Something bad is happening

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Gabe was breathless as they all got back into the car, which was very unlike him. One moment he had been bouncing around the place in his usual, hyperactive way. The next, struggling to breath as he coughed violently. This had been happening more often lately, this breathlessness had been half the reason he had passed out before his diagnosis.

Then there was the recent checkup and the news that came with it...

To be completely honest, Gabriel was scared, and tired. So he was really looking forward to this trip, for a chance to be normal and have fun while he still could. He just hoped that everyone wouldn't start treating him as if he were suddenly made out of glass. 

It wasn't long before they were all on the road again, and Lucifer immediately went back to singing badly. Dean overtook their car, seeing how Lucifer was forgetting to drive anywhere near the speed limit in his attempts of torture. For a moment it sounded like there were screams of hell coming from his car, but how were they to know? 

Instead, Gabriel decided to take up singing himself. 
"Ho! Listen up everyone as I perform Hamilton, singing all the parts myself as a one man show!"

"How about no?" Dean says.

"Gabriel no," Sam sighed.

"Gabriel yes," Gabriel grinned, pulling the music up on his phone.

"Kill me now," Cas's voice was muffled by his hands, which he was covering his face in horror with. 

"How does a bastard, orphan son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean-"

"Chuck save us," Alfie cries as Gabriel sung so out of tune that it made his ears want to fall off.

Sam was torn between wanting to join it (it was Hamilton after all) and wanting to knock his fiance out.

In the end, Hamilton won. "Well the word got around, they said "This kid is insane, man!" Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland-" Sam could sing slightly better than Gabe.

"Sammy why." Dean looked done. 

Gabriel laughed. "Get your education, don't forget from whence you came and the world's gonna know your name. What's your name man?"

And so it went, for the next two hours Sam and Gabe, plus a reluctant Alfie who Gabe definitely didn't bully into joining them, sung the entirety of Hamilton. 

Dean spent the two hours pleading, threating and finally wishing for death. Cas slept. 

Lucifer nearly sent his car flying into a ditch when he started dancing dramatically behind the steering wheel. After that, Michael slapped him and made him sit in the passenger seat while Michael himself took over the driving duties. 

Balthazar decided he couldn't possibly be related to these people. Crowley hadn't been around much, at all really, but he called them all imps. Balthazar liked Crowley more than his own family after that. 

They weren't far from the lake now, and everyone was excited to get out of the cars and into the water. Out here, the air was warmer and the sun bright. Gabriel was leaning against Sam, his eyelids dropping as he fought, and lost to,  sleep. Sam was content, cuddling Gabe and watching the scenery go past. 

Samandriel looked over at them, his eyes sad. "Do you think my brother's going to die?"

Sam was caught off guard by the young teen's question. "He's strong, I'm sure he'll be fine, if anyone can fight through this, it's Gabriel."


"Yeah, he's strong Alfie, you know that."

"But-" Samandriel broke off, chewing his lip.

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now