Bakugou Katsuki- Campfire

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Playful laughter filled the crisp night air, soon to be carried away by the gentle summer breeze. A group of friends huddled around a small bonfire, faces illuminated by the soft orange glow of the flames. Almost everyone was here. Almost. One more person needed to be present for the group of friends to be completed.

That spot was soon filled as the crunching of gravel under foot was heard, getting louder and louder. "Hey guys," the newcomer spoke quiet enough to not ruin the ambiance of the night, but loud enough to be noticed. A welcoming chorus of "hellos" and "hi's" and "sups" responded. Some got up to give the friend a warm hug. Others remained where they were, knowing that their friend knew they showed affection in other ways. The newcomer shoved their hands in their pockets and moved to sit next to one of their friends. "Hey Katsuki," they said casually kissing him in the cheek.
"Hey (f/n)," he replied drawing her closer to his side, wrapping an arm protectively around her waist. She set her head on Bakugou's shoulder, looking into the fire. "Sorry I was late, traffic and all that," she apologized.
     "You're fucking fine," Bakugou tsked.

    Everyone talked and talked, catching up on recent events and reminiscing on past memories. Then there was a lull in the conversation. (F/n) snuggled closer into Bakugou's side and stared up at the sky. Away from the city lights,the stars weren't twinkling; it seemed they were dancing. A playful dance. Like they were trying to start a dance with the moon. Even though her mind was quiet, one clear thought came to the forefront of (f/n)'s mind,"Oh! I almost forgot! I brought stuff for s'mores," she exclaimed.
"All right!" Kirishima cheered.
(F/n) turned to face Bakugou. "Can you walk with me to the car?"
He nodded and the two got up to retrieve the campfire snacks.

(F/n) and Bakugou walked side by side to the campground parking lot, chatting about nothing in particular. "Did you know that one is Saturn's smaller moons reflects about 90% of sunlight which makes it more reflective than snow?" She asked Bakugou staring up at the sky once more.
    "No, but that's pretty damn cool."
    "You know what else is cool?"
     Bakugou looked at (f/n) expectantly.
    "Fuck off."
    "Love you too Katsuki."

(F/n) reached in her pocket to pull out her car keys and popped the trunk. She leaned in to grab the plastic bags of chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers, with Bakugou admiring the view. "Damn, those leggings look good on you," he said in a husky voice, pressing his body against (f/n)'s back, starting to nibble behind her ear, sending a chill down her spine. She turned to face him. "Not now, people are waiting for s'mores," she said patting him on the chest. Bakugou sucked his teeth and left with (f/n) once she was ready.

     As the couple was returning to the campfire, (f/n) giggled to herself. "Hey Katsuki," she said.
     (F/n) gazed up at him, a mischievous glint in her eye. She threw her arm around his waist,"Are you a campfire? Cause you're smokin' hot and I want S'more."
     Bakugou deadpanned, but couldn't deny the heat prickling his ears. "I hate you."
    "Katsuki, did I embarrass you?"
"What no," he defended himself indignantly.
"Did I get the total hardcore, badass Bakugou Katsuki to blush??" (F/n) started yelling from excitement.
Bakugou grabbed her wrist and pulled her close, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and whispered,"If you mess with fire you get burnt (f/n)," his eyes shaded with lust. Now it was (f/n)'s turn to get flustered, so much that she dropped the bags of food in embarrassment causing Bakugou's classic cocky grin to spread across his face. He pinched his girlfriend's ass,"Let's get going."

"You guys are back! Hand over those marshmallows!" Kaminari called. The bag was tossed in the air and he caught it. Immediately he ripped open the bag and threw a marshmallow in his mouth. "You're not gonna even roast that?" Sero exclaimed. Kaminari shrugged, flashing his friend a chubby cheeked smile and continued munching on the sweet.
"Pass those over here," Ashido extended her arm to get the marshmallows. She picked up a clean -ish stick off the ground and speared the snack. "This is how a real pro makes marshmallows." Ashido stuck the marshmallow deep into the fire immediately causing the treat to light on fire.
"Legend has it that this marshmallow represents what Bakugou's heart is like," Kirishima said as if he was telling a ghost story, with Bakugou yelling at Kirishima to "CUT THAT SHIT OUT!" Ashido pulled the flaming marshmallow out of the fire and pretended to showcase it. "Only the bravest, most daring warriors can conquer the flames and experience the mushy goodness inside," Kirishima added on. Shoving the stick in (f/n)'s face, Kaminari told her to blow the flame out. With a grin she did, plucked it off the stick and popped it in her mouth. "So? What's it like?" Ashido asked (f/n).
She smacked her lips and judged it,"Very accurate," she teased nudging Bakugou.
     "Yeah whatever," he muttered with everyone laughing away.
The fire had gone out, and the air was cold and damp. Even though this was the case, the group of friends were determined to last as long as they could outside; it wasn't often that a night like this occurred. Two lovers curled together to keep warm, another friend wrapped a blanket around their shoulders tighter against their body, others just sat there gazing at the stars, not caring about their chills while looking at the night's beauty. Everyone felt as if they were in their own little world.

    They stayed like this for a while, until the nighttime won and forced them to settle in their tents. There, they would burrow under blankets letting the warmth embrace them and seep into their cold bones. The crickets' chirping and toads' croaking soon became background noise as everyone allowed their newfound warmth to lure them into a peaceful sleep.
      I hope you all enjoyed! I'm pretty proud of this one and I know this doesn't have a lot of Bakugou romance or whatever but I've been wanting to do something like this for a while.

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