keep out of a charging moose's way

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Sam sat by his brother all night, unable to leave for longer than a few minutes. The doctor's words kept echoing through his mind. 'He's got partial amnesia, something's he'll remember and others... Well there's no telling how much he's forgotten yet and whether he'll get said memories back.'

Sam watched his brother's sleep lax face nervously, wondering what his brother had forgotten. He hadn't said anything else other than Sam's name, then he had passed out again.

Lisa had fallen asleep on the chair in the corner of the room, worry etched into her sleeping face.

It was during times like these that Sam wished he could just talk, to offer comfort to Lisa, whom he actually liked. But talking felt like it would be a chore these days.

His mind drifted as he sat there. He briefly wondered how his dad was, but he found it hard to worry for someone that could barely even be called a father. In saying that, John was pretty much the only family he had left other than Dean and he didn't want John to die.

A smaller voice spoke up inside his head, reminding him of their cousins, Michael and Adam. Sam snorts at the thought. 'Right, and we left in the middle of the night without even saying goodbye, they either hate us or have forgotten about us.'

This brought Sam's thoughts back to that night, the night they had left. He tried so hard to forget it, forget the way Gabriel had looked at him before Sam had gotten into the car.

He could remember the hell that had followed, motel after motel, crappy food and loneliness. Dean had tried distracting himself with girl after girl, all of which Sam had hated. Then Dean brought Lisa home, well to the motel, and Sam had actually liked her, even if she wasn't Cas.

Lisa had been nice, caring, kind and not self centered. After Dean had invited her over for a second time, Sam had known that Dean actually liked her.

His thoughts dance back to his cousins, Michael in particular. He wondered if Michael was still with Lucifer, he hoped so because if he couldn't be happy with someone then at least Michael could with Luci.

Sam bit his lip, trying not to keep remembering. Still, he found himself wondering whether Gabriel still remembered him. Did he still have the dog tags Sam had left him?

Sam doubted it, but he still couldn't help wishing. 

He leaned back in the uncomfortable, hard plastic chair and tries not to fall asleep as he watched over his older brother. Time passed and his thoughts started to drift, most of them were worry for his brother, or wondering who it had been that he had seen earlier in the trench coat, could that have been Castiel?

A loud shout interrupted his drifting thoughts, and he looks up to see some nurses and a doctor run down the hall shouting a code into their radios. Sam catches one of them saying John Winchester and he feels his blood turn ice cold. He stumbled out of the room, following the nurses long enough to hear one of them say something about flat lining and he feels hallow. 

Then he looked through the doorway of the room in ICU that his father was in and fell on his knees, his heart thudding loudly and heavy in his chest as he watches. His father was lying still, the machine beside him showing no heartbeat, nurses and doctors worked on him. His father didn't respond, and Sam knew, even as he prayed, that it was too late. John Winchester was dead.

"Dad?" Sam whispered, because even if John had been worst father of the year, he was still the only family he had other than Dean. He barely even realised that this was the first spoken word in years.

Unable to watch any longer, Sam stands up on wobbly legs and bolts. He runs down the flights of stairs in the hospital and out onto the street, the buildings and street names blurring by as he runs blindly.

He kept running, his lungs burning and legs aching, until he collided with a smaller, solid form and the two of them went tumbling to the ground. Sam rubbed his now sore and grazed leg, and looked up to glare at the strangely familiar man when the man spoke words that shocked Sam's memories.


Gabe sat alone on the park bench, his eyes downcast as his cheek still stung from being slapped. Why did he keep this thing with Kali going?

All he knew was that it needed to end. Wiping angrily at the stray tears falling down his cheeks, Gabe pulls out the geek tags from under his shirt.

He runs his fingers over the Tardis and wings, before flipping them over and rubbing the initials. He still missed Sam, no matter how hard he tried to forget.

Signing, he stands up and shoves his hands into his jacket pockets, head down as he walked through the park, a chilly wind ruffling his hair.

Gabriel found himself wondering where Sam was these days, did the moose even think about him anymore?

He remembered how it had been all those years ago, how happy and close they were. A small smile graced his lips, the memory of the time they had locked Mikey, Luci and poor Cas in the Cage.

He giggles sadly, thinking about all the pranks they had pulled together, then his face falls as he found himself thinking about all the ones they hadn't been able to do, which lead to thoughts about that last night.

He walks out onto the street and turns past the motel on the corner. The very motel he had seen the tall man that reminded him of a moose walk into.

Gabe couldn't help but look up at the doors, half expecting to see Sam walk out them. Feeling miserable and alone, Gabriel keeps walking and tries to pull back up the facade that he always  hid behind.

He turned another corner, ignoring the sound of hurried footsteps as he keeps his head down, his hair falling around his face.

Barely a second later, he found himself slamming into a solid form, and the both of them sprawling across the ground.

Gabe groans, rolling over and pushing himself up. He rubs his sore elbow as he looks up grumpily at the guy, but his expression changes abruptly as his eyes meet the familiar hazely eyes of the other guy. He was aware of the fact that pain flashed across his eyes before he forces a rueful expression on his face.

"Well you know what they say.... Keep out of the way of a charging moose's way," he chuckled nervously, repeating the words he had first said to Sam all those years ago.

The familiar guy looks at him in shock, eyes wide as he stops rubbing his leg.



Hey all! Less than 3 days til I move but I managed another chapter!

Sam and Gabe reunite! But what will come of it?

Who do you reckon will reconnect first? Destiel or Sabriel? You'll have to wait to find out.... But I know what is gonna happen😈

Until next time!
*hands out sweets 🍬🍭🍬🍭*

Peace out, Wayward readers🌈😇🌈

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