Kirishima Eijirou- Flowers

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Requested by @LunarLeaves
Turn to the right. Two to the left. One more to the right. Would he find another? Kirishima opened his locker to once again find a flower inside; this time it was a small yellow daffodil. He gently picked it up and held it up to his nose taking a sniff, the bright yellow creating a similar hue across the bottom of his nose. Placing the flower on top of his books, Kirishima started walking to class, with a knowing smile. It didn't take long after the appearances of the daily flowers for him to figure out who was leaving them; the only other people who knew his locker combination were Bakugou and (f/n). God knows Bakugou would never leave flowers in his locker, so it only left one person. Still Kirishima pretended not to know who it was whenever (f/n) asked him about it, worried that she might stop if he told her.

     On the way to class, Kirishima met his friend on the way and started walking together. "You got another flower?"
     Kirishima nodded,"Yeah, they really nailed it this time too, daffodils are my favorite."
     "That's great! Have you figured out who's leaving them?"
"Nope, not yet," he lied,"but it's a nice surprise to have in the morning."
(F/n) smiled," Yeah, I'm sure it is."

     This little routine started when (f/n) produced her first plant with her quirk. It was a huge accomplishment for her. She would always give her created flowers to her parents, who were and still are the kindest people she had ever met. It was always an unexpected surprise for either of them when (f/n) presented them with the gift, but each time they smiled, ruffling her hair, and thanking her. So, when (f/n) met Kirishima, another one of the most generous people that she knew, she wanted to show the sweet red-head that he was loved by putting flowers in his locker. There were never any notes left saying who it was from. Flowers are notes of their own, and the message was to thank Kirishima, not to be thanked.
Turn to the right. Two to the left. One more to the right. Like any other day Kirishima opened up his locker, but unlike any other day, there wasn't anything except for school supplies inside. The only presence of flowers was the faint smell of past plants. His shoulders slumped a little as Kirishima grabbed what was needed from the locker and started walking to class, expecting (f/n) to say hi to him in the hallway, but she wasn't in class that morning Kirishima sent his friend a concerned text, just to make sure she was feeling alright.

Throughout the day, Kirishima couldn't help but feel a little bummed; just like his locker was empty without its flowers, Kirishima felt empty without his (f/n). He checked the screen of his phone, swiping on the notification from (f/n)'s message.

From: (f/n)
Sorry for making you
worry Eiji. I'm living life to the
fullest in my room cause I'm sick.
Could you drop off our homework?

From: Eiji
Of course (f/n)! Anything for you!

Kirishima frowned a little, turning back into Aizawa's room to get (f/n)'s missed assignments, and deciding make a few stops before he delivered her papers.
Kirishima knocked on (f/n)'s door and entered holding flowers of his own for her at his side. "Oh hey, Eijirou," (f/n) croaked, her eyes closed, under a mound of blankets sprinkled with tissues. "Geez (f/n) are you alright? Should I have bought you some medicine?"
     (F/n) grinned lazily, "No, but thank you." She squinted at Kirishima noticing, the flowers in his hand. "Eijirou, are those for me?"
     He looked down at the small bouquet and nodded. "I didn't get any today, so I figured I'd get some for my supplier," he confessed.
     (F/n)'s eyes widened. "You knew? For how long?"
     "Long enough... I mean think about it (f/n), you and Bakugou are the only people who know my locker combination, and it's not like he's gonna give me flowers..."
     "You're not weirded out are you?"
     "What? No, of course not. I look forward to getting your flowers everyday," Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck.
     "Ohhhhh Eiji~~" (f/n) cooed.
"I look forward to seeing you everyday (f/n)."
(F/n) slowly sat up straight in her bed, the tissue mountain crumbling. "Eijirou..." She whispered.
He looked up at her and continued,"You make my day, today I was so sad when we couldn't walk together to class and eat lunch together."
Carefully, as not to make her pounding head to hurt even more, (f/n) wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and stepped over to Kirishima, engulfing him in a tight, warm blanket hug. Pressing her face against his chest, feeling his heart beat faster, she muttered,"You make my day too."
Kirishima smiled and rested his chin on top of her head, enjoying the comfort of (f/n)'s arms. They stayed like that for a moment, simply swaying back and forth until (f/n) broke the silence pulling away."Eijirou, as much as I love this, you should probably go, I don't want you getting sick." He nodded and stood in her room for a spell. "Okay, I'll see you soon. Take care of yourself."
Turn to the right. Two to the left. One more to the right. Kirishima opened his locker a few days later to happily see more daffodils laying inside his locker. He smiled, picking it up and rubbing the soft petals. Thanks (f/n).
Woah. Two days in a row? That's practically unheard of. Hope you all enjoyed!

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