Gabriel Novak the emo (and painted stones)

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Sam is worried when he comes home to find the apartment silent. This worry only increases when he realized that Gabriel was, in fact, no where to be found. Of course, this did little to ease his utter annoyance that Michael had sent him off to pick up ornaments. What the heck did Michael even need these for?

Leaving the bag on the couch, Sam searches the apartment for any sign of where his fiance had gone, but there was nothing, not even a post-it note. Where the heck was his shorty?

Frowning, he runs a hand through his hair, glancing towards the ceiling as he tries to remember whether Gabe had said he was going somewhere that morning. What if something had happened to him? What if he was hurt and Sam had no way of getting to him? After Gabriel had set up the slime prank at Lucifer's, he'd sent Sam off to the other side of town to get more, Sam should have known better than to leave Gabe alone that long, let alone the hours it took to do stupid Michael's stupid errand. 

It was now, as he paced around the kitchen nervously, that a flash of movement caught his eye. Something had been pushed through the letter slot. What was strangest of all (other than this certainly not being a time that their post was normally delivered - it was Sunday) was that it appeared to be a DVD.

Bending down to pick it up, he noticed that it had Gabriel's handwriting on it. 'Moose, watch this or else....'

Yeah... this had Gabriel written all over it. The only question Sam had was, what the heck was Gabe up to?

Hesitant - Gabriel was, after all, famous for his pranks - Sam puts it into their old DVD player. It takes a moment to load up, but once it does Sam almost chokes. It was some ancient recording of Gabriel back in high school. It can't have been long since the Novak's had moved to town because Sam could see himself walking past and very obviously trying to ignore the short, energetic boy. Just seeing their younger selves had Sam smiling tearfully. That felt like a lifetime ago.

"Let's do this cliche movie style." Gabriel voice talks over it. "And Luci is editing so if there is anything wrong, murder him not me."

Sam chuckles, watching as a much younger Gabriel grinned at the camera. 

"So this story all start way, way back in hell-  oh sorry, high school." On screen, it appeared Gabriel was poking Castiel's cheek. "That's me, Gabriel Novak. Amazing Trickster, and emo-" The audio abruptly cuts off, and for a moment a badly edited version of Gabriel photo-shopped (terribly) in an emo style.

Sam can't help it, he starts laughing. Only Lucifer would do something like that, he honestly wasn't even surprised.

"Oh look, a moose in it's natural habitat." Gabriel's voice softens as on screen Gabriel was clearly seen following him out of the canteen. Sam remembered that day, it had been the day Gabriel had found him under his tree. Looking back, Sam finds himself wondering how he had ever wasted so much time on disliking Gabriel. 

"You see, little did this Trickster and Moose know, they would soon become the best of friends, all the Trickster had to do was wear the stubborn moose down."

Another scene pops up on screen, this time its a video of Sam and Gabriel in the car, it takes Sam a moment to realize that this was the first time they had gone to the lake house. The first few moments is of Gabriel fast asleep, his head resting on Sam's shoulder. When had Cas or Charlie filmed this? It can't have been Dean, he had been driving. 

"As you can see, it wasn't long before the moose began to warm up to the brilliant, am- emo." Lucifer's voice cuts in with this abrupt add in, and another edit of 'emo' Gabe pops up. "And from there, they only got closer."

There was a brief clip of them bickering in the car as a candy-hyper Gabriel jiggled about and pestered Sam. 

A few photos flick by now, like a slide show. There was one of them all hanging out in the water, another of Gabe perched on Sam's shoulders as they battled Michael and Lucifer. Following this was a photo of the two of them asleep in the bed, somehow they had ended up cuddling and they both looked so... peaceful. 

"The two were best friends..." A photo of the chaos Gabriel had caused in the kitchen fills the screen. "But they were also more than that."

More photos flick by now, random ones they had taken over the course of their time together, or ones that others had taken. In some they were laughing, or smiling, or pranking, or even just staring at one another. Finally, it lands on a photo of the two of them kissing. "They were soulmates, and even then, as a teenager, the Trickster knew that he was gonna marry this moose one day."

Now the photos had changed, they were older in these ones, which had obviously been taken since their reunion. Sam has to wipe away a tear that rolls down his cheek, smiling absently. He really loved his Trickster.

"Sammy, I dunno what's gonna happen to us, I don't know what we'll have to face in the coming days, weeks, months..." Now the screen was just filled with Gabriel talking into the camera. "But one thing I do know is that no matter what, we'll always be able to face whatever happens together, you and me Sammy, that's how I see my future." Gabriel was smiling. "So, if you want you and me to be your future too, go to the small garden down the back of Destiel's bee farmyard."

The screen goes black as the dvd ends, and Sam just stares at the blank screen. "What the heck are you up to Gabe?" 


The breeze was cool as it ruffled his hair, the fresh bite a reminder of the oncoming winter. He walks down through his brother's backyard, frowning as something begins to come into view down along the edge of where lawn met forest. Dean's abandoned attempts to fence it in lying forgotten along the perimeter.

Just beyond that, what appeared to be a dozen or more painted stones decorated the grass under the gentle glow of several lanterns. It was beautiful. 

Reaching the stones, Sam carefully kneels down next to the first few. They appeared to be hand painted. Some had rainbows on them, others had moose and candy, more still had cheesy quotes. 

'You're the peanut butter to my jelly.'

Okay that was.... terrible. Sam turns the stone over, laughing even harder when he saw - in what he assumed was Balthazar's writing - 'Holy mother trucker, having to write that made me puke a little.'

"Oh my..." Sam goes through more of the stones, occasionally finding other messages on the back from Balthazar, but for the most part they were just really sweet thing that Gabe had obviously been behind. 

At the center of it all was a larger rock with instructions written on it. "Go to the hill behind the park."

Shaking his head, Sam smiles at his fiance's cute scavenger hunt. Collecting as many stones as he could, Sam ditched the ornaments he had been carrying (he had still planned on delivering them to Michael tonight but he could wait) and filled the bag with the painted stones. 


The grass up the side of the hill was trampled, showing signs of people having been up here recently. Just how many people had Gabe roped into helping him with this?

Sighing, Sam shoulders his bag and starts to walk up the side, only to stop again when he hears the familiar rumble of the impala.

"Sammy!" Dean was leaning out the drivers door, a bag in his hand. "Wait up!"

"Dean?" Sam wants to face palm when his brother proceeds to roll out of the car before it had even come to a stop, leaving Castiel screaming at him. 

Dean runs up to Sam, waving the bag. "You might wanna change into this."

Sam takes the bag slowly, furrowing his brows at the tux that rested neatly inside. "What...." Then it dawned on him, and he wondered how he hadn't clicked sooner. "Wait, is this what I think it is?"

Dean was smiling proudly, his chest puffed out. "I finally get to see my little brother get married, although I am a bit concerned about your taste in men-"

"Shut up," Sam was torn between laughing and crying. He looks down at the bag again, sniffling. He couldn't wait to marry Gabriel.


Okayyyyy I promise I'll try to update soon but I have a bunch of assignments I need to work on and apparently I can't just ditch study to write fanfiction *rolls eyes*

Speaking of updates, Michifer are gonna adopt soon, and I suddenly realized that I have no clue who their child will be sooooo, if you have anyone you want to see as their child, let me know in the comments!! 

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