Dean has a chick flick moment (and sadness)

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Possible trigger warning; mentions of self harm

Dean probably broke a hundred road rules as he sped towards the hospital. His mind was a blurry mess of worry and concern, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to calm down until he saw his brother. Cas had tried telling him that Sam was okay, but this was Sammy they were talking about and no matter how old they got, Sammy would always be his little brother.

He doesn't bother with pretty parking once he gets to the hospital, only one thing was in his mind. Make sure his little brother was alive. 

"I'm here to see Samuel Winchester," Dean rushes out as he skids to the reception desk.

"Your name?"

"Dean Winchester."

The young woman that sat behind the desk gave him a glance over. "Relation to the patient?"

He had to bite back a growl of impatience at her bored tone. "Brother, Jesus woman just tell me where my little brother is."

She sighs, typing something into her computer. "There's a Samuel Winchester in room 221, up on floor 6, corridor 6." She looked up at him, "22 years old, born May 2nd 1995?"

Dean sighs in relief. "Yes that's him." He doesn't bother thanking the sullen lady, instead turning on his heel and running up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

He's out of breath as he finally reaches Sam's floor, puffing as he followed the somewhat confusing signs to corridor 6.

A pale, drawn out looking Gabriel was sitting in one of the chairs. He was hooked up to an IV line and looked very pissed off. 

"Shit man, what happened to you?" Dean decides that if Gabriel wasn't crying then at least Sammy was alive.

"I passed out running here, apparently I 'pushed myself too far' and now the stupid doctors are being over dramatic and jabbed this into my arm." Gabriel glared at the IV. "I mean, they're treated me like I'm gonna die any minute, so overreacting."

Neither of them speak for a moment, Dean wondered if they were both thinking about how Gabriel could indeed be dying. An awkward air hung around them.

"So," Dean coughs. "Where's Sammy?"

"Oh he's fine, the doctor's just finishing with the cast and then I think he's free to go."

Dean smiles in relief. "Thank god, and Lucifer?"

"Eh, right now he's being questioned by a psychiatrist because after he stole a gurney they got worried about his mental state."

"Honestly not even surprised," Dean sighs. "But is he injured?"

Gabriel shrugs, picking at the tape around the IV needle. "He got a knock to the head, some cuts and gashes from the broken glass but he's fine... physically."

Chuckling, Dean took a seat next to Gabriel. "Well then, remind me to tell Cas that he tends to dramatize things,  from what he was saying I thought they were in fatal conditions."

"Good old Cassie, ever the worry wort."

"And you? How are you... like..."

"Am I dead yet? Nope, sorry Deano," Gabriel joked, then his face goes into a rare serious expression. "They're gonna try me on this chemo thing, but..." He looks down, chewing his lip. "I dunno Dean, they said that they doubt it will work and I can't figure out how to tell Sammy that I might not even live long enough to get married."

Dean runs a hand through his hair. "Jesus."

"What can I do? Sam's already had enough shit in his life, with his mum dying, then John's abuse... I can't be another bad thing that adds to his pain."

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