Midoriya Izuku- Relationships

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Requested by VroomVroomMF123
(F/n) always felt very conflicted about her relationship status. On one hand, she knew she didn't need a man to be happy. She never bought into that "you're my other half" crap. She believed that a person should be "whole" before they were in a relationship. She loved herself; self-love is important, but sometimes (f/n) really wanted someone to love her. There's nothing wrong with that. Nothing's wrong with wanting a hug from the person who thought she was the love of their life. Nothing wrong wishing for someone who'd wake up next to (f/n) in the morning and smile to themselves because they felt they were the luckiest person in the world since they were able to be with her. There's nothing wrong with that.

     The solution to (f/n)'s "problem" was to keep going on dates in hopes that she would find someone who set loose butterflies in her stomach. So far no one has.

     One date she went on was with a guy named Derrick. The name should've been a tip-off, but (f/n) went anyway. Derrick ended up ordering a crap ton of food. Expensive food. He was burping, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand, just being overall rude. Then, to top it all off, when the check finally came (f/n)'s date rubbed his stomach in satisfaction, furrowed his eyebrows, said, while speaking through a burp,"You got the check right?" stood up and left. Everything happened so fast that (f/n) just sat here in shock. Thankfully, the manager saw what happened and ended up paying for some of her meal, which caused (f/n)'s faith in humanity to rise a little once more.

Another date that had a pretty wholesome ending, was one (f/n) actually enjoyed, except the guy, Tyler, ended up being gay. Although the two met on Tinder, it turned out the Tyler's friend, who he had not outed to yet, made him the account and Tyler didn't want to hurt his friend's feeling so he went on the date anyway. The poor boy seemed about as confrontational as Belgium. All in all, the date was fun, the two bonded over how cute their waiter was and (f/n) encouraged her newfound friend to go for it, and the waiter said yes to Tyler! Even though (f/n) didn't walk out of the restaurant with a potential boyfriend, she did end up meeting someone new who she really enjoyed talking to.

These were just a couple of the unsuccessful nights, and they had left (f/n) feeling hopeless. She didn't get butterflies, she didn't feel a spark, she didn't feel any of clichés that movies and books talked about. But, (f/n)'s luck would soon change.
     A plain looking young adult with curly, green hair and freckles stopped outside a tall building that was the home of his new agency. He closed his eyes and slowly breathed in, feeling the cool breeze flow through his curly hair and ruffle his shirt. "Hey are you okay?" Asked a voice behind him.
     He froze up and spun around,"What? Ye-Yeah, I'm fine." He saw that it was a girl with a skeptical look on her face.
     "Whatever you say..." She trailed off and continued walking into his new agency's building.
     "Oh wait!" The yelled the new recruit,"I'm Midoriya Izuku, or uh wait you might know me as the hero "Deku?" I don't know..." Midoriya started mumbling to himself, fiddling with his fingers, and then snapped out of it,"I just transferred here! I assume you work here?"
     "Um yeah," started the girl,"I'm (f/n) (l/n) or the Pro-hero White Marlin."
     Midoriya's eyes widened,"You're the White Marlin?"
     "Yes?" (F/n) said confused. She didn't really think she had that much of a following... Midoriya bowed and exclaimed,"I look forward to working with you!"
     "Thanks, you too," (f/n) said. With her eyes still on Midoriya, she gestured to the doors of the agency,"If you want, I can show you around."
Midoriya gave a cute grin,"That'd be great."
     Over the course of the next few months, (f/n) and Midoriya grown extremely close. At the office they were almost inseparable, and in the field they were an unstoppable team, they had even been to each other's apartment before. They started to tell one another their hopes and dreams, some of their worst nightmares, and of course, they talked about their dating lives.

   "Alright," (f/n) pointed her fork at Midoriya while eating pasta salad,"if you had to choose, would you rather be best friends with Regina George or be best friends with..." She looked up trying to think of another person,"Endeavor."
     Midoriya got a goofy grin,"Regina George." The two laughed and (f/n) continued to ask him more questions of the like until her cheeky smile changed into a small frown. "I have another date tonight," she brought up, poking her pasta with her fork. Midoriya raised his eyebrows and waited for her to continue. "I swear to God Midoriya, if this one doesn't go right I'm just gonna become a nun."
"(F/n), objectively speaking, you'd be a horrible nun," observed Midoriya.
"Objectively!" She scoffed, pouting,"I mean yeah, you're right, but damn Midoriya!"
     He shrugged, smiling, and continued eating his sandwich while (f/n) told him about her future nun prospects.
     (F/n) frowned looking in the mirror, her eyeliner was just off by a little bit, but it looked like wouldn't have the time to fix it, her date was supposed to pick her up at 7:00. Stepping back, she picked up the sides of the short, navy blue dress that she was wearing and gave herself a twirl. She looked good.

It was 8:00 and (f/n) was still at home. She had texted her date asking where they were and much to her dismay, they never responded. Maybe there's just been some bad traffic she thought to herself, after all she didn't know where this guy was coming from-- didn't know how far he needed to travel. But soon, one hour turned into two; two into three and still no sign of her date showing up.

A pressure built up in (f/n)'s chest, behind her eyes. Picking up her phone, she dialed Midoriya's number. Ring...ring...ring... "Hello? (F/n)?"Midoriya answered his phone,"how was your date?"
"He stood me up. That asshole stood me up."
"Oh no... I'll over in a minute, okay?"
(F/n) nodded even though she knew Midoriya couldn't see her and hung up.

The annoying buzzing of someone trying to be let into the apartment complex was heard shortly after (f/n)'s and Midoriya's conversation. (F/n) pressed the button, allowing her friend to enter the building and the door to her apartment soon after. Seeing Midoriya in her doorframe just made her cry more. "I took my time getting ready for that guy. I made myself look hot and fine as hell and that asshole couldn't even bother to respond to a stupid text?" (F/n) cried, standing alone on the other side of the door.
Midoriya stepped forward and drew her into a gentle hug. "He doesn't know what he's missing," he said resting his chin on (f/n)'s head.

The two stayed like that, lost in each other's embrace. Midoriya, the first to pull away, looked at (f/n), sliding his hands down her arms. He took a deep breathe,"(F/n), you're one of the most intelligent, stunning, and funniest people I've ever met. The fact that your date couldn't even see that in you is beyond me." He started tilting (f/n)'s chin. "These past few months have been some of the happiest that I've had in a while." The space between the two people grew smaller and smaller. (F/n) closed her eyes, fully accepting what was about to happen. Their lips met. It was a soft, gentle kiss that (f/n) could only imagine coming from Midoriya. His rough, scarred hands cupping her face provided the perfect contrast from his smooth lips. Although it was short, it seemed it lasted forever. As they broke away, (f/n) brought her fingers to her lips, still in a trance from what just happened. "(F/n) (L/n)," Midoriya spoke softly,"will you go out with me?"
She looked up and smiled. "Of course."
All my requests are done! Thank you to everyone who sent in ideas; especially those of you who had to wait a while. Summer's here and I will be opening the requests up soon, but before I do that, I want to fix up the old imagines in the beginning. Also since I'll be doing that, I would love to hear your guy's constructive criticism. What do you think I could do better at? Anyway, thanks for reading!

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