Kirishima Eijirou- Still

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Requested by asuhakusonoki
The first time you lost a life when you were 7. As you were getting off the school bus and crossing your street, a car coming from the other direction didn't yield and hit you. You were rushed to the hospital and went under operation. Your heart had stopped and you were declared dead. Your quirk, which allowed you to have cat-like agility, stealth, sharp teeth, and even retractable claws, had manifested two years ago, but clearly you and your family didn't know the extent of it until your parents were being informed of the bad news.

      As your surgeon was explaining what went wrong, there was the sound of hurried footsteps approaching the mourning family. "She's alive," said the other doctor. What once were tears of sorrow turned into tears of disbelief and joy. The surgeon was confused, but everyone wrote it off as a miracle and you were discharged from the hospital as soon as you healed from the surgery.

The second time you lost a life was when you were 8. As you were climbing a tree in your yard, you lost your footing and hit your head. Hard. Your parents were there when it happened and immediately they called emergency services and watched as the paramedics swept you into the ambulance once more afraid they would lose their daughter, but not like the last time. This time for real.

Fortunately that's not what happened, even though the doctors pronounced you dead again- after all your pulse completely stopped- you still somehow managed to raise from the dead. As your doctor was explaining this medical miracle to your parents (and you once you woke up) he suggested the idea that your cat-like quirk extended so far that you had nine lives. You made the decision yourself not to tell anyone, you didn't want all that publicity, not now anyway, maybe when you were older.
Flash forward years into the future and now, you're a student at the one and only U.A. You've made many friends and you've even been excepted into, as some would call it, the "Bakusqaud." Among them though, was your best friend, Kirishima Eijirou. He had this laugh that would make your heart flutter; one that would lighten up the room paired with a beautiful smile. He had this personality; one that was equally caring and dorky and overall perfect. And you, you had some of the warmest, most beautiful eyes Kirishima had ever seen; eyes that were filled with compassion and understanding, love, mischief. You had this gorgeous hair; hair that framed your face wonderfully and was soft as hell and he loved every bit of you more and more. The two of you grew closer and closer each but being the typical teenagers you were you completely denied the possibility that Kirishima liked you back and you liked Kirishima back.

     While you and Kirishima were walking to your house after school on Friday, you saw a man burst out a bank with a duffle bag filled with cash. A cliché at it's finest but, you couldn't just stand by and let this robber take away people's hard earned saving. Grabbing Kirishima's arm, you dragged him after the thief, eventually letting go so you could pick up the pace. "Stop!" You shouted after the thief, pumping your arms more to increase your speed. Somehow, you and Kirishima cornered the man. "Don't move! Don't come any closer! I'll shoot!"The robber shouted. He raised his shaking arm and revealed a gun. What the hell why does this guy have a gun? Is he quirkless? You thought. Glancing over at Kirishima, you caught his eye and shared the same worried look. This wasn't something that you were really trained for. You knew that you yourself wasn't good at hand-to-hand combat. At least, you thought with relief, Kirishima will be able to harden his skin and stop a bullet. Me on the other hand I have moe lives but it'd still suck to get shot.

Suddenly, a dark shadow swooped over you and Kirishima, interrupting your thoughts. As you looked up, shielding your eyes from the sun, you saw it was a hero. A real hero. Kamui Woods to be exact. "Step back kids!" He ordered as he landed. He pivoted and focused his energy on the thief,"Give the money back now," he said in a sonorous voice.
"No! No, no, no, no..."the robber said muttering to himself, pacing back and forth. His mannerisms reminded you of The Joker from The Dark Knight.
"Sir, please don't make this more difficult for yourself, just hand over the stolen goods," Kamui stepped forward hands in front of him, palms out to look less threatening.
The robber started shaking his head and laughing. Soon he was gesturing the gun around, still muttering to himself incomprehensible words. Kamui took another small step closer. "Don't get any closer to me dammit! Don't even think about moving!" The robber yelled. Kamui moved his hands and there was an ear-piercing pop through the air. The next thing you knew you were on the ground, too in shock to even feel the pain in your leg.

