Blue Eyes

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Sam woke to the sun's early rays on his face, he was cold and his back hurt. The only warmth he could feel was coming Gabe, who was curled in against Sam's side. 

"Gabe," Sam shook his sleeping boyfriend lightly. "C'mon get up, I need coffee."

Gabriel muttered in his sleep and rolls onto Sam, clinging on to him. "Warmth," he murmurs sleepily, burying his face into Sam's chest.

"We'll be even warmer if we get inside, preferably before my limbs freeze completely and fall off."

Gabriel sighed, lifting his head slowly to look at Sam. His whiskey coloured eyes were still heavy with sleep, and it seemed that Gabe was still very affectionate when he was sleepy.

Sam sits up, with Gabe still holding onto his torso, and begins shuffling down to the balcony with their stuff in tow.

"Stop moving so much," Gabe grumbles.

"Stop whining so much or I'll drop you onto the balcony.

Gabriel buries his face into Sam's chest again, and Sam drops their stuff onto the balcony. He then had the very difficult task of maneuvering himself and Gabe onto it safely.

After five minutes of awkward shimmying and sliding, swearing and threats to Gabe, Sam makes it to Michifer's room alive.

He then walks all the way down to the kitchen with Gabe hanging off him like a monkey.

Dean was slumped at the breakfast bar with a coffee in hand and a tired look on his face. When Sam entered the room, Dean looked up and burst out laughing at the sight.

Giving his brother the best bitchface he could manage that early in the morning, Sam pours coffee for himself and Gabe, and then dumps the shorter boy on the ground.

"Samoose! Why would you do that?"

Smirking, Sam joins his brother at the bar and holds the hot cup between his cold hands.

Gabe perches on the seat beside Sam, resting his arms on the bench so that they brushed Sam's.

Even this small interaction sent electricity up his arms and warmth in his heart, yup he was a goner when it came to Gabriel.

"So, what's on the agenda today?"

Sam sighs, "I need to look at heading back to college soon, I have an interview this Monday that I need to be back in time for."

"Oh yeah," Gabe says quietly. "Law school, that's incredible Sammy."

Sam nudged Gabe, "hey, its not like last time okay? We'll get through this, I'm not letting you go again."

Gabe smiled weakly, but the conversation stopped then as everyone else slowly made their way into the room.

Charlie, who hadn't stopped being hyper, bounced in and immediately starting talking to Meg, Jo and Lucifer, who had trailed in before her.

Michael came in and slumped against his boyfriend. Cas sat quietly on Dean's other side.

"I heard that you're leaving today," Charlie stares at Sam.

"Well, yeah, its a long drive back to Stanford and my interview is in two days."

"That sucks, I wish we had longer to catch up," Adam said.

"We'll all have to stay in touch and catch up when we can!" Charlie grins, wiggling her eyebrows at Dean and Cas in particular, who were too caught up talking quietly to each other to notice.

"You should come visit soon," Sam murmurs to Gabe as everyone else started up their own conversations.

"Well... its not like I have anything tying me down right now, so I can really visit whenever."

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat