Aizawa Shouta- Class Help

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Requested by EmmaAmme2448
You contently hummed to yourself as you entered UA. Your husband Shouta had asked you to come in today and talk to the Class I-A kids about calming people down who had recently been in some sort of accident- whether it's a fire, an accident, or a hostage situation- you were great at it.

    You tapped on the door that led to your husbands classroom. There was a shuffling noise on the other side, the door opened, and you met your husbands face. "Hey," you said in a voice that was as sweet as honey and as smooth as butter.
     "Hey," Aizawa smiled back at you and he escorted you into his classroom. He clapped his hands and addressed the class. "Alright, so today we're gonna learn what to do after you handle a villain or what have you. Here to help us today is Pro-Hero, (h/n). She's one of the best rescue heroes here is, next to Thirteen. Not only does her ability to control water allow her to freeze enemies in place but it also can create a warm mist that allows the potential victim to relax more. She also has a specially made scarf that has the same effects of a shock blanket used by first responders"
"Thank you Aizawa-sensei," you said bowing a little. (Both of you agreed to keep the formalities in front of the kids.)

You scanned the room and observed the students. An average looking boy with freckles was nodding along and furiously taking notes. You assumed he was the boy called Midoriya Aizawa had told you about. "Excuse me, how many of you have fire quirks?" You asked quietly, intertwining your hands in front you. Two kids raised their hands. You nodded you remember your husband telling you about both of these boys as well. Todoroki and Bakugou. Aizawa especially warned you about Bakugou's attitude. "If it's alright with you Aizawa I'd like to take these two to a practice simulation in the future."
     He nodded.

     You continued on with the lesson. Eventually it got to the point where you were talking about how to calm people down. Aizawa pretended to be someone in distress (meaning he sat in a chair and that's about it) and you pretended to calm him down. You asked him if he wanted your scarf which he agreed to, he wasn't going to pass up your scarf, it smelled so good.  Then you proceeded to put your hands in his to warm them up. You explained that when you did this to citizens you made sure to get their consent. You also made sure that washing people's wounds was important if you could. Wounds that weren't major but we're still somewhat bad were important to take care of. Anything to help them and the doctors that would be taking care of the victim in the future.
    The bell rang and class dismissed for lunch. You stayed with Aizawa eating the lunches that you made for him and yourself. Sitting close enough to him where your legs were touching you finished eating and you laid your head on Aizawa's shoulder. "You know, these kids aren't as bad as you make them out to be Shouta," you teased, looking up at him.
     "Yeah, I know but I can't go letting them think that, I have a reputation," he replied. You giggled as you reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Right as you were pulling away from Aizawa, there was a knock on the door. Quickly, trying not to make too much noise as you scooted our chair further from your husband, Aizawa told the person to come in. Thankfully it was only Hizashi. He strutted into Aizawa's classroom and plopped down in between you and Aizawa, obviously unaware of the fact you two wanted to hang out by yourselves. Aizawa glared at him, and you started chit-chatting with Hizashi. The two of you talked about Hizashi's opinions of his students while you softly grinned at him. As you finished telling Hizashi about a recent rescue mission, there was a silence. It was comfortable. Soon, the bell rang signaling the end of lunch and Hizashi left to return to his classroom.
     "Well that was nice," you sighed in content.
     "Yeah, I suppose," Aizawa replied. The sounds of student footsteps approached and the next period began.

     You spent the whole day helping Aizawa in class. There were a lot of students and they all seemed to like you. (Either way it's not like you were going to see them again soon). When school was finally over you helped Aizawa pack up and walked out with him. As you stepped outside you giggled to yourself. Your tired husband looked down at you and quirked up and eyebrow. "It just thought this was like when we were students walking home together," you explained.
    "Yeah it kind of is," Aizawa agreed. He glanced around making sure none of his students were nearby. When the coast was clear, he intertwined your fingers together and continued on idly walking  home.
Hope you all enjoyed! Sorry this one is a little shorter...

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