Its time...

388 23 19

Gabriel wasn't one to do things quietly or normally. But was it really all that weird if one were to... nah.

He clicks the checkout button, grinning mischievously at the screen. This was gonna be the best party he had ever thrown, and he just know Sammy was gonna like it.

Speaking of, he could hear the front door slamming shut as Sam finally returned home from the shops.

"Gabey?" Sam's voice calls from the kitchen.

"In the study," Gabriel leans back on the seat, rubbing his eyes in exhaustion. He hated this constant state of fatigue that seemed to just hover around him, like a parasite feeding off his usually hyper energy. Still, he couldn't bring himself to worry his fiance even more, so as Sam's footsteps approach the study, he plasters a smile across his face. 

"How're you feeling?" Sam looked him over, no doubt looking for any sign that Gabe was having a bad day. Gabriel hated that look.

"Excellent Sambo! In fact," Gabriel jumped from the chair - and effort that took more energy than he would have liked -  and grabbed the bowl of slime he had shoved onto the shelf. "I made sparkly rainbow slime! And guess what, its metallic." He grins mischievously. 

Sam face palms. "Why."

Gabriel giggled, playing with the slime. "I have a plan." That much was true, except he only planned on telling Sammy the smaller plan. His real plan was much, much bigger. He just hoped Sammy liked it. After all, this really wasn't how things were supposed to go.


Gabriel knocked on the door three times, pausing to wait for the reply. He was jiggling on the spot, shivering as rain trickled down the back of his neck. Chuck dammit, where was Lucifer? He glares at the door, raising the collar oh his shirt to cover his neck. The door remains silent.

Huffing, Gabriel knocks again, three loud and sharp knocks. Great, now his fingers hurt. He nursed his sore joints, glaring at the door. 

"Chuck dammit Luci!"

"That wasn't the right pass-code and you know it." Lucifer's voice was muffed by the wooden door, but Gabriel could still hear his older brother's childlike tone of voice.

"For fu- Lucifer Novak, let me in."

"Not by the hair of my chin-" Lucifer's abruptly broken off sentence was followed by a muffled sound of struggling and fighting.
Finally, the door opens to reveal Michael standing with his arms planted firmly on his hips as he stared at his husband. 

"Thanks Mikey." Gabriel hurries inside.

"I married a child." Michael shakes his head, before smiling at Gabriel. "How are you Gabe?"

Yep. Gabriel was really getting sick of seeing that smile. "Fine, but we need to get a move on operation Moosey."

"I vote we change the name," Lucifer slaps Michael's shushing hands away. "We should have a much cooler name like.... oh! I know, like operation Moose on fire."

".... what?" Gabriel wrinkles his nose. "What the hell kind of name is that?"

"A Lucifer one." Michael walks away, looking 100% done. 

"Aw Mikey, why are you hating on me?" Lucifer chases after his husband, looking every bit like a puppy trotting on its owner's heels.

Shaking his head, Gabriel drags the heavy bag into the living room, where Charlie and Crowley sat watching Balthazar pin up the fairy lights. 

"A bit to the right," Crowley hums, leaning back with his whiskey. "No, not my right, your right."

"Why don't you do this?" Balthy glared down at his boyfriend. "Instead of sitting around and saying annoyingly useless things, maybe you could, I don't know, help?"

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now