Midoriya Izuku- Unrequited

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    "Uraraka,"Midoriya stretched his legs on the coffee table in front of him. He tilted his head back to look at the ceiling, a love struck grin spreading across his face,"I met this girl at an agency I visited the other day."The brunette's eyebrows raised, waiting for her friend to continue. "When we talked, it felt so natural. And, when she smiled at me..." he glanced at Uraraka, "I never wanted to be the reason she stopped smiling. Somehow I even managed ask her on a date for this Saturday."
     "That's great Midoriya," she said through a forced smile as she felt her world crumble around her. All those late night fantasies that kept her awake, that made her heart flutter and squeeze her pillow when she pictured them slow dancing in their first apartment together, of them getting a dog, of them having a picnic while the sun set, cracked like glass. Still, she should've known this was coming, after all, she and Midoriya had been friends for years and he hadn't shown any indication that he was interested. Still, she asked him what his plans were for their first date and asking for more details about this woman that she could never be though, his words seemed to never quite managed to process. She simply nodded along, his words falling on deaf ears.


Uraraka's phone buzzed, the glow from it's notification lighting up her dark room. It was late, but still she unlocked her screen and read the message awaiting for her. She wished she never read it. Instead of the usual text from Midoriya after a date of him giving the girl the benefit of the doubt, he rambled a long text of how wonderful it was to be with this (f/n); how he never felt this way about anyone in such a long time. Uraraka put on her happy supportive "girl space friend" face and listened to what he said, even though it hurt like hell.

A light drizzle started falling from the grey sky  as Uraraka opened her red umbrella. The plants in the sills of windows of apartments and in large terra-cotta pots outside of cafes stuck out like sore thumbs. Although it was still early in the day the lights inside all the buildings invited Uraraka in for a cup of warm tea with their golden glow. Raindrops clung onto Uraraka's coat ash she walked in, seeming to know that she would need the company. Placing her umbrella in the basket near the door, she scanned the interior of the café looking for one person in particular, until she saw the green hair that she loved, and the (h/c) she didn't. A bitter taste arose in her mouth as Uraraka looked on at (f/n) laughing at something Midoriya said, placing a gentle touch on his arm. She hated that her gut felt all twisted as she watched the two interact, it had been months since Midoriya asked (f/n) out and she really did want to support their relationship as a friend, but it was so hard when Uraraka wanted to be the one who Midoriya's attention fell too.

     So, here she was; ready to ruin their date. She hated herself for it, but she felt like she had no other choice, and her parents did always tell her to listen to her gut. Uraraka quickly ordered tea and sat down at a table nearby and just watched.

Uraraka sipped her green tea and sat by herself in silence as she watched the two lovers, until finally the moment she had been waiting for arrived. (F/n) stood up, ruffled Midoriya's hair with a grin on her face and walked towards the bathroom. Without waiting a second, Uraraka moved her way over to Midoriya's table. "Deku!" She said happily waving.
     His eyebrows raised, "Uraraka! What are you doing here?"
     Uraraka twirled her thumbs. "I-uh... I need to talk to you."
     "Oh! Is everything okay? Sit down." Uraraka accepted the invitation. The seat creaked as she shifted her weight, preparing herself for what she was about to say. She let out a breath, "No, actually. I'm not okay." Her brown eyes gazed into Midoriya's green and she placed her small hand on his scarred one. "Izuku, I'm... in love with you." Midoriya's eyes widened, pulling his hand from hers. "Uraraka," he said quietly. "I-"

Tears well up in the girl's brown eyes. She looks down at her hands folded in her lap. Her knuckles are growing white. Her stomach churned. "I know, I know you're together with (f/n), but when I see you with her, I can't help but think that I should be the one you look at with so much love in your eyes."
      "I'm so sorry," Midoriya started, "I love you, but just not in the way that I love (f/n)."

"Izuku. You're in love with me?" asked a quiet voice outside the atmosphere of the coffee shop table. Uraraka's eyes darted up, looking between the man she loved and the woman she wished she could be, the normally hopeful brown in them becoming glossy and dull as Midoriya smiled at (f/n) and repeated himself, placing his hand on top of her's. (F/n) smiled, her eyes soft, "I love you too Izuku."
     "I'll take that as my cue to go," she said in a voice so quiet that it might as well have been a whisper. With shaky legs Uraraka pushed her chair back and looked at (f/n). "Please. Take good care of him." (F/n) nodded, a serious look on her face. Numb, Uraraka walked out of the coffee shop, not even bothering to open her umbrella.

      After Uraraka left, (f/n) sat back down in her chair; her spot. "Did I miss something?" She asked her boyfriend.
      "Yeah. I'll tell you on the way home."
This was requested a while ago by someone, but their account is gone, so requester! If you got a new account and still read this book, here you go! Uhhh I'm not very used to writing angst like this so I hope it was okay. Thanks for reading!

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