Shigaraki Tomura- Forced Time Apart

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Requested by ForsakenAngels37
     Shigaraki was paced the floor. He growled and muttered to himself as he scratched his neck to the point where there was blood under his nails. "Shigaraki, if I may, there's still some places we haven't searched," Kurogiri said trying to soothe his young friend,"I'm sure (f/n) will turn up eventually."
Shigaraki huffed. "It's been months!! We don't know where she is and we can't warp her out. If she hasn't found a way out, she's never getting out of wherever hellhole she's in."
Kurogiri looked at Shigaraki,"She's a smart girl," she'll manage to get her way out."
"She's dead Shigaraki let it go,"Dabi said to him with a smirk, making a joke about how dramatic his leader was being, as he sat with a drink.
"No she's not, she can't be," He ran his hand through his hair.
"Listen it's been a while now, we can't wait around until she comes back," the scarred man tried to explain to Shigaraki.
"NO! We'll wait another month and then proceed with plans."

It hadn't always been like this. (F/n) was always there for Shigaraki when he needed her and now, she'd been in prison for almost 9 months. He'd met her the same time he met Dabi and Hitoka. She had a quiet demeanor, unlike the other two trying to join the League. While Dabi and Shigaraki were busy having their pissing contest the first time met, she simply strode behind the bar, poured herself a whiskey on the rocks and sat down in a stool, not saying much, but giving everyone a look as if she were above them; as if trying to size everyone up. She crossed her legs and faced the alcohol, swirling the skinny black straw around and around until the ice started to melt simply observing how things were going using the mirror behind the drinks.

     Although she didn't say much, her presence was felt. The air around her was cold and unwelcoming, even sending chills down Kurogiri's spine; Stain had really attracted some terrifying people. "What's your deal?" Shigaraki hissed, narrowing his eyes.
     (F/n) shrugged, sipping her drink, lightly kicking the front of the bar. Dabi grinned, enjoying the sass the other newcomer was giving the asshat with the hands.
     "What makes you think you would fit in here?" Shigaraki asked.
     (F/n) played with the water left on the counter from the glasses' bottom. She frowned in thought,"I just get a rush when I commit arson," she admitted, finally looking up at Shigaraki.
     The way she said it was different than Hitoka. Her voice was steady and almost a little bored. She wasn't obsessed like the high schooler was with blood. Instead she talked about killing as if it was just a hobby.  The whole room tensed up from her ease and no one spoke. After sitting there for a few more moments (f/n) stood up abruptly from her seat, and clapped her hands,"Well. If I'm not needed here I'll just use my talents elsewhere," she said and walked out of the dusty bar, leaving everyone in silence.
"Shigaraki, I think we should get her," said Kurogiri who was now cleaning the glass that (f/n) was using. He clicked his tongue, scratching his neck,"We don't need a psychopath like that."

     A few weeks passed and the girl who Shigaraki met was all over the news. Recently she tried blowing up the Hosu train station. When she was arrested, press and cameramen filming live swarmed the police car all trying to ask her questions. The police's attempt to block the reporters trying to get as close as possible was futile because one slipped between the cracks and managed to yell,"WHY?"
The girl in the car smiled,"I wanted to cause panic." Shigaraki's eyes widened, maybe he'd have to do more research on this girl.

     He found her name was (f/n) (l/n). She didn't have a villain alias so, hypothetically it would've been easy to track her, but she covered her tracks so well that the media called her "The Phantom." It took Shigaraki some time to figure out all the information he thought he needed about her to make the decision on if she was the right fit for his group. She was a complete wildcard but to have someone like her on their side could be useful. After discussing it in depth with Kurogiri, they both decided that they would break her out of prison.

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