himself and kissed you on the forehead, soon drifting off to sleep himself.
Sorry, this took so long! I hoped you all enjoyed. More to come.

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