Aizawa Shouta- Feminine Problems

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Requested by katia_kun
      "Ugghhhhh," (f/n) rolled over in her bed into Aizawa's sleeping arms. Holding her stomach, she knew this could only be one kind of pain. Cramps. While tossing and turning, trying to find the comfiest position she accidentally woke Aizawa up.

"What's the matter?"'he asked, his voice low and raspy from sleep.
"I hurt," (f/n) whined pouting a little bit," like really bad."
     "That's unfortunate, do you need anything?" he replied.
     "When you get up, can you get the heating pad?" Aizawa nodded and moved to fetch it from downstairs.

     When he arrived back to where he left (f/n), the bed was empty. Aizawa surveyed the room, noticing the bathroom light was on. The door opened and (f/n) stood in its frame rubbing her eyes and frowning. "What's wrong?" Aizawa asked while handing her the heating pad.
     "I'm all out of... ya know..."looking up at him in hopes she wouldn't have to say it until you saw the clueless look in his eyes,"...feminine products." There was an "oh" of realization followed by Aizawa grabbing (f/n)'s soft hand, rubbing it with his thumb. "Do you want me to get you some?" Looking down at the floor, (f/n) mumbled a,"Yes please." (F/n) gave Aizawa the specifications that she wanted and he set off. Knowing he could handle it himself, (f/n) laid down on the couch and felt sleepy again.

Aizawa walked back into his shared apartment grumbling to himself about rude cashiers and a questionable floor stain. Toeing off his shoes, he looked up saw (f/n) laying on her stomach, fast asleep on the couch. Quietly, he walked over to her and lightly shook her awake. Lifting up the plastic bag in his hand he said,"I got your stuff." (F/n) hummed a "thank you," placed a kiss on his cheek, took the bag from him, and went into the bathroom to do what needed to be done.

Afterwards, (f/n) went into the kitchen and grabbed some "emergency" chocolate. Eating it bit by bit she moseyed her way towards Aizawa and plopped down next to him on the couch. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, allowing (f/n) to rest your head on his chest. "Can we watch some of (favorite show)?" She asked. He grunted in response, which after the years of being together she knew meant a yes.

About halfway through (favorite show) (f/n) felt a headache coming on. She pushed through the pain until the episode was over and then grabbed some Advil. Poking Aizawa in the cheek to get his attention, (f/n) whispered," Can we order some Chinese?" He gave her a small smile and nodded his head. "Cool," she mumbled quietly.

"Okay, what do you want?" Aizawa asked as he studied the take-out menu. (F/n) looked up in thought and told her love she wanted something with noodles. Aizawa flashed a quick thumbs up as he was still decided himself. "Oh! And maybe some soup!" He nodded. Then (f/n) snapped her fingers, and said,"And can we get some tempura?" At this, Aizawa glanced up at her and sighed," (F/n) are you actually gonna eat all that?"
"Of course I am," she huffed crossing your arms indignantly.
"Okay..."Aizawa said while dialing the number for the restaurant. He hung up and told (f/n) the food would be ready in about 20 minutes and he would pick it up. She mumbled a quick "okay" and gave Aizawa a hug.

     When Aizawa left (f/n) were scrolling through Instagram when she came across a cute puppy picture. "Awww," she cooed out loud to and clicked on the account to view more. By the time her boyfriend came back with the food, he saw you crying on the couch. Quickly placing the food on the kitchen table, he went over to where (f/n) was. "Oh no, what's the matter?" Shouta asked trying to soothe her. Holding out her phone, (f/n) pointed to what was on the screen. "The... puppies... are playing with baby... deer!"She managed to get out in between tears. Aizawa dead-panned. "Come on," he said, helping you off the couch," let's get you some grub."
     "I can't believe you ate all that," said Aizawa," I'm impressed."
      "Well, what can I say, it's a God-given talent," (f/n) boasted, flipping her hair for comedic effect.
     "I'm gonna go shower though, I kinda feel gross now," she continued.
     "You do what you gotta go,"Aizawa chuckled.
Hope you all enjoyed! My first day of school is tomorrow which I'm kind of excited about? I don't know we'll see how it goes. But with that in mind, it also means that I might not update as often.... I'll try my best to update when I can but no promises. Thanks for reading!

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