Shinsou Hitoshi- Aquarium

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(F/n) had been always loved the aquarium. Whether it was the calmness of watching the fish effortlessly glide through the water or the soft blues and greens of the tanks, she'd always felt at peace. So when her friend Shinsou asked if her wanted to go, how could she say no??

Shinsou knocked on (f/n)'s dorm door, a pale yellow umbrella in hand, before letting himself in. "Ah!" (F/n) said as she balanced on one foot trying to get her rain boots on. "Just give me one minute Hitoshi! You can sit down if you want." Shinsou smiled, opting to lean against the door frame, his hands folded on the handle of the umbrella and watched (f/n) excitedly get ready with soft lavender eyes. It was refreshing to see her like this. With everything going on in the hero department, (f/n)'s stress has increased. The girl slipped on a black sweatshirt with the cover for Frank Ocean's song "Biking" she had stolen from her boyfriend and grabbed his hand. "You ready?" Shinsou asked, looking down at (f/n).
"Oh Hitoshi, so sweet and innocent," she stuck her tongue out. "I was born ready."

When the two got to aquarium, (f/n) couldn't contain her excitement. As Shinsou went up to pay, she shifted her weight, watching the ticket printer with an intense gaze. The printer buzzed and the two little papers came out. "Enjoy your time," the woman behind the counter said with a smile, handing the couple the stubs. (F/n) grabbed Shinsou's hand. "Let's go Hitoshi!"

     It just so happened that one of the first main areas had a touch tank, but not just any touch tank. The kind with the rays and nurse sharks along with the given starfish and the like. "You want to go over there?" Shinsou asked leaning into your ear.
"Of course I do! As if you even had to ask."
(F/n) led Shinsou to a good looking spot and put her fingers in the cool water, wiggling them around as she watched a sting ray, brush against the wall and her fingers. She smiled, beaming with happiness and she looked to where she thought Shinsou would be standing next to her, but instead found him a little further back.

Grinning, (f/n) waved him over to where she was, "Hitoshi, have you ever touched a sting ray before?" Shinsou shook his head.
"Do you want to?"
"They're not gonna sting me right?"
"No. Their tails have been debarbed, but still don't grab them. Instead, just put a couple fingers in the water and wait for them to come to you." (F/n) stepped behind Shinsou, placing one hand on his back, and another on top of his own big hand, guiding his fingers into the water. The two waited for a moment before the same ray came up and allowed Shinsou's fingers to glide across its back. He laughed, covering his mouth with the back of his free hand. (F/n) raised her eyebrows. "They're so soft," he said, "the I don't know what I was expecting to feel, but it definitely wasn't that." (F/n) giggled, "I know. They're so cute too. They're like little fish dogs."

A couple minutes passed and after purelling their hands, the two moved on to the next exhibit: The Cold Water Zone. (F/n) froze as soon as she walked in, staring at the first tank. "Oh my God!" She whisper-yelled. "She grabbed Shinsou's arm, "You didn't tell me they had beluga whales here!"
He smiled, "Well I didn't want to ruin the surprise, I know they're one of your favorites."
(F/n) looked up at her boyfriend, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I love you so much. I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I'm glad I did it anyway."
"Me too," he said, placing a chaste kiss on the top of her head." They both turned towards the tank and watched the beluga blow little bubble rings to swim through.

There was only one more exhibit to see before the two left: "The Ocean Expedition." This was the biggest and best in the aquarium and Shinsou couldn't wait to see (f/n)'s reaction. The whole exhibit was actually one big tank that had over 6 million gallons and over 50 species of fish.

Their first steps into the unexplored area brought them through a tunnel where the tank took up the ceiling and most of the walls. They walked slowly, Shinsou's fingers finding (f/n)'s as the shadow of a shark swam overhead. But what laid ahead was truly something to be seen. A big room, with a floor to ceiling wall that looked right into the tank.

     (F/n)'s jaw dropped. Manta rays gracefully swam large, slow backflips in the water. One of the four whale sharks passed, flanked by a school of giant travellies. Calm orchestral music was playing on speakers in the room and everything around (f/n) went quiet as she just watched the animals move so, so peacefully. During this whole trip, even in the quieter moments (f/n) would still tell Shinsou a few facts about the fish they saw, but right now, she was speechless.

     The soft, hue of the water cast a blue glow on (f/n)'s face as she smiled herself. Even though Shinsou was just as astonished with the massive tank in front of him, he still found his eyes working their way back to her. His (f/n). Without looking away, as (f/n) watched another whale shark swim by she spoke. "We're so small in this world Hitoshi."
    He hummed in agreement.
    "It's so beautiful."
    Shinsou looked at (f/n), he looked at her small smile, her delicate features, the way her nose curved just so, and her beautiful eyes that were filled with wonder. He felt a small blush creep along his cheeks."Yeah... beautiful."

     Although (f/n) could've stayed there for hours, just watching the fish swim by, they both had to leave at some point. Finally (f/n) turned towards her boyfriend. "Thank you Hitoshi." She took his hands, looking down at his fingers. "Best. Date. Ever."
Hope you guys enjoyed! This was an old one I wrote and re read it and I was like "ew this is really yucky" and I fixed it up and she's good as new! It was also inspired by the time I went to the Georgia Aquarium. It's absolutely incredible so if you ever have the chance to go, do it, you won't regret it.

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