Sam befriends someone famous

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Sam ran a hand over his face, exhaustion sitting heaving in his bones. 

"Sammy, how're you holding up?" Dean takes a seat next to him. "Maybe you should go back home to sleep?"

Sam shakes his head. "No." His voice was rough, but he didn't care how he sounded and looked. 

"He'll be alright, just you wait." Dean patted his shoulder. "But you need to look after yourself too."

Sam just shrugs, burying his face in his hands. Lucifer and Michael were curled up in the corner, still in their suits like everyone else. Ben and Castiel were playing quietly in the toy corner, and Balthazar was just staring blankly at the floor and drinking from a flask.

It had been nearly 16 hours since Gabe had been rushed to hospital, and Sam was certain that by now there was a worn track on the floor from his pacing and a permanent impression in the horrible plastic chair from where he'd been sitting for the last five hours. 

"Sammy, how's Gabe?" Jess came in then, a worried look on her face. "Is there any news yet?"

Shaking his head, Sam stands up. "I need a coffee, I'll be back soon." He leaves the room, feeling as if he was suffocating. He heads down the corridor, his heart heavy and eyes dry. Gabriel had passed out on the ride here, and Sam hadn't missed the look that the paramedics had shared in the moment. They had known it was bad, but no matter how much he asked, no one would tell him anything.

It didn't matter, all he had to do was see the yellowing tinge to Gabe's skin, and the blood on his mouth to know that his condition was worse. Sam had thought that he had cried himself out, but to his dismay the tears start to fall again. 

"Sam!" Sam turned around when he heard his brother's voice. To see Dean running dramatically down the hall would normally make him laugh, but now wasn't the time to laugh. 

"I have to get to the academy, I can't miss my training," Dean looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, I wanna stay but..."

Sam shook his head. "No, no, you should go... go, I'll uh, call you when I get any news."

Dean smiles, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "Stay strong Sammy, it'll be okay."

Sam nods, biting his lip. "I'll be fine." Even to him the words sound empty. He was scared.

Dean smiles apologetically, "I'll bring some food by later, okay?" Then he was gone, walking briskly back down the corridor.

"You have someone special in here?"  A brown haired man asks sympathetically, a steaming cup of coffee in his hand.

Sam nods, feeling his throat closing up. 

"I do too," the man had a distinct British accent. "So I know how much pain you're in, I hope that they get better soon."

"Thanks," Sam breathes out shakily. "I'm Sam."

"Dan," Dan held his hand out for Sam to shake. "Want me to show you where the coffee is? You look like you could use it." He grins wryly, Sam noticed that he was wearing an Undertale shirt, which just so happened to be one of his favorite games.

"Sure, but first... Sans or Papyrus?" He tacks a weak smile onto his face. 

Dan grins widely. "Sans, jeez."

Nodding his agreement, Sam decided this guy wasn't so bad. "So, you know where the coffee is?"

Dan held up his cup. "Yeppo."

"Thank god," Sam waved a hand, indicating that Dan should lead the way.

Dan starts walking, "you look like shit, how long have you been up?"

"How nice," Sam chuckles. "I think its been 16 hours since we got here, but we came from my friends wedding so there was that and the full day of prep.... good god I think it's been at least 30 hours I've been up."

"A wedding? Here I was thinking you were the type of person that just wore suits for fun."

"Ha," Sam shakes his head. "Not me."

"Hey, I happen to like the rainbow tie."

Sam chuckles. "Thanks."

"My fiance would love to see it," Dan says wistfully. "Maybe when he wakes up you can show him."

"Your fiance is... here?" Sam asks hesitantly, unsure if it would be an okay thing to ask.

Dan nods. "Yeah, Phil was in an accident."

"Sorry to hear it," Sam feels bad for Dan. He knew how it felt to be scared for someone you love.

"I have another question," Dan asks as they reach the blessed coffee machine.

"What's that?"

"What uh... happened to your arm? That cast is... beautiful..." Dan giggles.

"Shush, I broke my arm and my oh-so-loving fiance thought that it would be funny to get me a pink cast."

"Sounds like a nice person."

Sam sighs. "He can be, when he wants."

Dan nods, and Sam sets to work on getting his coffee. 

"Is he the person you're here for?" Dan seems to be hesitant about asking this.

Sam nods. "Yeah." The coffee finishes pouring, and Sam takes a scalding sip. "He is."

"Well, I'm sure he'll be fine." Dan pats Sam's shoulder.

"Do you have anyone waiting with you?" Sam turns to face him.

Dan shakes his head. "No, all our family is in Britain." 

Ouch, that's gotta suck. "Well, you can sit with us... if you want." 

Dan smiles hesitantly. "Are you sure?"

"Of course, come on, we're down here."

Now all he needed was for Gabe to wake up and today would be looking a heck of a lot better. He was sure that Gabe would love Dan.

They reach the waiting room and much to Sam's surprise quiet Cas stands up and shouts; "Holy shit that's Dan Howell!"

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora