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Sam barely looked up as Gabriel out onto the deck, and as he perched on the seat beside Sam, the taller boy kept his gaze steady on the lake.

"Lookin' for Nessie?" Gabriel tries for a casual, joking tone but falls slightly short.

Sam glances at him though, and looked almost grateful that Gabe had filled in the silence.

"Are you okay Sammy?"

Sam paused, then shook his head sadly. 

"Wanna tell me about it?"

Sam shot him a bitch face and shakes his head.

"Right, sorry, uh... wanna help me prank people?"

Sam looked at him for a long moment before smiling hesitantly and nodding.

Grinning mischievously, Gabriel claps his hands together excitedly as he does something he hasn't done in almost two years, plan to prank. 

After Sam had left, he had found it harder and harder to prank, until he just kinda stopped one day, but now... he couldn't wait to prank with Sam.

Feeling as if something deep inside him was awaking from a deep slumber and shaking off the dust, Gabriel finally felt more like his old self.

"So who should we get first? I think most of our stuff in the closet will be perfectly fine to use."

Sam looked dubious at that, but smiles as he pulls out a phone and shows Gabe a picture of his brother.

Gabriel's grin widens, "I like the way you think Samantha." With that, Gabe stood up and ran energetically inside, only going back once he realized Sam wasn't following. 

He grabs Sam's hand and starts pulling him behind him as he sprints up to their shared room.


Sam was blushing lightly as Gabriel grabbed his hand so casually and began pulling the taller boy along like it was normal. 

And it was, or at least it used to be. But Sam considered himself lucky, because he could finally find that familiar happy glint that had been missing from his short friend's eyes.

Still, a hyper Gabe could be impossible to deal with sometimes, and all Sam could do was let him pull Sam up to their room, even as his long legs trip him up on the stairs.

He could see Dean watching them with a surprised, yet amused, expression as they run past him on the way. 

Sam let out a small huff as Gabe basically throws him onto the bed and yanks open the closet.

Gabriel started digging through the junk on the floor and mumbling to himself. Something that Sam found extremely cute. 

The moment that thought crossed his mind, he froze. 

Its funny how you can be doing the most average thing, or just be living in a normal moment and then the true truth hits you. A truth you may of been denying for fear of being hurt.

Watching Gabriel being so happy, his golden hair hanging around his cheerful face and a glint in his golden whiskey eyes... well Sam suddenly realized he had never lost his feelings for the trickster.

Now they were hitting him hard, after years of burying them under his sadness, Sam found himself falling in love with Gabe all over again in a split second. 

Gabriel looked up, meeting Sam's eyes for a second and in that time Sam was afraid that Gabriel had somehow heard Sam's thoughts. 

"Should we try a bucket over the door trick?"

All This Time (Destiel, Sabriel and Michifer AU)Where stories live. Discover now