Gaymazing wedding

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Sam held Gabe close as they danced. It was their first dance as a married couple and he couldn't have been happier. Iris played through the speakers. I know, strange wedding song but its soooo good and I've loved it for years so shush. 

"So, is this the most gaymazing wedding ever? I like to think I put my gay into it."

"Your... gay?"

"Oops I meant all."

Sam rolled his eyes, shaking his head at his husband. "Its perfect."

"And you're gonna love the honeymoon I have planned!" Gabriel giggled, doing a small jig and throwing their dance off. 

"Boo!" Lucifer called out from the side, Michael nudges him sharply in the side.

"Okay that's it, I'm pranking Lucifer."

"Gabe, its our wedding."

"Yes, and he is very rudely interrupting it." Gabriel glares at Lucifer. "So, how about we do a little pranking?"

"After the song." Sam sighs, holding his annoying husband closer. Husband, he loved the sound of that. "I love you Gabey."

"Cheesy much." Gabe giggles, leaning into Sam. "But I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

The song comes to a end and their family and friends start milling about and talking to each other. Gabriel runs off with an evil cackle. Crud. 

"Sam!" Dean grabs Sam's arm, pulling him to the side. "I just wanted to say I'm happy for you, that little shorty may be annoying-"

"GABRIEL." Lucifer's shriek had everyone turning and watched as what appeared to be flour - only rainbow - fell from the tree above and covered him head to toe. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Never mind, you married a man child and I feel bad for you." Dean sighs, shaking his head as Lucifer started pelting Gabriel with stones. "And so did Michael."

"What has our lives become?" Sam mused, watching as Lucifer was almost knocked out when Gabe retaliated. "Like, this is basically just a huge mess, is this even normal?"

"I dunno man, maybe our lives are... being controlled by some bored writer."


"What?" Dean gave Sam a long look, then shook his head. "Sorry, dad brain. Speaking of."  He knelt as Ben came toddling over, Cas was helping him walk by holding his hands. "Hey buddy!"

Sam smiled softly as Dean picked Ben up, talking gibberish to the small boy. He was so happy for his  brother.


"I feel like a prank is the best way to see out this gaymazing wedding," Gabriel hums, leaning against Sam.


"But Sammy-"

"You are not pranking our friends." Sam couldn't believe that he had married this manchild. "Why be so rude to them after everything they did to help?"

Gabriel was strangely silent, and when Sam glanced at him he almost groaned at the half guilty, half mischievous look  on his face.
"What did you do?"

Before Gabe could respond, Lucifer's voice echoed through the wedding once more. "Holy mother of guacamole." Lucifer came running into view and Sam groans.

"Is... please tell me that that isn't..."

"Guacamole." Gabe said in a proud voice. "A waste, I know, but a funny one."

Sam pinches the bridge of his nose as Lucifer proceeds to run around with guacamole dripping from his head.
"Why did I marry you, you'll make all of our friends hate us." Sam wants to hide as Lucifer proceeds to rub some of the guacamole on Dean, who glares over at where they stood. "I want a divorce."

Gabe leans against his side, snaking his arm around his waist. "Love you too Sammy." He holds Sam's hand, smiling down at their rings. "I'm so lucky to have been able to marry my soulmate."

They were touching words, and for a moment Sam forgot his annoyance. That was, at least, until Lucifer scraped some of the guacamole off and threw it at Gabe... only most of it hit Sam.

Before long, everyone had... mostly calmed down and it was time for drinks. Sam held Gabe's had tightly as they sat on the picnic blankets Gabe had had arranged to be set up. It was the most chill wedding ever and Sam loved it. 

"I knew from the moment these two met that they had something special." Chuck smiles at the newly weds. "I knew then that they would quickly become my favorite story."

Favorite story? Sam frowned at those odd words. 

"And I know things got quite rough for them, they had to find each other again against all odds..."

Did Chuck always have to be so... dramatic? Sam was sure Chuck lived in a freaking dream world sometimes, making up ridiculous stories based off their lives.

"But I'm so happy for them, and couldn't be happier to welcome Sam to the Novak family, although it feels like you and your brother have always been like family to us." Chuck raises his glass. "To Sabriel!"

"To Sabriel!" Everyone cheers, toasting to the new couple.

Gabriel clinks his glass against Sams. "To us." 

"I love you." Sam takes a moment, thinking back over the past few years they had spent together - and apart - and how much they had gone through to get to where they were today. Of course, there was still so much to be answered. So many things that Gabe didn't even know, things that had happened to Sam, but those would all come out in due time. Their story wasn't finished yet, after all. 


Okay guys, so during my time away for NaNo, I took some time to think about thi story and how I want to go about the final stretch. As you all may know, Had You at First Fall was my first ever fanfic, and the story since then has been crazy, weird and jumpy. Now I feel its come time to set the last few plot points I've thought up into action and close out this story.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for being such amazing readers, and I'm looking forward to being back and writing! Even though I'm busy with job hunting, researching freelance writing (I'm hoping to start off a career as one by late next year... I just need time to set up and get the money for a blog, domain etc) and working on my novel, I still plan on carving out more time for this account where I can!

Speaking of, I've been so absent that I've barely been replying to any comments, sooooo how are you guys? 

Okay I promise I'll shut up now...


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