Todoroki Shoto- Boy Next Door

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6 years old
     It was late. The only light on the dark streets came from neighborhood houses' porches and inside from the people braving the late hours of the night. Everything seemed normal however, inside the Todoroki residence, a child was missing; something that wouldn't be noticed until their father came to get him for their morning training session. Instead of curled up under his own sheets, the youngest Todoroki looked both ways and crept across the street to (f/n)'s house.
Once there, he carefully climbed up the cherry blossom that stood outside of her bedroom, gingerly placing one foot after the other on its sturdy branches. When he was at the right limb, Todoroki shimmied across a branch that led to the balcony; where he was just close enough to safely land on the structure.
     "(F/n)-chan," he whispered through the open window to the mound of blankets on the bed. Nothing. "(F/nnnnn)," he said a little louder, getting his friend to stir.
     (F/n) slowly sat up in her bed, pouting as she rubbed her eyes,"Shoto?" She whispered looking a the window, seeing his familiar outline. Tossing the blankets aside, the little girl tip-toed over to let her friend inside. Frowning, (f/n) hugged him tightly,"Was he mean to you again?" Todoroki just shrugged and let (f/n) lead him to her bed so he could spend the night. "It'll be okay Sho. You're safe here."
10 years old
Candles lit (f/n)'s bedroom, the flames flickering as if trying to fight off the darkness that had consumed the room, or maybe even the neighborhood. "Sho-chan, it's your turn!" (F/n) exclaimed. Todoroki reached over the Game of Life board and spun the space wheel. "8!" (F/n) gasped, bouncing on her knees"that's a good roll Sho-chan!"
"Thanks," the boy sheepishly responded. He picked up an event card, flipped it over, and read the words. "What's it say?" (F/n) asked.
(F/n)'s nose scrunched up, making a face,"Ewwwww."
15 years old
     A quiet knock rapped on Todoroki's dorm door. Company was the last thing he wanted right now. "Sho... I know you're in there, open up." Todoroki sighed as he got up from his bed, turning the knob to reveal (f/n) dressed in her favorite sheep pajama pants and an All Might hoodie, holding blankets, movies, snacks and more.
    "(F/n), what's all this?"
    "I figured you'd be sad since you failed your provisional license exam and thought a sleepover would make you feel better." Todoroki stepped aside for his friend to enter his room, gaining a small smile. "My mom sent me this blanket from home a few days ago." (F/n) said as she rolled it out in the floor. "So don't get any ideas, this is actually just an elaborate rouse to get use it. Nothing more," she winked.
     "We haven't done something like this since we were kids."
     (F/n) shrugged. "Even more the reason do it now."

     (F/n) sat down on the now smoothed out blanket and patted the spot next to her luring Todoroki to her side. Gingerly he sat down and (f/n) placed her head on his shoulder. "You know it'll be okay right?"
     Todoroki hummed in response. "I just hate that I'm being left behind while everyone else is advancing."
     "I know you do Sho, which is why you need to let how you feel now spur you on for the future." She brushed a loose strand of hair behind his ear, causing butterflies to set loose in Todoroki's stomach. "Now come here." With that (f/n) wrapped her friend up in a tight blanket hug and kept him company throughout the night.

20 Years Old
     "Why the hell is it so cold in here? I turned up the heat..." (F/n) mumbled to herself. She opened a drawer in her dresser and pulled out a warmer sweatshirt and another pair of socks. Balancing on one foot, her tongue sticking out, she slipped her socks on and then threw her sweatshirt over her head. With a shiver, her fresh new warm feet padded over to the thermostat. "Fifty degrees?!" (F/n) frowned and called her landlord. She placed her hand on her hip as she listened to the dull tones on the other end. "Hello?"
     (F/n) twirled a piece of hair between her fingers. "Hey, this is (f/n) (l/n). My he--"
     "Oh. Yep. Hey kid. Sorry, I already know where this is going. The heating isn't working, and the company we need to fix it can't come until Monday."
     "Monday?" (F/n) clicked her tongue. "It's Saturday, where am I gonna sleep? It's gonna get so cold tonight?"
     "Figure it out. Not my problem." Click.

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