Aizawa Shouta- Sleepy

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Requested by Tukayria04
"Ugghhhhhhh," you groaned, running your hands through your hair and glaring maliciously at the papers spread out on your coffee table. Your husband looked up from what he was grading and raised his eyebrows. "This is stupid. Grading is stupid," you pouted.
"Well the more you complain, the more you're gonna hate it," Aizawa replied nonchalantly, looking over his coffee mug.
"Shoutaaaaa," you dragged on,"I don't wanna grade all these papers," you whined like a toddler trying to get their way.
"Well maybe you should've thought about that before you put everything off until the last minute," Aizawa responded. You pouted your lip and stood up from your end of the table and walked over to Aizawa's before trying to slip onto his lap.
"Maybe you could help me," you whispered in your husband's ear.
He smirked,"Oh really how's that?"
You tucked a piece of hair behind his ear,"Well you could take some of the answer keys to those tests and grade some of them in a nice red pen," you said in a low voice. Aizawa gave you a lop-sided grin before giving you a kiss,"Fine," he sighed,"but you owe me Ms. Aizawa."

   Several hours and cups of coffee later, the two of you finished grading your papers. Even so, you were exhausted. "Why do I procrastinate?" You muttered to yourself laying your head in the table. You glanced at the clock 10:13; that's not even that late (y/n)! Aizawa grabbed a blanket from the couch and moved over to you to throw it around your shoulders. "Come on kid," he said in a gentle voice,"let's get you to bed." You mumbled something incoherent and sleepily trudged along to your bedroom while guided by your husband.

As you climbed in bed and nestled yourself under the covers Aizawa kissed you on the forehead and told you he'd be there in a few minutes. You burrowed yourself somehow even deeper into the bed an found yourself lost in a sleepy daze. When Aizawa approached the bed you looked to him and said,"Shouta, do you believe in aliens?"
"Of course I do," Aizawa said as a matter of factly.
"Really? I mean I do too, but you sound so sure of it."
"Well,"Aizawa started, while you lifted the comforter so he could join you under the bed," it's pretty hard for me to think that there's no other living thing in the universe except for us." You nodded along agreeing.
"Shouta, what about ghosts?"
He shrugged," That's more something I'd have to see for myself. Now, before you ask anything else, you should get to sleep." With that, he pulled you closer so you could rest your head on his chest and fell asleep.

Aizawa woke up before you. Only a few minutes before your alarm officially went off. In all honestly, a part of him genuinely loved waking up before his (h/c)-ed wife. Propping himself on his elbows, he gazed on his sleeping wife. He might not show it all the time, but he really did love you. Why else would he ask you to marry him? The soft lighting that was start to come through the windows was highlighting your face just enough that he could make out your features. Your parted lips. Your soft breathes, accompanied by small snores. Your hair messed up from moving around throughout the night. Aizawa loved it.

A few minutes passed like this, until your alarm went off. You hummed in annoyance and hit the snooze button, 8 minutes more. Almost subconsciously, you shifted closer to Aizawa, where he wrapped his arms around you and rubbed your back. (E/c) eyes barely fluttering open, you gazed at Aizawa and let out a small chuckle to yourself. "What?" Aizawa asked, his voice gravely from not using it for hours.
"I just love your hair in the mornings," you said into his shirt.
"I could say the same about you," he breathed.

After not long enough, the alarm went off again this time you turned it off for real. "Do you want me to pour you some coffee?" You asked Aizawa, already knowing what the answer would be. He told you yes and you slowly got out of your warm bed. Your eyes squinted with sleep and your drew your shoulders tighter to your body, trying to acclimate to the temperature change. You shuffled to the kitchen and grabbed two mugs, pouring the bitter black coffee into each, before adding the cream to yours. Yawning, you then moved to the cupboard to pour yourself a bowl of cereal, heading to sit down at the table soon afterwards.

Not long after you sat down, you heard Aizawa moseying about going through his own morning routine that you grew to know well. He sauntered to where you were an joined you at the table with his own cereal, but not before giving you a kiss on the cheek as he passed. You both sat in a comfortable silence eating your breakfast. This lasted for a short amount of time before you finished eating and got up to change and get ready to teach at UA.

It was both a blessing (and sometimes a curse) for you and your husband to work at the same place because it allowed you to walk with each other to school. Just like when you went there as students. "Are you ready?" Aizawa asked.
You finished slipping on your shoes and looked up at him with a lop-sided smile,"Yeah, let's go."
About halfway to school, you froze in the street,"Aw shit," you tsked,"I forgot the papers we graded last night."
"Now you really owe me," Aizawa teased as you both continued walking.
Oh shoot, two in one day would you look at that. Hope you all enjoyed! More to come (hopefully) soon.

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