Monoma Neito- Mouse

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     Requested by XFluffyArrows
(F/n) was spending the night in Monoma's dorm. As she was wrapped up dreaming in her boyfriend's arms, she was stirred awake by a muffled rustling in the corner of his room. Assuming it was nothing, she shrugged it off and started drifting back to sleep. That is, until she was interrupted again by a quiet squeak.

Bolting up out of Monoma's warm bed, (waking him in the process) she backed into the corner of the bed furthest away from the area of the noise. "Psst, pssstttttt, Neito, you gotta see what's over there," she whisper-shouted to the barely awake blonde. In a feeble attempt to calm (f/n) down, Monoma tried to pull she back under the covers and tried to convince her there was nothing there. "That is such bullcrap," she huffed at him.

After she said that, there was another squeak and Monoma knew that (f/n) wasn't going back to sleep knowing that there was a mouse in his room. Grumbling, he moved out of the bed to investigate more. He flicked on the lights and began his search. "Where did you hear it?" He asked. She pointed to the area about were he was standing and moved to the edge of the bed to get a better look at the scene.

When Monoma looked down, he saw a small creature inside your shoe. He let out a small chuckle to himself. "(F/nnnnnn) you're not gonna like thisssss," he teased. Her (e/c) eyes got wide as he pointed to where the mouse was. "Nope nope nope nope," she quickly spoke, clearly in denial.

Just to mess with her, Neito grabbed (f/n)'s other shoe and threw in on the bed. "Neito whAT THE FUCK," she yelled, falling out of the bed. Watching her made Monoma double over in laughter after making sure (f/n) was okay, of course. She lay on the floor contemplating her revenge when Monoma announced that he was taking the mouse back outside. She grumbled to herself when a great idea popped into her head. This would get her mean boyfriend for sure.

When Monoma returned, his bed was made and the lights were turned off. He shrugged, thinking that (f/n) probably just didn't want to sleep in the same room that just had a mouse in it. Neito shuffled over to the side of his bed when a hand reached out, grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the ground. He let out a yelp from a twinge of fear and another soon after from pain as he landed hard on his butt.

Now, you were the one laughing as (f/n) crawled out from under the bed like the monster from the blue lagoon. Wiping her hands together to get of the dust from the floor she looked smugly at Monoma and cheekily said," There, now we're even." Her boyfriend tsked in response and she extended her hand to help him up. When both looked at the clock, it read 4:37 a.m. and they climbed back into bed.
The next day both of (f/n) recounted the story from last night to all her friends at lunch. One of them laughed so hard at the mouse part, they almost started choking on their sandwich. Monoma smiled at (f/n) taking in the way she smiled. The way her nose crinkled just a little bit from disgust and how her laughter traveled to her eyes, causing them to glimmer. He wrapped his arm around (f/n)'s waist and gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek. She. smiled at him,"What was that for?"
"You're just so great."
Sorry this one was shorter! And also sorry if Monoma was a little of our character. I still hope you all enjoyed reading! Also also thank you all some much for 7k reads!! I'm so thankful for all the love and support I get from you guys and it really makes me so happy to know that other people like my stuff. Sentimentality aside, I have a couple ideas for some more imagines but feel free to keep sending in requests!!

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