Tokoyami Fumikage- Study Buddies

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Requested by RikkaYuri_Hiatus
     (F/n) couldn't concentrate on the paper in front of them. Normally she was a great studier, sure, they procrastinated from time to time, but who hasn't? This time however, (f/n) just couldn't stay focused on what was in front of her even if it her life depended. (F/n) placed her pencil against her lips, trying to think of someone who might be able to help them. Then, it hit her, (f/n)'s best friend, Tokoyami Fumikage.

The two had known each other since middle school. Both also shared feelings for each other but had been dancing around the subject for God knows how long (much to their friends dismay.) Picking up their phone, (f/n) called him. When she heard the click of him answering his phone, (f/n) started to talk. "Hey Fumi can you help me out with some studying please? I have no clue what I'm doing right now."
"Yeah, I'll be right over (f/n)."

Sure enough, just a couple minutes later (f/n) heard a knock on their dorm room door. She did a small fist pump in the air and kicked her clothes to the side of their room.

     Unfortunately, as soon as Tokoyami arrived, the power went out while the friends were exchanging hellos. "Well it looks like we won't be studying for a while." (F/n) shrugged.
     "I think I hear some other people going to the cafeteria, you want to go too?" Tokoyami asked.
     "I don't see why not," she replied,"oh but before we go, I wanna grab a hoodie cause I think the heat went off too."

The two walked side by side to where their other classmates were. Both sat down by Midoriya and started to shoot the breeze with everyone, giving each other side glances and laughing every now and then. Sometimes, even hands were placed on arms when someone made the other laugh especially hard.

"That's it!" Uraraka lightly pounded her fist on a table she and some of the other girls were sitting at. "Look at those two! It's like they like each other but don't even know it! Either that or they're dancing around the topic all together." She continued whisper shouting. "Bakugou, get over here," she waved him over and told him what to do after telling Midoriya and Iida.

Almost as soon as Tokoyami got up to get some drinks, Bakugou took his place. The two of students started talking; he wasn't that bad when once you got pasted the fact that the swearing is constant. He was talking about the latest action movie when (f/n) zoned out. In front of them by the vending machines, she saw Momo in what seemed a very engaging conversation with Tokoyami. She felt something that she couldn't quite put your finger on in her stomach. Pushing it aside (f/n) continued talking to Bakugou.

Little did she know Tokoyami felt similar at the sight of (f/n) and Bakugou. He was making them laugh and he was good-looking and what did he have? A crow-head? There was no way (f/n)would want someone like that. He would just have to remain friends with her and suck it up.

Soon after the power came back on and (f/n) and Tokoyami went back to (f/n)'s room to get some studying done. Both of them soon settled down on the floor where all (f/n)'s homework was spread out. "So, for some reason my room is still really cold, so here's a blanket in case you need it and here's a pillow for your booty," she said handing him both items.
"Thanks," he replied, Dark Shadow also made a quick appearance and gave her a thumbs up.

"So what do you need help with?" Tokoyami asked.
"Oh where do I begin?" (F/n) threw her hands in the air.
"Do you know anything about the laws from 10 years ago? Are anything about the political stratosphere before quirks were discovered? Or-or," she rambled until Tokoyami interrupted her.
"Settle down, we'll take this step by step. Let's talk about what we need to know for before quirks and work our forward from there, okay?" he said placing his hand on their shoulder. (F/n) nodded still feeling overwhelmed, but not as much as Tokoyami started to explain the things she didn't know.

Studying was going well, all things considered. (F/n) could've sworn they kept seeing Tokoyami steal glances at her, but when her tried to catch him in the act he always looked away. Was he looking her because he was interested? Or did she have something on her face? Or was she just making something out of nothing?

     (F/n) decided to eliminate one of the factors. "Sorry, I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back," she apologized to her friend.
     "No worries, I'll be here," Tokoyami reassured. (F/n) excused herself and walked into the bathroom. When she got in, (f/n) looked in the mirror, checking her face for a pen mark or something of that nature. Finding nothing, she shrugged and ended up using the restroom anyway.

     "Yo, Fumi, do you want any snacks, before I sit back down?" She asked the crow-headed boy.
"I wouldn't mind," he shrugged. Upon hearing this (f/n) set off to the kitchen to grab some food. Grabbing things varying from chips to cookies, she carried them back to your spot on the floor.

Tokoyami was quizzing her about what to do in close combat situations when she reached for some popcorn sitting between Tokoyami and her. When she placed her hand in the bowl, she felt Tokoyami's hand and accidentally grabbed it. Her eyes widened as she looked at him. Dark Shadow was behind him acting all embarrassed and she chuckled, blushing a little too.

Soon after the incident,  Tokoyami let out a sigh. "Hey, (f/n), I need to ask you something?"
     "Yeah, what's up?" She said, raising her eyebrows in interest.
     "So earlier when you were with Bakugou, he kept making you laugh and it made feel all weird and I think I was jealous. And well, I was wondering if you would maybe go on a date with me..." He trailed off and looked at you. Looking down, (f/n) answered him,"To be honest, I kinda felt the same way with Momo, I mean she's so pretty and all...Of course I'll go out with you! I would love to!"
     "Really?" Tokoyami clarified. (F/n) nodded excitedly smiled,"It's a date Fumikage Tokoyami."
Soon after, Midoriya and friends saw the two of them walking hand in hand downtown and Uraraka got very excited. "I did that! Me!"
Hope this is okay! The first couple days of school are over which is cool I guess.

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