Bakugou Katsuki- Hogwarts AU

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     You and your best friends Todoroki and Midoriya had been studying in the library for a while. Being a Ravenclaw, it was almost like your second home. You loved the smell of the old books and the warm lighting the candles have off, the sound of quills scratching against parchment; it was a delight. Your friends were reading some book about new brooms while you were doing some homework for Charms?
"Hey guys do either of you remember the wand movement for alohomora? I'm totally blanking," you asked rubbing your temple.
"Yeah its clockwise circle and then a downward motion," Izuku said. You thanked him and went back to your work.

A couple more hours went by, you had finished your work. The pair of friends had left a while ago and you were lost in a book about dragons. Your eyes were prickling with sleep but you were determined to finish the chapter. Just as you closed your book, an exhausted looking Bakugou hobbled into the library. He was muttering to himself about something and he looked like he didn't want to be disturbed. Although you had never talked to Bakugou, you knew enough about him to stay away if he had this aura.

Pushing your chair out from your table, you stood up and walked to where you had gotten your book from to place it back in its home. You stepped back to continue on your way back to your common room but you bumped into something. "Fucking watch where you're going," said the voice behind you. As you turned to retort you saw it was the Gryffindor from before,"Oh I'm sorry sunshine," before you stormed out of the library.

      "What's the pass-phrase?" The your common room eagle knocker asked.
       "Oh just let me in, I'm not in the mood," you sighed, after your encounter with Mr. Peaches you weren't in a good mood (it also didn't help that you were exhausted.) Apparently the eagle knocker sensed your foul mood and let you into the common room so you could go to bed.
     You ended up falling asleep far too late considering you had a Quidditch match the next morning. Naturally not only were you tired because of your late night, but you were also playing Gryffindor. After eating a delicious breakfast in the Great Hall, you made your way to the locker room to put on your uniform. Sliding on your boots, gloves and robes, you placed your broom over your shoulder and strutted out onto the pitch with the rest of your team.

     As you lined up to shake hands with the other team, you noticed the blonde boy from the previous night. Sizing him up, you noticed he was a Beater, something to keep in mind considering you were a Chaser. "Mount your brooms," Madam Hooch shouted. She glanced to all the players, making sure you were all ready. Then you heard the whistle and you were flying.

Quickly, you caught the Quaffle passing it forward to your teammate Roger Davies, you urged your broomstick to go faster you Davies could have a pass. In the background you could hear Lee Jordan," (l/n) to Davies! Davies to (l/n)! She shoots! SHE SCORES! THE GAME IS NOW 10-0 RAVENCLAW! WHAT A LOVELY SHOT FOR A LOVELY LADY!" You shot your friend Midoriya a grin, before being rudely interrupted by Kirishima hitting a Bludger at you. You swerved to get out of the way and let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. That was close, you thought.

     The game went on and you kept scoring goals, you were a force to reckoned with. You felt kind of bad for Ilda because he kept missing your shots, but it was good so shake him up. Suddenly you heard the TWACK of a Bludger being hit, but by the time it hit you it was too late. You felt your arm snap and you lost balance on your broom and you fell downward. Everything was black.

     You woke up with two figures hovering over you. Looking outside, you saw that it was completely dark," What time is it? How long has you guys been here?"
     "It's a little bit past 1:00, and we've been here since Madam Pomfrey would allow visitors. Ravenclaw lost by the way."
     "How come she hasn't kicked you out?" You asked. Todoroki shrugged,"Maybe because we don't have classes tomorrow?" he guessed. The three of you chatted up a storm until Midoriya started to speak,"You know, Bakugou feels bad."
     You raised an eyebrow,"Really?" Both of your friends nodded. "He told us once we get back to the common room to tell him if you're up." You were about to say something else, but you yawned and did a stretched until you couldn't stretch anymore. Midoriya and Todoroki took this as a sign that you should get some more rest and after saying goodbye left you alone in the infirmary.

     While you were eating breakfast in bed (Madam Pomfrey insisted for you to stay just a little longer) you had another visitor. It was the one and only Bakugou. "It's good to know you're fucking okay." You gave him a close-lipped smile considering right before you had shoved a huge bite of waffle in your mouth. Bakugou twiddled his thumbs and looked at you,"I still feel kinda shitty about what happened. Maybe I could take you to Hogsmeade for some butterbeer and to make up for it?" It was a long-shot offer but you figured it wouldn't hurt and nodded your head.

     Hogsmeade was surprisingly a blast. You went to the joke shop, got some candy from Honeydukes, talked shut about people who you didn't like. It turned out Bakugou wasn't all that bad and your relationship continued to flourish over the years.
      The Battle of Hogwarts was here. You and Bakugou were both members of the Order of Phoenix and were fighting the Death Eaters side by side. You saw some Hufflepuffs needed help and yelled to Katsuki over the noise of spells where you would be. All was well until Bakugou saw a sight that made him freeze, your arm stuck out guiding the group of Hufflepuffs behind your back and two Death Eaters yelling,"CRUCIO!" Bakugou saw you fall to your knees in excruciating pain. You blacked out, and Bakugou sprinted to where you were. He yelled a curse and swept you off the ground to where the medical station was.

    "Come on, come on, come on (f/n), please fucking wake up," Bakugou whispered squeezing your hand. There were tears streaming down his face. He saw your eyes flutter and his heart did a flip. Consuming you in a giant hug, Bakugou took in your scent, your warmth. "I'm so glad you're okay," you both said. You smiled weakly, "Hey, this is kinda like how we met isn't it?"
     Wiping his nose Bakugou gave a grin back and said,"Yeah, it is."
Sorry to those of you who have requests in, rest assured they will get done, but I've had this idea for a while and I wanted to do it. Thank you for all the reads and 1k votes?! That's so unreal to me. Also sorry Bakugou's a little OOC

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