Accident or Fate?

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Sam was buried under a mountain of research for a project when his phone started ringing. He checks the caller ID and sighs, Dean again. He didn't understand, what was the point of calling someone if they didn't talk back?

Sam had practically been mute for the past 4 years and he sometimes wondered why he still kept it up. But it just seemed to be a part of who he was now, and he had always been a quiet kid anyway, so it wasn't that hard on him.

Moments later, a text buzzes through on his phone and Sam picks it up with a silent huff of annoyance, he wanted to finish this assignment.

Dean: Hello sir, this is Sioux falls General hospital, we are sorry to tell you that your brother and father were in an accident, we suggest that you get to the hospital immediately.

Sam felt his blood turn cold, his brother, the one person who had looked after him all this time, could be dying. He stands abruptly, grabbing his jacket, wallet and keys and runs downstairs shakily.

He started his car up and sped away from the campus, tears stinging his eyes. The city fell away around him, turning into the countryside.

Sioux falls was easily a days drive from Stanford, and the sooner he get there the better. Reaching over, he turned the music up in an attempt to distract himself, but the classic rock playing on the station just made him think of Dean.

The hours blur by just like his surroundings did, and before long he was forced to pull over in a crappy motel only 5 hours from Sioux falls.

He wished he could of kept driving, but as it was he'd been driving pretty much non-stop for nearly 20 hours and even the dozens of coffees he had had weren't helping anymore.

He also wished that if he had had to stop anywhere, it could of been anywhere else than here. Because the town he had stopped in, Lawrence, Kansas, was where he'd met Gabriel Novak.

Sighing, Sam flops back onto the bed and let's his eyes drift shut as he tries not to let old memories haunt him.


Gabriel was walking down the street, rose in hand for his kinda girlfriend, Kali, who was still angry with him after she had accidentally been caught in the crossfire of one of his pranks.

Whistling to himself, Gabe walks down towards the motel she was staying in while they visited his parents. A tall man was walking into the lobby in front of Gabe, and he found himself checking out the somewhat familiar tall frame.

Who was that tall man? He almost reminded Gabe of a Moose... Gabriel shrugged it off and jogs over to the elevator, too tired to take the stairs, and plasters his now iconic smirk on his face. He reaches the second floor and strolls up to Kali's room, the last thing he needed to be reminded of was Sam Winchester.  


Dean had been in the passenger seat of the Impala when his world had exploded. He had felt something hit the front of the impala, and then he was being thrown around like a rag-doll as his baby tumbled along the road.

Finally, after several long moments of pained movement, the car skidded to a stop and sat in place with smoke streaming from it. Dean coughed, wiping something wet from his eyes as he tried to move, but he was held in place by his seatbelt.

Fighting to control his ragged breathing, Dean places his hands on the roof above him, wincing at the broken glass under his palms.

Another breath, the foggy confusion in his head momentarily cleared and Dean came to realise that they were upside down. He looks around the crumpled Impala, taking in the shattered glass all around him and the steady patter of something wet dripping on the ground. 

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