Officer Winchester?

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Dean had no words to explain how excited he was as he waited for his coffee to finish that morning.

With Ben still in bed and Cas also still fast asleep, Dean could just enjoy the silent morning. And maybe he did a happy dance as he poured his coffee.

That's right, today he had his orientation day for the police academy. Finally. He had thought that he would never get here. Not since he first wanted to do it at 19 and his father refused to let him go.

Well, he didn't care how old he was now, he was finally pursuing his goal of becoming a police officer. (Not that 25 was old... just older than he had planned.)

Humming cheerfully as he perched at the breakfast bar, Dean loaded his laptop up.

He had first been offered a spot at the academy while at the lake house. At first, he hadn't wanted to take it despite it being a dream of his, simply because of Ben. What if something happened to him?

But Cas... well Cas insisted the Dean should do it. He was proud of Dean, something that still made him feel warm and happy even as he remembered it.

Speak of the angel, Dean looks up from the screen in front of him when the soft sound of shuffling feet enters the room. A sleepy looked Castiel wanders in, yawning widely as he ran a hand through his messy hair. 

Dean swallows. Cas with bed hair was his Achilles heel. 

"Hey Cassie baby," Dean smiles, holding back an amused chuckle as the other man blindly reaches for the coffee pot.

"Shush." Cas somehow manages to pour the coffee into his cup despite his eyes still being closed.

"Late night...?"

Cas shot him a look, sitting down with his liquid gold.

"So... my first day at the academy is today."

This got Cas to finally speak. "Is that today? I almost missed it written in capital letters on our calender," he says dryly. 

Dean rolled his eyes, "wow, such love."

"Joking, I'm really proud of you Dean, this is amazing," Cas leans over and kisses him. "Just, don't exhaust yourself, remember Michifer's bachelor parties are tonight, and Sam will murder us if we aren't there."

Dean chuckles. "Yeah, that kid is taking his role as Lucifer's best man way too seriously."

"Remind me again why our little brother's managed to snag the spotlights of best men? I mean, Lucifer didn't even choose one of his own siblings?"

"Something to do with Sam's ability to actually be an adult when needed, and also being his 'perfect vessel of a best man', whatever that freaking means."

"But why Gabriel?"

Dean shrugs. "Rainbow?"

"That isn't actually an answer, Dean."

Dean knocks back the last of his coffee, looking at the time on his screen. "Crap, I better go." He kisses Cas. "Have fun with Ben, I'll see you later, love you!"

And with that, he grabbed his gear and headed out to where baby was parked. He couldn't help but do a little excited jig as he unlocked the car and got in. Here he was, finally going after his dreams. 

Led Zeppelin blasted loudly from the stereo as he turn the car on. The roads were blissfully empty, a light fog lingering as the sun began to burn through. It was going to be a great day. 

He sings along with the music loudly, drumming his hands against the steering wheel as he turns up towards McDonald's, because he was gonna need another coffee. 

There was some cop cars parked on the side of the road, a small section taped off. Slowing, Dean can see an oddly familiar car crashed into a tree. Hmm, he hoped that everyone had come out of that alright. 

Then he was speeding off again, stopping only for a coffee. Finally, he parked out the front of the large complex of buildings. The metal sign reading Lawrence Kansas Police Academy.

Humming to himself, he switches his phone off (no way was he risking any calls getting him in trouble) and walks up to reception. A group of academy students were jogging along the path, Dean stepped aside to let them pass, watching in awe. That would be him soon.


The day passed faster than Dean could have ever imagined, and he enjoyed every second of it. Unlike in high school, he actually wanted to pay attention in class. He took notes, answered questions and obviously succeeded in anything physical. Oh, and the uniform just made him feel excited. Like he had finally made it in life.

"Catch you later Dean!"  One of his classmates, Mick, calls out as they reach the parking lot.

"Have fun at that bachelor party man," another classmate, Benny slaps him on the shoulder.

"See ya guys," Dean couldn't wipe the smile off his face if he tried.

He turns on the engine as he gets into the car, but before he could pull out of the parking space his eyes land on his phone. He decided that he should probably check it, after all Cas might want him to pick something up on the way home.

The moment he switched his  phone on, it was instantly flooded with missed calls and messages. Some were from an unknown number, many more came from Cas and a few from Michael. What on Earth was going on?

He decides to dial Cas first, chewing the cuticle of his nail as he nervously waited for his boyfriend to pick up. 

"Dean! Thank god!" Cas picks up five dial tones in. "I've been trying to get in touch with you all day!"

"Yeah I noticed," Dean says dryly. "What's going on?"

"It's Lucifer, and Sam."


Ayyo who's still alive after that season finale... like seriously it was amazing sksksks
Side note, kinda annoying I know, but my little sister has just written her first chapter of her first ever fanfic. It's Harry Potter, and if you wanna check it out her user is Breart, the book is called The one left broken hearted (I told her that I would mention it in my book so... promotional shout out over)

- Peace ✌

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