Lucifer wins

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"Luci, bro, you don't have to do this," Gabriel pleads as Sam just watches silently with an amused smile.

"And you didn't have to prank me several times in a row, but you did."

Lucifer had a smirk on his face and blindfolds in his hand.

"What the hell are you gonna do? You can't kill us!"

Sam found the way Gabe's eyes were wide adorable, and despite their impending doom, he couldn't tear his eyes off his frie- boyfriend.

"Sorry Gabey Wabey, but I simply cannot let you win this war."

With that, Lucifer proceeded to blindfold the both of them and starting dragging them painfully down the stairs using the rope Charlie had oh so helpfully left tied around the two.

Sam wriggled, trying to escape their bindings, and Gabriel just spent the time complaining. Loudly.

"Lucifer stop it! This hurts, where the hell are you taking us?"

Then, after they felt themselves being dragged outside, "Luci! My favorite brother, why the hell are you taking us outside? Can I hear water? Why are we down by the lake? You better not dunk us, I have candy in my pocket."

"Shut up Gabe," Lucifer says in a light tone, and then he shoved them onto something that felt oddly similar to an inflatable raft.

Then they were pushed and starting rocking gently like a boat on water. Gabriel starting wriggling, causing water to slosh up around them as Lucifer chuckled evilly from a distance.

"Gabe, stop." Sam murmurs quietly, managing to slip a hand up and pull off his blindfold.

Once he gets Gabe's off, the shorter man starting cursing his older brother. Because Lucifer had put them on an inflatable raft barely big enough for the two of them, and pushed them out onto the lake.


Lucifer, still standing on the shore and watching them drift away, just laughed louder, and then made his way back up to the house.

"That little shit, I'm gonna kill him when we get back."

Sam rolls his eyes and shifts up into a sitting position. The whole raft moves, threatening to flip as the both of them freeze and look at each other.

"Sammy, I don't wanna swim, its freaking freezing out here."

Sam looks down into the water with a doubtful gaze, he wasn't too thrilled about the thought of swimming either.

Carefully, he dips a hand into the water, only to pull it back and shake his head. There was no way he was going to be going in that.

"How are we gonna get back?" Gabriel was glaring at the shore as they bobbed across the lake.

Sam shrugs, the only obvious way back was to swim, but neither of them were too eager to try that.

Gabe flops back dramatically, nearly capsizing the small raft and let out a groan.

Sam gives his boyfriend the dirtiest bitchface ever as he struggles to keep the raft steady. Gabriel pays no attention to this, and continues to complain about their 'imminent' death.

Not even two minutes go by before Sam is feeling annoyed and over with Gabriel's complaining. "Gabe, shut up."

Snorting, Gabe rolls onto his side, which nearly tips them in the water. "You shut your cake hole, I'm trying to think."

Rolling his eyes, Sam simply shoves Gabe off into the water.

"Sammy! Why would you do something so cruel!" Gabe splutters as he treads the cold water.

Shrugging with an innocent expression, Sam sprawls out on his stomach and holds his hand out to Gabe. Gabe considers it for a moment before giving in and grabbing Sam's hand, but before Sam could even try to pull him in, the trickster yanked as hard as he could and pulled the Moose into the water.


Dean was sprawled out happily on the couch with Lisa as the group (minus a mysteriously missing Sabriel) watched a movie. Michifer had taken the two seater couch, a very cute Adamandriel claimed the armchair, which left Cas, Charlie,Jo, Meg and Balthazar to sit on the rug.

Dean was vaguely worried and curious about Sam and Gabriel's whereabouts, especially since Lucifer was acting rather suspicious about the whole thing, but they had finally called truce on the prank wars in Gabe's absence and Dean planned on enjoying it.

Towards the end of the movie, the front door flew open and then slammed shut behind the shivering, wet and extremely pissed off Sam and Gabe.

Dean sat up and looked his brother over once, "what the hell happened to you?"

Sam was glaring at Lucifer, who wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was laughing. Gabriel takes a different approach and walks up to his brother, sitting on him.

Lucifer bolts up, shoving his soaking brother off him. "Dammit Gabriel!"

"Why the hell did you leave us out on the lake!?" Gabe exclaims.

"Dude, did you strand my brother out on the lake?" Dean glared at Lucifer.

Sam huffed as Gabe shot Dean a mock hurt look, "thanks for the concern Deano."

Leaving them to argue, Sam slips out of the room and jogs up to his room to grab clean clothes. Then, before Gabe could, he went straight to the better shower. Turning on the water, he lets it warm up before getting under it and grinning at the incredible pressure. Maybe if Gabe hadn't pulled him into the water, Sam would of let him have to better shower.

Sam was ambushed by his brother the moment he was finished getting dressed.

"Hey Sammy, wanna go and do something? Just the two of us having some overdue brother bonding time and all that shit."

Looking at his brother in surprise, Sam nodded slightly and grabbed his jacket.

He passes Gabriel on the way out and pauses momentarily to press a quick kiss to the shorter boy's lips, just cause he could, before following his older brother outside.

Hey guys, I really wanted to get this out on time but I've been really busy with moving in temporarily with family so all I had time for was this filler, which I did in whatever free time I could find 💖

I'm so hoping a certain archangel is in the next episode of Supernatural but I was also mega happy to see Bobby in the last!

Until next time!

Peace out, Wayward readers 🌈😇🌈

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