Prank Wars

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*Double update this Friday... but I'm not sure if the chapter before this uploaded so let me know if you can't see it!*

All out prank wars had been declared on the friends. Of course Michael was unaware of this as he finally returned with edible grocery's.

Locking Lucifer's obnoxiously red convertible that he hated driving, Michael grabbed the bags with a sigh as he headed for the doors. 

Alfie, who had come along to help, grabs the rest of the bags and follows the older man up to the front door.

It was when he was unlocking the door that he pauses with furrowed brows.

"Did you hear that?"

Alfie shrugs, shifting his grip on the bags. "No."

Pursing his lips, Michael pockets the keys and opens the door. "I could of sworn I heard someone scream-"


Michael barely registers the voice before he is hit in the face by a whipped cream pie. 

Exhaling slowly, he puts down the bags and wipes the cream from his face. 

 Upon being able to see again, it quickly became obvious that the house had fallen into chaos during the few short hours that they'd been gone.

"What the hell is going on?"

Charlie, who was hiding behind the couch with a bandanna tied around her forehead and war paint on her cheeks, was the one to answer him.

"Well Sam and Gabe pranked Dean, and Cas, and then Lucifer, and then Lucifer pranked them back by filling their shoes with mayo, and tipping a bucket of water over them... and then it all kinda just descended into utter chaos."

Staring blankly at her for a moment, Michael simply sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose. "I was gone for what? 4 hours? Where the hell is Balthy? I swear you guys are such children."

Suddenly two more people streak through the room, followed by his immature boyfriend.

Sighing heavily, Michael leads Alfie to the kitchen and they quickly dump the food and put it away. 

The house was a mess, there was some sort of sticky substance covering the kitchen floor, super glue covered various objects. 

Walking up the stairs reveals paint splattering the ground, slimy footsteps track down the hall, and silly string was everywhere.

"I am honestly not surprised, it is Gabriel and Lucifer after all," Michael mutters to Alfie.

Alfie simply stifles his laughter before going off in search of Adam. 

Michael started for his room, only to stop at Dean's room and frowning at his cousin.

Before he could say anything, a water balloon filled with hot pink paint hit Michael. 

"Are you seriously a part of this?" Michael grumbles, trying to wipe the paint off his face.

Dean was in a similar get up to Charlie and was hiding behind a desk that was flipped onto its side. He had hot pink water balloons, which Michael strongly suspected was identical to the one he had been hit with.

"Sorry Mike, didn't realize it was you."

Looking down at his paint covered clothes in annoyance, Michael jut shakes his head and leave the room.

"I wouldn't take a shower if I was you, I think Gabe has a prank or two set up in there."


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