Its time for a wedding pt.1

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"Cas!?" Dean walked through the house the following morning, looking for his boyfriend. 

There was no reply. He frowns, reaching down to pick a crawling Ben up. Where was Cas?


Ben giggled, grabbing Dean's ear and chanting, "Cassie! Cassie! Cassie!"

"Cassie!" Dean joined his son's chanting, gently detaching the small hand from his earlobe. 

"WHHAAATTTT?" Cas's voice came from the kitchen.

Dean wandered in, and instantly questioned Castiel's sanity.

"What are you doing?"

"Eating." Cas was sitting on the ground, laptop in front of him and a bowl of nachos beside him. "Watching youtube."

"Ahuh... what kind of YouTube?" Dean watches Cas take several attempts to get the cheese covered chip in his my without taking his eyes off the screen.

"Well... I started with markiplier's newest video, but then I found this guy called Dan Howell and suddenly it was 4 am and I'm watching Tyler."

"Uh Cas, its 10am."

"Exactly." Cas shoves more chips into his mouth.

"The wedding is at 4 pm."


"Maybe you should get ready?"


Sighing, he gives up on the entranced man and carries Ben back to his room for a nap.




"WHERE'S MY- Oh you're here," Cas smiled as the other man sticks his head around the corner. "Where's my tie?"

"On the kitchen counter, remember we leave in 20."


"Shi-" Dean grabbed Ben, glaring at Cas as the little boy tried finishing his perfect mimic.


"I'll show you language," Cas mumbles, sulking out of the room. 

Sure enough his tie was still sitting on the counter, next to the piece of cake he had been eating when Dean had very rudely pulled him away to get dressed. 

Maybe a bite wouldn't hurt. Of course, he had time to finish the piece off and therefore prevent the waste of food.

Dean came down ten minutes later, both Ben and him smartly dressed, only to find Cas polishing off the last piece of cake.

"I did this because we can't waste food, think of the starving children!"

Dean raised an eyebrow, watching as Cas sheepishly threw his tie on.


"Sam?" Gabriel lay on the couch, already dressed in his oh-so-amazing suit. "Sam!?"

"What Gabe?"

"Is it time to go yet?"

"Soon, Jesus Gabe you're like a child."

"Is that a bad thing?" Gabe stuck his tongue out, grinning.

Sam gave him an unreadable look, something he'd been doing a lot lately. Come to think of it he'd especially been doing it whenever the word child was mentioned. Was it something Gabriel should be worried about? He glanced over at his fiance worriedly, but Sam seemed happy enough as he straightened his tie, happier than he had been in a while which was saying something because ever since Gabriel's diagnosis Sam had been in a constant state of gray depression. 

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now