Kirishima's breath hitched. There was an eerie stillness. Not from the people surrounding you, but emitted from you yourself. You were always moving you were always fiddling with your fingers absentmindedly as you prepared for a speech in school, or as you were waiting in a line. If you weren't doing that you were tapping your fingers on your knees or a table to the beat of a song in your head. If you were embarrassed you shifted your weight and looked down at your feet, sometimes even scrunching your toes. Even in your sleep you moved, from the way to rubbed your feet together in the winter to the steady breathes you took when you were sleeping. You were always moving, but not right now and it terrified Kirishima.

There was way too much blood, his knees started shaking, his legs buckled. His mind went to the worst possibilities. What if you were dead? What if you were dying and he couldn't find it within himself to move over to you and give you comfort? What if-- the next thing he saw was a flash of movement was Kamui Woods apprehended the robber. Everything was moving so fast, yet so slow. Kirishima felt numb, when did the paramedics get here? Where were they taking you? He felt himself being shaken by a women who gave him a shock blanket and guided him to the ambulance to be taken tonthe hospital. "Where's my friend?" He asked. The paramedic looked at him with sympathy in her eyes,"She's on her way to the emergency room."
Kirishima felt his stomach lurch. This wasn't supposed to happen.
Kirishima woke up in a stark room on top of a mattress that felt like stone. He surveyed his surroundings and saw Bakugou and Kaminari sitting in chairs by his bed. "Where's (f/n)?" He asked trying to sit up. His friends shared an apprehensive look with each other. With a sigh, Kaminari took it upon himself to explain. "When the bullet hit her leg, it hit her femoral artery, the ambulance was able to stop the bleeding but she still lost a lot of blood. " They didn't need to say anything else." Sh--she's," Kirishima gulped he couldn't even bare to say the word.
"Dead." Bakugou said, in a daze looking down at his hands. Kirishima bolted out of his bed, ran to the nearest trash can and threw up. Tears welled in his eyes, from the vomit and the pain. This couldn't be happening, this can't be happening. He saw your parents talking with a doctor, one who appeared to be a surgeon. They spoke to him and then the surgeon ran back to the operating rooms.
A day passed and Kirishima couldn't bring himself to stay in his house. Instead he found himself visiting your house and your parents. They saw the way he looked at you when you were together; they saw the love in his eyes, the way his smile softened. Your parents decided to sit him down and tell him about all of your quirk. They explained your quirk not only gave you cat-like abilities, but it also meant you had nine lives. Kirishima leaned forward, resting elbows on his knees and listening even more carefully. They continued to say that when they talked to the surgeon and he gave you more blood. As of right now, you were unconscious. Kirishima's heart felt like it just went around the loop on a rollercoaster. "Can I see her?" He asked.
Your mom smiled. "Of course, we'll drop you off."
Kirishima stepped into your hospital room and saw you laying there, looking so peaceful. He saw your chest rise with air, you weren't still anymore. Pulling up a chair next to your bed, he grasped your band and started talking to you, like nothing was different. He felt pressure in the back of his eyes and he blinked furiously trying to hold back more tears,"God this is so unmanly," he whispered to no one. Gingerly, he brought your hand up to his lips, "I love you so much (f/n)." he looked down at the floor and gently rubbed your soft hand with his thumb.

Kirishima stayed there for hours, in that same position, in that same uncomfortable chair. He fell asleep like that so he couldn't see your beautiful (e/c) eyes, the eyes he fell in love with, flutter open.
"God, you're such a nerd," you whispered in a hoarse voice, poking his shoulder to prode him from his slumber. When Kirishima saw you awake he jumped out of his seat yelled, "HOLY SHIT! YOU'RE AWAKE I GOTTA CALL YOUR PARENTS!" And dashed out of the room. Seconds later he rushed back in, shouted,"WAIT BEFORE I DO THAT!" And gave you the most passionate kiss he could muster up," I LOVE YOU, I'LL SEE YOU IN A MINUTE!"
I hope you all enjoyed! I feel like for not writing angst that much, I did pretty okay? Thoughts?

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