Christmas Day

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Liv and Jess pulled up outside Lorelai's house. Jess made to get out of the car, but Liv stopped him.

"What if they're already in there? I can't see him! I know they're coming for Christmas, anyway, but I don't want to see him yet it's only Christmas Eve, plus Rory hates me so..." Liv rambled.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. And you know your mom, she'll try to make you both as comfortable as she can. Don't worry about it. And if they're in there, I'll make something up about us leaving something in Lukes apartment and we will leave for a little bit, Ok?" Jess assured her.

"You're amazing, you know?" Liv smiled.

"I have been told," Jess shrugged cockily.

"Let's go," Liv inhaled.

When they walked into the house, they were met with silence.

"Mom! We're here!" Liv glances at Jess, who shrugged in return, "Mom!"

They walked into the kitchen, where Lorelai was dancing around with headphones on. Liv waved to get her attention.

"Oh, hi sweetie!" Lorelai shouted.

"Hi, mom! Take the headphones off!" Liv told her.

"What?" Lorelai shouted back.

"Take them—hang on!" Liv walked to her mom and took the headphones off.

"Hey!" Lorelai said.

"I wanted a proper conversation with you. Hello," Liv said.

"Hi, and hi Jess," Lorelai smiled.

"You're happy," Liv noted.

"Well it's the first time this month that my girls will be back together in this house. Why wouldn't I be happy?" Lorelai laughed.

"Maybe because we aren't exactly talking right now?" Liv shrugged, sitting down at the table.

"She's not speaking to me either," Lorelai said, "Luke convinced her to come."

"Good old Luke," Jess said.

"Speaking of, how's the baby?" Liv said.

"How's that a speaking of?" Lorelai asked.

"Have you had a scan yet?" Liv asked.

"Yeah, I'll get the picture," Lorelai said excitedly, running out of the room.

"She hasn't seen," Jess commented.

"She will," Liv winked as Lorelai ran back in the room.

Lorelai handed Liv the picture, and seeing her ring, Lorelai gasped, happily, "Oh my god! You're getting married!"

"Yay, she notices," Liv laughed.

"When did you..." Lorelai asked, inspecting the ring.

"The night we got back from Stars Hollow," Liv smiled.

"Congratulations," Lorelai smiled, "I'm so happy for you both."

"Thanks mom," Liv hugged her again.

"Mom! We're here!" Rory called from the entrance.

Liv froze, "I'll go out to meet them, you stay here," Lorelai said.

As Jess and Liv listened to Lorelai greet her daughter and son in law, Jess held Liv's hand, "it'll be ok," he said.

Rory walked into the room, and Liv stood up.





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