Don't worry

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Dean was worried about his brother, ever since Gabriel had been hospitalized, Sam had be a wreck. He never talked, barely ate, hardly slept and spent all his time at the hospital. Dean was there for him as often as he could be, but having to look after Ben made this hard. Cas helped when he could, but he wasn't doing so well himself, driven mad with worry over his brother. 

Ben was, well he was your average happy-go-lucky one year old. He was constantly grabbing at things, he was curiously minded and was always on the go. Dean was exhausted but he loved his son.

He was currently out shopping, Ben was in his stroller and was content with reaching for things that were thankfully well out of his grasp. Cas walked beside Dean, one of the rare times that he came out and didn't go to the hospital. Dean smiled at his boyfriend, but he was really worried about Cas too. He just wanted Gabe to wake up fine, not only cause he was worried about the guy, but also for the sake of Sam and Cas's health.

He hadn't seen Lucifer lately, so he wasn't sure how that Novak was taking the news, but he was sure that Michael was looking after him.

Dean was brought back to the present when Ben finally managed to grab something, giggling happily as he shook the measuring spoons like a rattle.

Cas huffed, the closest to actually laughing that he'd come since Gabe's fall, and Dean couldn't help but lean in, pecking him affectionately on the lips.

It was all going to be okay.


Sam sat under a large willow tree, his unseeing eyes staring blankly across the lake as his mind whirled through every memory he had of Gabe. He could remember almost every single moment he had spent with the golden haired trickster.

The first time they'd met, that had been the most interesting and amazing day, if only he had known that then. Maybe he wouldn't have taken so long to warm up to Gabe...


The two fall onto the concrete, Sam landing with a ooff on the stranger. He freezes, panic seizing his limbs. He hated being close to strangers, he couldn't even hold eye contact, and now he was lying on someone. He tries to scramble to his feet, but his long limbs refuse to respond and instead he finds himself staring into golden, whiskey coloured eyes.

The guy under him makes an amused, grunting sound. "Hello stranger, I have to admit, I'm always one for meeting new people, but you could have at least introduced yourself first." The guy smirks as Sam stutters, and Sam finds his face growing bright red.

Finally finding the ability to stand up, he helps the stranger up with a shy expression.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm late home and my dad's going to kill me, are you okay? I can't believe I knocked you down." Sam finally looks at the poor guy, and immediately falls silent. He had never found himself attracted to many guys before, especially not since he had only ever dated girls, well girl as in singular, but in front of him stood the most gorgeous guy he'd ever seen.


 Sam chuckled, brushing his tears away. He hadn't know then, but that had been the start to the most amazing thing in his life.

He remembered Gabe's persistence over the following weeks as they got to know each other, his determination to be friends. Even now, as Sam sat and watched the memories zoom through his head as if they were on a TV screen.

He remembered the weekend trip, the two of them pranking the others. Life had been so much easier then. 

He was thankful for the fact  that Gabriel had come into his life, and he was terrified of losing him.

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now