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"Hello this is Logan leave a message," the voicemail said.

"Hi Logan. I know what you did and I need some time away from you. I know about the kiss, I know about you making a pass at Liv, and I can't deal with you right now. When you get back from work, you'll see all of my stuff is gone. I need...I need time. Time to calm down and then we'll talk. But now, just give me space," Rory confessed. She hung up and looked at her sister for conformation.

"That was perfect," Liv smiled, "have you decided what you're gonna do yet?"

"No. I love him, but knowing what he's done," Rory sighed, "I need to think."

"I don't blame you," Liv agreed.

They were sat in Liv's apartment, just the two of them. Jess was at the bookstore and Lorelai and Luke had gone out to New York for the day.

"Wanna watch something?" Liv asked her, "I've found this amazing new show, Heroes it's called and it has this guy who looks EXACTLY like Jess!"

"Woah two Jess'?" Rory laughed.

"I don't know who I'd choose!" Liv sighed over-dramatically.

After they'd watched a few episodes, Jess walked in.

"Oh my god, it can't be!" Rory gasped.

"He's more perfect in real life!" Liv sighed.

"Hello to you two, too," Jess said, confused. When he heard the TV he rolled his eyes, "For the last time I look nothing like Peter Petrelli!"


Two episodes later, Jess was sat on the left of the sofa, with Liv's head on his lap. She was holding Pride and Prejudice above her head. Jess was reading A Farewell to Arms and Rory was sat at the other end with her sister's feet in her lap, reading A Tale of Two Cities. Soon enough, the silence was shattered as a flustered Lorelai Gilmore barged into the apartment.

"Luke asked me to marry him again!" She squealed.

"What?" The Gilmores exclaimed, grinning.

"Yep! He took me to this restaurant with a name too fancy to be in New York and then we went to the cinema and decided all the films on were crap and then we walked out and he just asked me and I said yes and you really shouldn't live on the 3rd floor those stairs are a killer!" Lorelai gasped.

"Mom that's great!" Rory smiled.

"And I'm quite happy where I am thank you very much," Liv pouted, "But congratulations."

"Thanks girls," she smiled.

"Congrats Auntie Lorelai," Jess smirked.

"Never call me that."

"Never planning to ever again."


Logan listened to Rory's message with a countenance of no emotion.

"...just give me space. Beep," the machine played to him.

He slammed his phone down and looked around the apartment. All of her stuff was gone. It was empty, dull. Sad. He hated it. He walked to the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of something, unscrewing it, taking a gulp and wishing he'd picked something better. But he kept drinking and drinking until it was empty.

He gripped the counter, closing his eyes and wishing to open them to see her things where they should be, to see her walk in again.

Instead, he saw a blurry nothing as water filled his eyes. Slowly he turned around and sank to the floor, his head in his hands. Sobbing hard, he told him he hated himself. That he deserved it.

Maybe he did.


"I want a September wedding." Lorelai stated.

"Mom, it's September now. It's too short notice. Unless you want to wait until next year," Liv exclaimed.

"No no no. How about the 7th?"

"Of..." Rory suggested.


"That sounds good," Liv nodded, writing it down.

They were sat in Luke's and it was two weeks after the proposal. Jess and Olivia had decided to head back for a week and, naturally, Rory had gone too.

Luke walked over with three cups of coffee.

"Here you go," he smiled, "7th November? Sounds good," he said, looking over Olivia's shoulder.

"I've decided I want everyone to be dressed as wizards," Lorelai told him.


"Like, Harry Potter wizards. As in the headmaster, what's his name? Dumdoor?" She said.

"It's Dumbledore and no."

"They'll have fake beards."

"No, Lorelai!"

"Worth a shot," she shrugged, "Grumblebore!" She shouted to Luke as he walked away, "that's how this wedding will be remembered because of him."


That night, Liv and Jess were lay in the bed in Luke's old apartment above the diner. Rory had gone to stay at Luke and Lorelai's.

Liv was lay with her head on Jess' chest, thinking.

"I have no idea," Jess said, playing with a strand of her hair.

"But will she like it? What will Luke think?" She said.

"Look not touch I guess," Hess shrugged.

"Same go for what you think?" Liv smirked.

"Yeah," Jess laughed, "look, if you wanna hire strippers for the bachelorette party, go ahead. I'm sure Miss Patty and Babette will appreciate it."

"Probably," Liv laughed.

There was a knock at the door and Liv reluctantly went to answer it.

When she saw who it is, she laughed, "Kirk, I've already told you! Luke lives across the road now, at my old house."

"Right. Sorry," Kirk said, turning, but turning back again, "Could I have a towel please?"

"You got here without being covered up."

"I did. Right," he said, walking away.

Liv closed the door and walked back to bed.



"Night terrors again?"

"What else?"

"Hey, maybe you could hire Kirk as a stripper. He's confident," Jess laughed.

"Erm no, that's gross," Liv cringed, "Well it's your turn to answer the door to naked Kirk next time!"

"Oh how I look forward to it," Jess shuddered.

"Maybe I could hire you as a stripper instead?" Liv winked.

"Who said anything about hiring?"

Hey guys!! The number of views I have is unbelievable I didn't think I'd get more than 10! Had to include Kirk in this chapter, so excited because I might be going to see Sean Gunn at Comic Con in March!!! Ahhh hopefully :) because my first chapter has reached 100, I'll be updating two chapters now so read on xoxo

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