Balthazar gets a date

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Sam sighs, wondering how on Earth this had become his life, a life where sentences like that where 'normal'.

"Try looking in the closet!" Sam yells in response, his head still buried in his mythology book.


"Gabe, I love you but must you constantly scream? I'm in the next room not across the city."

Gabriel grins as he sidles into the room. "You love me."

"Oh my, do I? And here I was thinking that I hated you."

"Shut up," Gabriel stuck his tongue out. "I need that confetti."

"... why?" Sam was fairly sure that he wouldn't like whatever it was that Gabriel had planned.

"Because of reasons."

"Which are?"

"Lucifer." Gabriel smirked. "Or more like, pranking Lucifer because he was a mean older brother that didn't share his ice cream with me last week."

Sam had long since given up trying to understand why Gabriel did the things that he did.

"Oh don't give me that look Samoose, that is more than enough reason." Gabriel yells this over his shoulder as he heads back into their room.

"No, it really isn't."

"Is so."

"Is not."

"Is so."

"Wassup bitches."

Sam looks up to see Charlie and Jess saunter into the room. 

"Charlie! Can I borrow some rainbow confetti?"

"Bitch just cause I'm gay doesn't mean I own everything rainbow," says a Charlie who is currently wearing a rainbow hoodie and converse shoes with rainbow soles. "But yes."

Gabriel cheers, rushing out from their bedroom. Sam winced as something crashed to the ground behind him, Gabriel would have to clean whatever shitstorm of a mess he made later.

 "Why are you guys here?" Sam addressed the more obvious issue of how people were able to randomly walk into their apartment. 

"Because I'm bored and Jess was hanging out at mine so she kinda tagged along."

Jess grins, flopping onto the ground. "Besides, I needed to catch up with my partners in crime."

Charlie perches on the arm of the couch because everyone knows that gays can't sit normally, and slapped Sam's shoulder. "So, what are we up to?"

"I'm going to prank Lucifer!" Gabriel jumps up and sits on the back of the couch. "And then run."

"Ooo! Can I join?" Jess jumps up. 

"Jess no..." Sam covers his face. "Why do you want to aggravate Satan? It's basically the equivalent to poking a beehive."

"Come on Sam... please prank my brother with us." Gabe pleads.


Gabriel pouts. "Fine, Jess and I'll go and have fun while you lie there and be boring."

Sam rolled his eyes, hiding his smile. "Okay, you guys have fun." Then, as an after thought. "Oh, and wear running shoes."

With that, Gabriel and Jess leave the apartment armed with rainbow glitter, leaving Sam and Charlie in silence. The second that the door closed behind them, Charlie whirled around and gave Sam a look.

"What was that?"

Sam rolled off the couch, "what was what?"

"You didn't want to hang out with Gabe? You love pranking with him!" She gasped dramatically. "Is my ship in danger of sinking?"

Shaking his head, Sam grabbed some papers out from under the coffee table. "No... I actually needed to get him out of here so I could run something past you." He shuffled the papers, which were now crinkled from when he had had to stuff them under the table before Gabe saw them.

"What for?"

"So I've been thinking lately..." Sam licked his lips nervously. "And I know that Gabriel's health has a chance of t-taking a turn for... worse but I also want to plan for our future because y'know, we can't lose faith in that."

Charlie nods sympathetically.

"So I wanted your opinion on whether or not it would be too early to ask Gabe if he wanted to adopt a child."

Charlie started coughing, choking on pure air. "A child?"

"Yes, you know, a small human."

"A Sabriel love child?"


Charlie makes a serious of unintelligible noises. 

"So is that a yes... or a no?"

"Doitdoitdoit," Charlie rushes, jumping up and down. "I want a Sabriel love child godchild."

Sam rolls his eyes, laughing. "Okay okay, wow, I'll ask him then."

Charlie jumps up and down excitedly. "Yay!"


It was several hours after this before Gabe and Jess finally returned. Both of them were out of breath and covered in paint. 

"Yeah, not even gonna ask," Sam sighs, walking back into the room with his tea. 

"So fun thing, Lucifer didn't find our prank funny." Gabe collapses onto the ground. 

"Really? Wouldn't have guessed." Sam says dryly. "Babe, maybe you should have a shower before you get paint everywhere."

"Hmm... maybe, if you join me." He waggles his eyebrows suggestively at Sam, who promptly went bright red.

"And thats my cue to leave!" Jess fake gags. "Catch ya later boys!"

Sam splutters out a goodbye, feeling too flustered to think.

"So... shower?" Gabriel smirked. 

Sam, bright red, nods and the two make their way to the shower to... get clean.

Or do the dirty.

*Cough* Meanwhile, lets go see how everybody's favourite Balthy is doing!

Balthazar was at the movies with Crowley. He wasn't entirely sure if this was a date or not, but he certainly was having fun, turns out Crowley wasn't always a jerk. Besides, Asexual or not, Balthazar could enjoy a nice date to the movies. If that was what this was.

He found himself distracted by these conflicting thoughts over whether or not this was indeed a date. He hoped it was.

They had been hanging out more since the trip to the lake house, usually just sitting around drinking and talking. Mostly drinking. But sometimes they would do things like this that could only be described as... dating things. 

"That guy's about to die," Crowley whispers, pointing out the very obvious plot point. "I mean, could they be more obvious?"

Balthazar hums in agreement. Sure enough, the guy (who in Balthazar's opinion looked a lot like Gabriel) died only seconds later. 

Batlhazar chuckled at the dramatic death, only to stop short when he felt a hand hesitantly slip into his. His heart started to pound. Okay so maybe this was a date.

He was surprised at how excited he was about that.



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Someone else (Specify) 

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