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Gabriel was sitting in the coffee shop Lucifer had dragged them to over a month ago, hands wrapped around the warm mug of mocha and staring thoughtfully out the window.

He still couldn't get his head around the fact that he had found Sam, he had his moose back. Only, Sammy wasn't his moose anymore, he was Jessica's.

Gabe should feel bad for hating her so much, she had simply been there for Sam when Gabe wasn't, she was a nice girl and hadn't really done anything wrong. 

But Gabriel did hate her, he hated her because she had Sammy, she could really understand the sad look in his eyes and Gabe couldn't.

Gabriel wanted his moose back, but maybe there was no point in denying the inevitable, no point in fighting a battle he wouldn't win.

"Oh my dad, I could feel your self pity and mopping about from down the street, why are you sulking in a coffee shop? You have Sam back!"

Gabriel glared at Lucifer, "go away."

"Sorry bro, but I need my ships back together, and Sabriel always was my OTP."

"Cut it, Luce, Sabriel isn't a thing any more, try Samica instead."

Lucifer blinked, a look of mock horror on his face as he blindly slaps the unfortunate Michael standing next to him. "Mikey, it can't be, I need Sabriel... Wait, who the hell makes it Samica? Who's the Bitc-"

Michael cut Lucifer off with a sharp elbow in his boyfriend's ribs.

"You know," Gabe shrugs sadly, "Jessica."


"Oh my chuck, I swear you have amnesia some days Luce," Michael mutters.

"Uh, that blonde girl that's been hanging around, the one Sa-Sam is dating." Gabriel hated the way his voice broke up. 

"Oh her, the ship breaker number 2."

"Who's the first?"

"That Lisa girl, Destiel is just as important as Sabriel!."

"I lost my Moose four years ago," Gabriel said sadly, looking down at the Tardis and Angel wings dog tags Sam gave him. 

"I refuse to believe that, Sabriel must live!"

"Oh my god Lucifer! Give it up okay? Not everything is about your ships, just give it up already!" Gabriel didn't mean to lash out at his brother, but all his emotions that had been building up in turmoil in his gut finally exploded. 

Lucifer looked shocked, and Gabe didn't blame him. He was acting out of character after all. Unable to control himself anymore, he stood up abruptly and stormed out with tears building in his eyes. The dog tags were clenched in his fist, digging into his palm painfully. 

A sob tore free of his mouth as he started running down the street, running away from the pain,  from his brothers... from everything. He didn't need Lucifer's constant reminders that he wasn't with Sam anymore. He had thought that if or when he found Sam again, that they would have an amazing reunion and return to where they had been before the Winchester's had left.

But everything had changed now, Sam was mute, he had a girlfriend (who, in Gabe's opinion, didn't look like the type that'd watch geeky shows with Sam and ship people) and they had btoh simply grown up into different people during their time apart. 

And sure, maybe Gabe was clinging onto the past in an unhealthy manor, but he had been so happy then. Now he didn't even recognize himself in the mirror. He knew his family even missed the side of him that had been hyperactive and prank happy. 

Running a hand through his hair, which was still only just shorter than Sam's (Gabriel really couldn't seem to stop thinking about him), Gabriel slowed to a walk and wandered aimlessly into a park. 

He walked for a few more minutes before finally coming to a stop under a tree, sinking to the ground and pulling his knees up to his chest.

Tears start to fall again, as Gabriel finally began to fully mourn the loss of their time together.

Another sob racked his chest as he buried his face into his knees, his shoulders shaking in his thin shirt.

Sam shoved his hands into his pockets as he walked along, trying to clear his head. Everything that had happened lately made his head hurt.

Dean had insisted that he was able to make the long trip home, but Sam knew he wasn't so they were staying at a motel in Sioux falls.

Which made it harder for him because he wanted to be as far away from a certain golden haired trickster as possible.

He had moved on (and definitely wasn't lying to himself about that) and he didn't need Gabe to make him doubt himself again.

This is what he kept telling himself even as his eyes would tear up, because in reality he was just scare of much he still loved Gabriel.

The sound of someone sobbing caught Sam's attention, and he follows it cautiously until he comes across a curled up form at the base of a huge willow tree.

Hey guys! I know this is shorter than usual but I am trying to stick to my new updating schedule of every Saturday (shush I'm not already late to that)

I have been spending this weekend at my father's so I was a day late this weekend but next week I should be back to usual.

I have a plan, and don't worry it's not alll bad, Sabriel fluff is definitely ahead!!

I'm also gonna put more time on my style of writing again because I personally grimace when I reread what I write haha.

This was more of a filler, in the next chapter I'll be doing further into the plotline!

*Hi fives all round 🖐*
Thank you guys, and I'll see all you in the next Chapter!!! (See what I did there?)

Peace out, Wayward readers 🌈😇🌈

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu