Bakugou Katsuki- Babysitting

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HOLY SHIT THIS IS LONG also in this you and Katsuki are out of high school and live together, he's a hero and you work at a cafe cause you were in the business course and are looking for a job.


"Hey Hun?" (F/n) said trying to get Bakugou's attention. He lifted his head from his phone. "What's up?"
"My older brother and his wife need to go on a business trip for a couple days and they were wondering if we could watch Ryan," (f/n) explained.
"That shouldn't be a damn problem," Bakugou responded.
"Okay great," (f/n) sighed with relief and texted her brother that it was okay for Ryan to stay with her and Bakugou.

The first day was great; (f/n), Bakugou, and Ryan went to the zoo and the aquarium. Ryan was very excited to be with his "Aunty (f/n)" and "Uncle Katsuki" and got even more excited when he saw Bakugou stop some purse snatchers with just a simple glare.

The next morning however, at 7:15, (f/n) woke up to her phone ringing. "Who the fuck is calling this early?" She heard Bakugou grumble into his pillow. Squinting her eyes at the her bright phone screen, (f/n) saw her boss's name. "It's Derrick,"she sighed picking up the phone.
"(F/n) you need to come to the coffeehouse as soon as you can! Rachael couldn't make it today and you're the only person who can do it!" Derrick yells into the phone.
"Why can't Chris or Ashley?" You ask.
"Because Chris is sick and Ashley's out of town." Dammit, you think, that means that it's just gonna be Ryan and Bakugou. No, Katsuki can handle it I trust him. "Okay I'll be there soon."

(F/n) poked her boyfriend in the face to stir him back awake. Pinching her nose, she explained to him the situation."Don't worry babe,"he said pulling her into a hug and kissing her on the forehead,"I'll fucking take care of it don't you fucking worry. I'll take the day off k?"
(F/n) whispered a thank you into his shirt and laid in bed with him for just a few extra moments before she had to go into hell.
When Bakugou heard the pitter-patter of naked feet, he suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. This was his first time watching this kid alone. Sure they both had seen each other before, they've been around each other with other people, hell, they were both with (f/n) yesterday, but this was their first time completely alone with together. Deep breathes he thought do this for (f/n). "Hey kid, what do you want for breakfast?" Bakugou asked. Ryan rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and told Bakugou he wanted pancakes. I can do pancakes, this will be fucking easy Bakugou thought to himself determinedly.

     Ryan and Bakugou both ate breakfast and he asked what Ryan wanted to do that day. Ryan's brown eyes looked up in thought, swinging his legs on the chair he was sitting in. "I wanna visit Auntie (f/n)," he finally said. Bakugou grinned,"Yeah, okay, we'll do that around lunch and we'll bring her something to eat. For now though, do you want to watch a movie or some shit like that?"
"Okay," Ryan agreed looking back down at his pancakes to finish them.
"Let me know when you're done so we can wash up okay?" Bakugou asked. Ryan nodded, shoving another forkful of pancakes in his mouth.

What would (f/n) want for lunch? Bakugou thought to himself I'll get her a burger. "Alright Ryan," Bakugou said putting shoes on,"let's get (f/n) some fucking lunch!" Ryan giggled and grabbed Bakugou's arm so he wouldn't get lost while walking to his aunt's work. "Can I get something too?"Ryan asked innocently. Bakugou grinned softly,"Of course you damn well can."

(F/n) didn't even notice her boyfriend and nephew walk into the coffee shop until she heard,"Excuse me miss, could I get a espresso and a-,"Ryan tugged on Bakugou's sleeve and whispered into his ear what he wanted,"hot chocolate? Also we brought you lunch," he finished holding up the burger bag with his other hand.
"Oh my god I love you so much, I've had such a horrible day," (f/n) said tearing up a little. "There was the whole me getting called in early and then some guy yelled at me for like five minutes for getting his order wrong, we were swamped when I got here and I've been the only one because Derrick thought it'd be okay to leave," she ranted, throwing her hands up in the air,"Oh and I spilled coffee all over myself." (F/n) leaned over the counter and gave Bakugou a kiss and thanked him, then turned to Ryan,"How's my favorite five year-old doing? Is Katsuki taking good care of you?"
"Yeah! He made me pancakes and we watched a movie and stuff,"Ryan said.
     "That's great," (f/n) smiled,"I better make your drinks."

     After a while of talking to (f/n), Bakugou and Ryan went back to their place. "I have an idea,"stated Bakugou. Ryan looked up in curiosity. "We should fucking clean up and make dinner for Auntie (f/n), since she's had a shitty day I think it would make her happy." Bakugou explained further. Ryan's eyes brightened at the thought of making his aunt happy and went along with the plan.

     Bakugou got Ryan a small stool to for him stand on while he cut up some veggies for dinner with a butter knife (so he wouldn't cut himself.) Meanwhile, Bakugou made some spaghetti sauce and meatballs to go with it. After everything was done, except for the noodles, the two high-fived and went to lay down on couch and took a nap.

     When you got home, you saw Ryan sleeping on Bakugou's chest and smelled something delicious cooking. Mentally awing (f/n) quickly took a picture of the two and moved to wake them up so the three of them could eat.

     After dinner, Ryan's parents came to pick him up. "Did you have fun?" (F/n) brother asked Ryan. He nodded his head vigorously. "Uncle Katsuki is so cool! And he's a such good cook too! He made me pancake and made Auntie (f/n) spaghetti and be even let me help!"

Upon hearing the word "uncle" come out of Ryan's mouth (f/n) and Bakugou heard the word "uncle" looked at each other and blushed. He had always thought of Bakugou as family but he never said it out loud. Sure, Bakugou wanted to marry to hell out of (f/n), but it hadn't really been brought up. She smirked and said,"Well I'm sure Uncle Katsuki had fun too."

      (F/n)'s family soon left and whenever she and Bakugou she mouthed "uncle" and, when she felt particularly devious, she even threw in a "dad." After that, Bakugou stormed over to (f/n), grabbed your checks, and kissed you with a hungry passion. "I'm fucking looking forward to it,"he winked, walking away, leaving (f/n) speechless.

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