Say you won't let go

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"Okay but why do we have to be called bridesmaids?" Dean was fiddling with his rainbow tie.

Sam rolls his eyes, "why do you have to be such a whining bitch?"

Gabe bursts out laughing, drawing Sam's attention to him. Much to his horror, Gabriel was standing on top of a stack of chairs, fixing something to the ceiling.

"Gabe, what the fuck are you doing?"


"Wow, thanks for all the information." Sam narrowed his eyes at his fiance. "Please get down before you fall."

"Hang on, I just need to finish this..."

"What is that?" Castiel tilted his head, frowning at his brother.

"Nothing." Gabriel finally started climbing down, a smug expression on his face. "A wedding gift."

"Why don't I trust you?" Sam straightened his own rainbow tie that he honestly thought was too... loud. But hey, who was gonna argue with Satan on his wedding day?

Gabe bounced over to Sam, startling the moose with a quick kiss on his cheek before a loud noise outside caught their attention. The grooms were here. Finally.

Lucifer was first to enter, followed closely by a blushing and disheveled Michael. 

"Well now we know why they were late," Gabriel nudges Sam. "They were doing the frick frack."

"Oh my dad shut up Gaybe!" Lucifer flipped his little brother off.

Sam saw the mischievous look in Gabriel's eyes seconds before Lucifer's startled shout. He turns to find the groom covered head to toe in glitter. 

Michael was pissing himself with laughter, as were all the other guests that had started filing in. 

"GABRIEL NOVAK!" Lucifer turned to his younger brother with furious eyes. "You ruined my suit!" 

"Oh honey that thing was ruined long before my glitter, if anything I think it improves it." Gabriel sasses.

"Okay! Maybe the grooms should have their dance?" Dean jumps in, stopping Lucifer from quite possibly murdering Gabriel. 

"Yass! Mikey, come on!" Lucifer grab's his husband's hand and they run off toward the dance floor.

The music started to play, and everyone gathers around to watch the newly wed's dance. Lucifer continues to glare at Gabriel for a moment longer, before turning back to face his husband with a loving expression.

"I can't wait until that's us," Gabriel murmurs, leaning against Sam's side. 

"Me neither," Sam presses his lips against his fiances head. He lets it go unspoken that he hoped that they would get the chance to even get that far. Gabriel had been getting worse and worse, and after yesterday with the IV... he bit his lip, the thought too painful. 

''But I wanna stay with you, until we're grey and old. Just say you won't let go'' The lyrics of the song feel like they were taunting him, and he pulls Gabe closer.

"Just say you won't let go." He didn't ever want Gabriel to let go. 

"Hey Sammy?"

"Mm?" Sam looks down at him, blinking his tears away.

"I think I need to sit down, I don't feel so good."

Nodding, for he was scared that words wouldn't make it past the lump in his throat, he led that usually hyper boy over to the seating. It occurred to Sam then that he could feel the other man's shoulder blades through his suit. Gabriel had lost a lot of weight recently, but until now he hadn't really let himself notice. 

Balthazar was sitting at one of the tables, downing a glass of wine and as Sam and Gabriel take a seat, he meets Sam's eyes with a worried look. 

Sam can't find it in him to do anything but return the look, feeling hopeless. 


Cas was standing with Dean, watching the happy couple wrap up their dance when he noticed Sam leading a pale Gabe over to the tables. A niggle of worry starts to grow in his stomach, Gabe wasn't one to give up the chance to dance.

"Everything alright Cas?" Dean asks, brushing Cas' ear softly with his lips.

"It's fine," he pulls his eyes away from Gabe. "Lets just dance."

So that was what they did, dancing peacefully to the music as everyone joined the dance floor. For a while, all his problems seemed to just drift away. Everything was okay in that moment. 


They had just finished what had to be their seventh dance when Dean stood straighter, frowning at something over by the tables.

Cas followed his gaze in confusion, and sees Sam leaning over a doubled up Gabe in worry. 

"Is Gabe okay?" He starts walking over to his brother, unable to stop himself.

Sam looked up, worried. "I think there's something wrong with his stomach."

"Gabey?" Cas knelt in front of his brother, grabbing his hand. "Are you okay?" He really tried not to noticed the bloody tissue on the table. "Gabey?"

Sam was pacing now, babbling. "Should we call an ambulance? I feel like we should, what if this is something bad? Something to do with-"

Cas closed his eyes, oh god. Not yet, they couldn't take his brother from him yet. 

"What the hell is going on?" Lucifer ran over, having just noticed the commotion. 

"I'm calling an ambulance." Sam pulled out his phone, Cas watched as he nearly dropped it twice from trembling so hard. 

Gabe tried waving them off, but ended up coughing violently instead. 

Even Lucifer was worried, Cas could basically feel his fear radiating off him as he clung to Michael and watched his little brother. 

"He'll be fine," Dean squeezes Cas's hand. 

Cas hoped that if there was a god, he would help Gabriel.

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