Fainting Moose

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A slow knock on the door brought Sam out of his doze, and he rolled off the bed with a groan, he felt like crap and he knew he looked it too. One glance in the mirror showed a pale, exhausted version of Sam with purple shadows under his eyes and sickly look to his face.

He was stressed, grieving, exhausted and running on little to no sleep, worried for Dean, sad about the run into Gabriel's look alike and the fact that he could barely eat didn't help.

Running a hand through his messy hair, Sam pulled the door open while suppressing a yawn, expecting it to be the cleaner or something. What he didn't expect was to find himself staring down into the golden eyes of someone that looked painfully familiar.

"Heya Samoose, its been a while."

Sam just stood there frozen, staring into those whiskey coloured eyes in shock, he tried to speak, but only succeeded in opening and closing his mouth silently. Right, he didn't speak anyway.

Confusion had his face making weird expressions, and the person who looked and sounded so much like Gabe grinned, despite the worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Finally, Sam managed to raise his hands and shakily sign one word. 'Gabriel?'

Gabriel's face fell, he looked up at Sam in confusion and Sam suddenly felt like crying. 

"Sammy? What happened these past few years?"

Overcome by all the stress, pain and emotions, Sam did something he never thought he would be able to do again. He stepped forward and hugged Gabe tight. He wasn't sure what was driving him to do this, but he wasn't trying to stop it either, he just wanted to hug Gabe so bad.


Gabe stilled in shock at the feeling of Sam wrapping his arms around him and it took several heartbeats for his arms to respond. Several fast heartbeats however, and Gabriel was quickly hugging Sam back, holding on tight to the moose and gripping handfuls of Sam's shirt.

"Its so good to see you again, I had given up hope of this happening," Gabriel said, his voice muffled as his face was pressed against Sam's chest. 

Sam doesn't reply, and that plus the whole sign language thing made Gabriel wonder if Sam was deaf... but he obviously could hear Gabe so that wasn't right. What had happened to his happy-go-lucky moose?

After several more minutes of just hugging, the two pull apart and just look at each other. Sam actually smiled, and Gabriel was able to tell from the broken look in his eyes that it had been a while since Sam had smiled.

Then a noise came from within the motel room, causing Sam to jerk back and shake himself out of his trance. Gabriel watched while he turned to face something in the room, signing frantically with his hands and then seconds later a beautiful, blonde haired woman steps into the doorway.

Oh, thats not surprising that he has moved on with... her. Gabriel bit his lip and tried so hard not to cry, but after all this time he had finally found Sam, but Sam had moved on. And fair enough to, why would he wait around for you? You two had a high school fling, thats it.

Sam was looking at Gabe, his hazel eyes full of emotion, but Gabriel couldn't think about anything other than the girl. She seemed nice, smiling warmly at Gabriel and holding out her hand to shake his. 

Forcing his depressing thoughts aside, Gabe tried to appear calm as he reached out and took her hand, shaking slightly before withdrawing his hand, he manages to introduce himself without a waver to his voice, and was even able to catch her name, Jess.

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