We Wait

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"Jess! I need ice cream!" Eight months pregnant Liv called into the kitchen.

"I just brought you ice cream five minutes ago," Jess stated, through gritted teeth.

"Babe, I want ice cream," Liv smiled, innocently.

"Of course, baby," he sighed, "hey, you gotta get dressed because we've gotta collect the keys at three."

"Well, you get me ice cream and I'll get dressed," Liv bargained.

"Sounds great," Jess said, walking out of the apartment.

After Jess was told he didn't need crutches anymore, the two moved back to the apartment so Lorelai and Luke could live somewhere that they could breathe in.

He walked down the stairs and grabbed a cup of coffee, quickly downing it, "woah, you're not gonna live until your fifty at this rate!" Luke joked.

"No, I'm not, because my completely psycho, hormonal, pregnant wife has been possessed by something...evil, and is gonna end up killing me before then," Jess rambled, quietly in case Liv were to hear.

"She's that bad?" Luke cringed.

"Yeah. Guess where I'm going?" Jess asked.

"To hide?" Luke guessed.

"No. To get more ice cream," Jess exclaimed.

"You came back five minutes ago with a pint of ice cream," Luke laughed.

"Which she must have drunk," Jess said.

"Don't worry, she'll calm down," Luke reassured him, "anyway, how's your leg doing?"

"I can walk on it, but I think I'm gonna be limping for a while. I'm fine, though," Jess told him.

"Not if I carry on talking to you and don't get Godzilla her ice cream," Jess said.

"Go save yourself, Jess," he patted him on the shoulder as he walked away.

Jess went to Doose's, and brought a few pints of ice cream, in the hope that would keep Liv quiet for at least 15 minutes. As he walked out, something small latched onto his leg, making him cringe in pain.

"Doula! Get off Jess' leg, sweetie, he hurt it remember!" Liz exclaimed.

As Doula practically jumped off, he smiled, "it's ok. Hey, mom," he smiled, hugging her.

"How are you, baby boy?" Liz asked him.

"Stressed," he chuckled, "hormones are driving my wife insane."

"Don't worry, honey, I was the same with Doula," she smiled.

"Speaking of," he picked up his little sister, "when did you start walking, missy?"

"When you were off on your honeymoon," Liz told him, proudly.

Jess raised an eyebrow, "it's been that long since I've seen you, huh?" Doula nodded, "I'm sorry, Doula. I've missed you lots."

"And she's missed her big brother," Liz said.

"I'll be round more when the baby comes, I promise," he said, putting Doula down.

"Oh, baby, I'm too young to be a grandma!" Liz joked.

"You and Lorelai, both," he grinned, "I'd better get back to Liv, before she comes storming the streets looking for me."

"You get back to her then. We'll see you soon," she smiled, kissing him on the cheek and going into the store.

As he walked back through the diner, he glanced at Luke, "wish me luck."

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