Hizashi Yamada- It's Okay

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Requested by _lumi_li
Hizashi was in disbelief. He had spent months tracking down a villain, planning the right moment to attack, and creating what he thought was the perfect team to beat him, and right when he almost snatched them-- almost put them away for good, they slipped right through his fingers.

The picture of (f/n) smiling so sweetly on Hizashi's desk seemed to mock him, so instead, he opted to stare at the grey walls in his office, listening to the clock go tick-tock, tick-tock on the wall. He felt like such a failure. Placing his head in his hands Hizashi had a staring contest with the floor. There was no way he could tell (f/n) what a fraud he was.
It was 10 o'clock at night, Hizashi should've been home by now. (F/n) knew that sometimes he would work late, but normally he would tell her when he was. Today Hizashi should've been home at 7:00, just in time for dinner. Did something happen to him? Should she go and try to find him? No, that was stupid. If he was hurt someone would call, and he might just have wanted some time to himself. Yeah, that was probably it, she had a gut feeling. (F/n) trusted Hizashi; he'd come back home when he felt ready.

Several more hours passed and although (f/n) tried to stay up until Hizashi came home, she ended up curled on the couch in a deep sleep.

     The front door clicked open, and a wave of fresh summer night air entered the house even before Hizashi, the sounds outside became clearer than the muffled noises heard before. There he stood with the moonlight to his back, looking into his home casting a light shadow onto the hardwood floors. Only an end table light and a quiet TV was on, making everything seem a little bit smaller. And  (f/n) was over on the sofa, who seemed to be stirring from Hizashi entering, but not by much. With a deep breathe, Hizashi slid off his shoes and tip-toed to the opposite side of the couch where he picked up (f/n)'s legs and set them back down in his lap, lazily drawing circles and patterns. "Yamada?"(f/n) said, lifting her head up with barely opened eyes.
"Yeah it's me."
"When'd did you get home?" She asked through a yawn.
"Just a few minutes ago."
(F/n) moved her body so she could snuggle into Hizashi's side and said,"Hmm okay... How was work?"
     Hizashi caught his breathe. "I lost him."
"Lost who?"
"The villain who I've been chasing for months and months. I had him right in front of me, and then he just slipped away."
(F/n) adjusted herself so she was now on Hizashi's lap facing him. Her blanket was still draped over her shoulders, her arms now draped over Hizashi's. "I'm sorry Yamada."
    "It's not your fault," he shrugged, clearly indicating that it somehow was his instead.
    (F/n) clicked her tongue. "Look at me," she said gently setting her hands on Hizashi's cheeks. "You're gonna get this guy, I just know it. Please, don't beat yourself up about it, you know just as well as I do that every hero has some experience like this in their career and while some of them let their mistakes haunt them others, like yourself, make themselves better and overcome this hill."
"More like mountain..." Hizashi joked half-heartedly.
"A mountain's just a really big hill that takes a little longer to climb," (f/n) said. "Next time, you'll learn from your mistake and get that bad guy with energy left to spare and use what you learned in your fight against him to ensure the same thing doesn't happen again."
Hizashi leaned into (f/n)'s soothing touch and sighed,"You're right."
"I know, I am. Now let's go to bed, I know I'm exhausted, and I'm sure you are too."
     Hizashi nodded and the two went upstairs for a good nights sleep.
     Hizashi wrapped (f/n) in his arms and pressed himself against her back, burrowing his head in the nook of her shoulder. Pressing a sweet kiss on her head, he mumbled,"Thank you for always staying by my side."
Oof sorry this one is a little shorter than normal, but I have a hugeeee chapter I've had in my head for a couple months and I'm finally putting it down somewhat coherently and I'm really hyped for you guys to read it when I'm done. The thing is I don't know whether to make it a little mini-series or just post all in one thing... We'll see

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